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Friday, July 12, 2024

July 12 -- "Trembling at God's Word"

Today's Reading: Isaiah 66 

"Trembling at God's Word"

In today's verse, Isaiah encapsulates the essence of a relationship with the Almighty—one built on a foundation of humility and an awe-filled regard for His revealed truth. This verse emphasizes that God looks favorably upon those who possess humility, a contrite spirit, and a deep reverence for His Word. 

Living in a world that often elevates self-promotion and individualism, the call to humility is countercultural. However, this verse reminds us that true significance lies in recognizing our dependence on God. Humility doesn't diminish our value; rather, it positions us to receive God's grace abundantly. In your daily interactions, let humility be the lens through which you view yourself and others.

The Hebrew word for "tremble" in Isaiah 66:2 is "chârad" (חָרַד). This word conveys a sense of fear, trembling, or awe. It goes beyond a mere physical shaking and implies a deep emotional and spiritual response. When used in the context of God's word, "chârad" signifies a reverential fear—a profound awe and respect for the divine authority and holiness inherent in the Scriptures.

Trembling at God's Word involves more than a surface-level acknowledgment. It signifies a deep reverence that acknowledges the divine authority and transformative power embedded in Scripture. In a society flooded with information and personal opinions, approach the Bible not as a mere historical document or editorial but as the living, breathing word of God. Allow its truths to permeate every facet of your life.

Today, take a deliberate pause to assess the state of your heart. Are you cultivating humility and a reverence for God's Word? Commit to trembling at God's Word. Set aside intentional time for Bible study and prayer, seeking to align your thoughts and actions with the teachings of Scripture. Understand that the pursuit of humility and reverence is not about achieving perfection but about maintaining a heart surrendered to God.

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