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Monday, June 24, 2024

June 24 -- "Haven't You Heard?"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 40

"Haven't You Heard?"

Isaiah opens this passage with the rhetorical questions, "Haven’t you known? Haven’t you heard?" These questions serve to provoke contemplation and emphasize a fundamental truth—the knowledge of God's nature and character is available to all. It is an invitation to remember, reflect, and recognize the greatness of God.

In the context of Isaiah's time, this question reminded the people of Israel of their rich spiritual heritage and the stories of God's mighty deeds that had been passed down through generations. It was an invitation to consider God's timeless attributes and the evidence of His power in creation and history.

The question, "Haven’t you heard?" echoes across the ages, prompting us to reflect on our awareness and understanding of God. In our present age, amidst a disharmony of voices and distractions, it's essential to pause and remember what we've been taught about God. We have access to the Scriptures and the testimony of believers who have experienced God's faithfulness throughout history. It's a call to return to the foundational truths that sustain our faith.

What does Isaiah tell us we have heard and known? That God, the "Everlasting One," possesses an eternal existence beyond human comprehension. He is the architect of the cosmos, and His wisdom and understanding are unfathomable. Unlike humanity, God never tires, demonstrating His limitless power. And here's the astonishing part -- He grants His power to those who have no might. What an amazing Creator we serve. We do well to hear and know Him!

Let us heed the timeless call to "Have you not heard?" by seeking a deep and personal understanding of God. Regular engagement with Scripture, attentive listening during church messages and teachings, and intentional fellowship with fellow believers are crucial. Let us not allow the noise of the world to drown out the voice of God. May we “hear” and “know” our everlasting Creator and continually pursue a vibrant, personal relationship with Him.

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