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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July 31 -- "What Do You Boast About?"

 Today's Reading: Jeremiah 9

"What Do You Boast About?"

In today’s verse, Jeremiah unveils a profound truth about our relationship with God. He challenges the conventional ideas of boasting and pride, redirecting our focus from personal achievements to understanding and knowing the Lord. This passage explains a key idea about how we connect with God. It says forget bragging about your own stuff and focus on knowing God instead. True wisdom comes from understanding God's qualities, not your own achievements.

When Jeremiah says, "boast in this," it is an invitation to prioritize and find one's confidence in a specific area: understanding and knowing God. Instead of bragging about one’s human accomplishments, wealth, or societal status, the verse encourages bragging about knowing the Lord and His attributes—steadfast love, justice, and righteousness. In essence, it challenges individuals to ground their sense of significance and confidence in their relationship with God and their understanding of His character, rather than in any temporary, earthly achievements.

The clamor for recognition and success often overshadows the pursuit of knowing God. Yet, Jeremiah urges us to find our worth and boast not in fleeting achievements but in a deep, intimate knowledge of our Creator. Today, let's invest time in understanding God's steadfast love, justice, and righteousness. This knowledge transforms our perspective on success, guiding us to seek significance in aligning with His character.

As followers of Christ, our lives should reflect the attributes of God mentioned in Jeremiah 9:24. Let's strive to love unconditionally, champion justice, and live righteously in our spheres of influence. In doing so, we mirror our Heavenly Father, drawing others closer to understanding Him. Remember, the greatest boast is not in personal gain but in becoming vessels through which God's love, justice, and righteousness flow into the world.

Today, boast not in worldly accomplishments but in the transformative power of understanding and knowing the Lord.

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