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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17 -- "Refuge and Justice"

 Today's Reading: Nahum 1, 2, and 3

"Refuge and Justice"

In today’s passage, the prophet Nahum unveils an incredible truth about God: He's both a superhero for those who are right with Him and a total justice-bringer against bad guys! While this may seem contradictory to some, it reveals that our Creator brings the perfect balance and rhythm to life’s perplexing dilemmas.

When you're on “Team Righteous,” God becomes your personal hiding place. He's like a fortress with a neon sign that says "Welcome beloved people!" No matter what storms you face, He's your safe haven, a place to kick back and know you're totally covered.

Here's the best part: God doesn't just know you're there, He KNOWS you! Like, really knows you. It's a super-close friendship kind of thing. He's intimately acquainted with you and He’s got your back, big time. He is for you and interested in every detail of your life.

Now, for the evildoers – picture a tidal wave of pure justice! Nahum calls it “an overflowing flood." That's God on the scene, cleaning house. When people keep choosing wrong, God steps in to set things right. It's powerful, it's thorough, and there's no escaping it! One day, He will make a complete end of His adversaries.

Here's the real kicker: these two sides of God – refuge and justice – are actually best friends, not enemies! He offers love and grace to those who choose to trust in Him, but wrongdoers can't expect a free pass. His justice is like a cosmic security system, keeping things balanced and evenhanded.

So, how do we live with this amazing truth? Easy! Trust in the Lord, and when you're facing trouble, run to God's shelter! But also, be a champion for good yourself. Remember, God's justice is also a sign of His awesomeness, and He wants us all to be part of the good side!

So, take comfort in His love, and embrace the beautiful tension between His mercy and justice. It's all part of God's incredible plan!

May you always find strength in God's refuge and walk in the light of His justice!

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