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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July 30 -- "Perpetual Backsliding"

 Today's Reading: Jeremiah 8

"Perpetual Backsliding"

Backsliding refers to a child of God drifting away from their close relationship with the Lord and "sliding back" into the behaviors and practices of the world around them. Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, observed a distressing reality among God's people – perpetual backsliding. The chosen nation had forsaken the Lord, clinging to deceitful ways and stubbornly refusing to turn back to Him. Their spiritual decline was not occasional but a chronic dangerous pattern of distancing themselves from God.

There were many causes of their backsliding. In verse 8, the prophet addresses one significant contributing factor to the perpetual backsliding of the people – the "lying pens" of the scribes. This vivid metaphor underscores the role of those entrusted with preserving and transmitting God's truth. Unfortunately, these scribes had failed in their responsibility, engaging in deceit and distortion.

Today, we find ourselves amidst a myriad of voices claiming authority in matters of belief and practice. Unfortunately, some individuals who assume the role of teachers and pastors may wield pens and pulpits and media platforms that distort, dilute, or even deny the core truths of the Gospel.

The rise of false teachers and pastors is not a new phenomenon, but it is a persistent challenge that believers face. The "lying pens" of today can manifest in various forms, including the distortion of scriptural truths, the promotion of self-centered doctrines, and the exploitation of religion for personal gain. These deceptive influences can subtly lead individuals away from the genuine teachings of Christ, contributing to spiritual confusion and, in some cases, outright backsliding.

In the midst of a world filled with "lying pens," let us anchor ourselves in the unwavering truth of God's Word. Recognize the potential impact of deceptive influences, and actively participate in upholding and proclaiming the unchanging truths of the Gospel. In doing so, we stand firm against the currents of backsliding, remaining grounded in the eternal and unshakeable foundation of God's Word.

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