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Friday, June 21, 2024

June 21 -- "Everlasting Gladness and Joy"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 35 and 36

"Everlasting Gladness and Joy"

Imagine it! The day when all sorrow will flee away and everlasting joy and gladness will permeate the entire existence of those "ransomed of the Lord." This signifies those who have been set free and delivered by God through the payment of a ransom. 

In ancient times, a ransom was a payoff to secure the release of a captive or slave. In a spiritual sense, this phrase emphasizes that God has redeemed His people from bondage and captivity, rescuing them from the power of sin and its consequences through the payoff of a ransom. What a glorious truth!  We have been "bought back" from the bondage of sin, and restored into a right relationship with God by the “payoff” of Jesus’s blood.

 “Zion,” in Biblical contexts, signifies the presence of God and the spiritual dwelling place of believers. It was originally the name of a hill in Jerusalem but evolved to symbolize a heavenly and exalted place where God meets His people. "Coming to Zion" thus implies drawing near to God, entering His presence, and experiencing a deeper relationship with Him.

For believers, "joy upon their heads" represents the abundant and transformative joy that comes from a right relationship with God. It is a joy that permeates every aspect of our being—our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. This joy is not fleeting or dependent on circumstances but is a lasting, foundational joy anchored in God's love, salvation, and promises.

This Hebrew term for “gladness” is derived from the root word "שָׂמַח" (samach), which means "to rejoice," "to be glad," or "to be joyful." In the context of Isaiah 35:10, this word conveys the idea of abundant and exuberant joy that arises from the experience of God's blessings, particularly the blessings of salvation and the restoration of God's people.

The result of being ransomed is extraordinary and unending gladness and joy! In Hebrew, “everlasting” carries a rich and profound meaning, representing a concept of time that extends far beyond the immediate present into the indefinite future. It signifies an unending duration, perpetuity, and eternity.

Embrace the concept of "everlasting" joy and gladness. Allow the assurance of eternal blessings to strengthen your faith and outlook on life. Let the understanding of this everlasting nature of God's promises motivate you to live a life of gratitude, worship, and obedience.

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