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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16 -- "When God is Moved"

Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 33 

"When God is Moved"

The phrase "God was moved" in today’s passage speaks to the responsive and compassionate nature of our Heavenly Father. It signifies a profound aspect of God's character—His willingness to be touched by the genuine repentance and humility of His people.

Imagine the scene: Manasseh, a king who had led his people astray with idolatry and disobedience, now finds himself in the depths of distress. In this moment, he doesn't turn away in pride or despair; instead, he humbles himself before the Lord. The term "God was moved" reflects the idea that God, in response to Manasseh's sincere plea, experienced a change of disposition towards him.

This doesn't mean that God's nature fundamentally changes; rather, it highlights the dynamic relationship between God and His creation. It emphasizes God's relational responsiveness to the cries of a repentant heart. The Almighty, whose ways are beyond our understanding, chose to show mercy and extend forgiveness.

In our lives today, the concept of "God being moved" reassures us that our prayers are not futile shouts into the void. Our cries of repentance and pleas for mercy have the power to elicit a response from the Creator of the universe. It underscores the importance of a genuine connection with God, not based on rituals or empty words, but on the authenticity of our hearts. The divine responsiveness signifies a connection that transcends the ordinary, reminding us that in the midst of life's rush, our authentic moments with God can lead to transformation and a renewed sense of His grace.

So, when we approach God in prayer, we can have confidence that He is not aloof or indifferent. He is a God who is moved by the contrite spirit, ready to extend grace and restoration. This aspect of God's character encourages us to approach Him with sincerity, knowing that our humble entreaties can indeed touch the heart of the Divine and lead to transformative encounters with His love and mercy.

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