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Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7 -- "The High and Lofty One"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 57 and 58

"The High and Lofty One"

Isaiah 57:15 portrays the majestic, exalted nature of God. He is "high and lifted up," far above all creation, existing beyond time, and dwelling in holiness. The passage reveals a paradoxical truth: while God is transcendent, He is also immanent (present and active within the world He created rather than being a distant or separate being). Although beyond the realm of physical reality, He has chosen to dwell intimately within this realm with the contrite and humble.

In a world promoting self-sufficiency and pride, God's invitation to dwell with the contrite challenges us. The Lord doesn't seek our perfection but a humble heart. Recognizing God's exalted nature must lead to humility. We must approach Him with reverence, acknowledging our dependence on His grace. Such humility opens the door for God's presence in our lives, granting us revival and renewal.

Let us not be discouraged by our imperfections or overwhelmed by the greatness of God. Instead, let's humbly embrace His invitation to dwell with Him. Pursue a contrite and humble spirit, for in doing so, we position ourselves to experience the fullness of God's presence and revival. Let us seek to abide in His presence daily, allowing His grace to uplift us, revive our spirits, and transform our hearts.

Remember, the same God who dwells in the highest heavens desires an intimate relationship with each of us. Embrace this incredible truth and walk humbly before the Lord. As you reflect on His exalted nature and your humble position, allow this awareness to shape your daily walk, drawing you closer to the One who is both high and holy, yet intimately near to the contrite heart.

May this awareness of God's exalted yet intimate nature inspire you to cultivate humility, inviting His presence to revive and transform your life.

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