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Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10 -- "Fire in My Bones"

Today's Reading: Jeremiah 19 and 20 

When God places a message in someone's heart, it becomes a compelling force that cannot be contained.

Just like the prophet Jeremiah in today's verse. He felt the pressure building, people telling him to hush up about God's message. But the words were like embers in his soul, growing hotter with every attempt to suppress them. He described it as a fire in his belly, a burning that wouldn't be ignored!

This burning message isn't just about personal feelings, though. It's a divine calling, a spark from the Holy Spirit urging us to speak God's truth boldly and without apology. We all have those moments, those situations where the fire within pushes us to speak up, even when it feels uncomfortable. Maybe it's a conversation with a colleague about Jesus, a gentle nudge toward kindness during a family gathering, or even a comment online that promotes understanding.

Don't be discouraged if you face resistance. Remember Jeremiah? He faced plenty of opposition, but the fire within him was too strong to be extinguished. The message of God's truth has a power all its own, a power to heal, transform, and inspire.

So, how can you be a vessel for that message? Trust in God's leading. Let the fire of His word shine through you in your everyday interactions. Be a faithful steward, allowing the Holy Spirit to use you as a channel for His message. Don't let the fear of resistance hold you back! Embrace the calling with courage.

Think of yourself as a lighthouse keeper, standing tall amidst the waves. Your inner fire can become a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for those lost in darkness.  Remember, when God places a message in your heart, it becomes a compelling force, a burning truth that simply cannot be contained. Let it ignite your courage and illuminate the world with the beauty of God's word.

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