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Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2 -- "Where Are You Looking?"

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 22 

"Where Are You Looking?"

In Isaiah 22, the people of Jerusalem are depicted indulging in a lifestyle of revelry and self-indulgence instead of looking to and turning to God. They sought refuge in their own strength and pleasures, rather than looking to and relying on the Lord for guidance and protection. Even after experiencing God’s judgment for their sin, they failed to look at Him who had done it.

This scene from Isaiah serves as a stark reminder of how easy it is for us to place our trust in worldly things rather than in God. In our modern lives, we may find ourselves looking to material possessions, success, relationships, or even our own abilities as sources of security and happiness. Just as Jerusalem's misplaced trust led to their downfall, our reliance on anything other than God can lead us astray.

Let the example of Jerusalem's folly propel us to examine our hearts. Are there areas in our lives where we've turned to worldly substitutes instead of seeking God's wisdom and provision? It is not possible to overemphasize the importance of placing our trust in the unchanging character of God rather than looking to other persons or things for our spiritual fulfillment.

Where are you looking today? Let's realign our focus. Rather than seeking temporary satisfaction from worldly sources, let's turn to God as our ultimate source of strength, guidance, and contentment. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus reminds us, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Today, let's recommit ourselves to seeking God above all else. Instead of looking to the passing pleasures of this world, let's place our trust in the One who is faithful and unchanging. Make it a daily practice to seek His guidance, draw strength from His Word, and find true fulfillment in His presence. In doing so, we learn from Jerusalem's mistake and set our hearts on a firm foundation that cannot be shaken.

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