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Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21 -- "An Unforgettable Passover"

Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 35 

"An Unforgettable Passover"

Josiah was a king who totally loved God. And he did something incredible – he brought back Passover in a BIG way! It had been ages (nearly 300 years) since the people celebrated it properly, but Josiah, with his whole heart set on God, made it epic.

See, sometimes we get caught up in life and forget the most important things, like spending quality time with our Creator. Just like the Israelites with Passover, we might neglect some aspects of our faith. But here's the good news: We can totally fix that!

Josiah's Passover wasn't just about rituals – it was about a deep, passionate love for God. That's what we're called to today! Let's ditch the routine and turn our worship into an outpouring of love, respect, and obedience. Remember, God's Word is like a treasure chest overflowing with amazing things! Dive in, just like Josiah did, and rediscover the incredible depth of His instructions.

Today, we are called to emulate Josiah's dedication in our worship. Just as he restored the Passover, we are to rediscover the heart of true worship. Our lives should be marked by a wholehearted commitment to God, not just in religious rituals but in every aspect of our existence.

Imagine your worship being like a beautiful, fragrant offering that's never been seen before! Let's carve out special moments, even amidst the daily hustle, to connect with God. His Word has the power to transform us completely, just like it impacted a whole nation when Josiah found those ancient scrolls.

Let's not just go through the motions, friends! Let's become beacons of authentic worship, our hearts overflowing with love for the Almighty. We can leave a legacy of genuine devotion that will echo through generations – a testament to the incredible power of loving God with all we've got!

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