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Thursday, July 25, 2024

July 25 -- "The True Shepherd's Heart"

 Today's Reading: Jeremiah 3

"The True Shepherd's Heart"

In Jeremiah 3:15, we find a timeless promise from the Lord: "And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding." This verse encapsulates the divine intention to provide true spiritual leaders who lead with God's heart and nourish His people with wisdom and insight.

A true shepherd, guided by a sincere commitment to feeding the flock with knowledge and understanding of God's Word and ways, stands in stark contrast to the parade of sham or false shepherds that Israel had endured. Oh, how we need true shepherds after God’s heart in our world today. Here's a comparison between the two:

·       True Shepherd: Motivated by genuine love for God and His people, seeking the spiritual well-being and growth of the flock. Fake Shepherd: Motivated by personal gain, power, or recognition, often exploiting the flock for personal benefit.

·       True Shepherd: Grounded in sound biblical teaching, accurately representing and applying the entirety of Scriptural truth with humility and integrity. Fake Shepherd: May distort or manipulate Scripture for personal agendas, selectively emphasizing teachings that serve their own interests, or that “tickle the ears” of their listeners.

·       True Shepherd: Lives a life consistent with the teachings of Christ, serving as a positive example to the flock. Fake Shepherd: Displays hypocrisy or engages in behavior inconsistent with the values they preach.

·       True Shepherd: Invests time in nurturing the spiritual growth and well-being of each individual in the flock.  Fake Shepherd: Prioritizes personal gain over the genuine needs of the flock, neglecting pastoral care.

·       True Shepherd: Operates with transparency and openness, addressing questions and concerns with humility and honesty. Fake Shepherd: May conceal information, avoid accountability, or manipulate the truth to maintain control.

·       True Shepherd: Produces fruit in the form of transformed lives, unity, and spiritual growth within the flock. Fake Shepherd: Leaves a trail of division, confusion, and spiritual stagnation, with little evidence of positive impact.

In essence, while a true shepherd genuinely cares for the spiritual well-being of the flock, a fake shepherd exploits the trust of the people for personal gain. The contrast between the two serves as a reminder for believers today to carefully discern the character and motivations of those in leadership positions, ensuring that they are being led by leaders with the heart of a true shepherd.

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