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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

June 18 -- "The Oasis of Rest, Quietness, and Trust"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 30

"The Oasis of Rest, Quietness, and Trust"

In the constant hustle of our busy lives, trust, rest, and peace often feel like hidden myths akin to the legendary "Lost City of Gold." But with Isaiah 30:15 in mind, picture the oasis God offers. It's a place where you surrender your need to control everything, releasing the constant to-do list anxieties. You trust in something bigger, a source of strength that allows you to finally relax, your worries dissolving like desert sand. It's a deep sense of calm that washes over you, a peace that permeates even when the world outside keeps spinning. Is your soul resting in that quietness and trust today?

Isaiah 30:15 imparts a timeless truth: our salvation and strength lie in returning to God and finding our rest in Him. The context speaks of the Israelites seeking help from Egypt instead of trusting God. God calls them to return to Him, rest in His provision, and trust His timing.

Sadly, we often seek solutions in our own strength or worldly remedies. But God invites us to return to Him—to repent, acknowledge our dependence on Him, and find rest. This rest isn't just physical but also a deep-seated peace that comes from trusting God's sovereign plan. It is a state of tranquility and calmness that comes from entrusting our lives, circumstances, and futures to God's loving care.

In our lives, "returning" means recognizing when we have strayed from God's path. It entails self-reflection, acknowledging our sins, and genuinely repenting. It's about turning away from the worldly solutions and distractions that we often run to and redirecting our focus and allegiance back to God. Returning is an act of humility and surrender, acknowledging that our ultimate help and salvation come from God alone.

Today, let us purposefully return to God in our thoughts, actions, and decisions. In the midst of life's storms, choose to rest in His promises, knowing that He is in control. Embrace quietness and trust in His perfect timing. Be strengthened by the assurance that our God is faithful and will save us as we rest and trust in Him. May our lives be a testimony to His goodness and sovereignty.

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