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Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24 -- "Heeding Good Advice"

 Today's Reading: Jeremiah 38

Obeying God's voice, even in difficult circumstances, leads to enduring peace, blessing, and fulfilling our purpose. This is illustrated through the story of Jeremiah, who continued to speak God's message even when imprisoned and faced with opposition.

Have you ever felt like Jeremiah, trapped and tossed into a cistern of despair? We've all been there, right? Life can throw some curveballs, making us doubt and want to bury our hopes and dreams.

But guess what? Jeremiah's story teaches us something powerful. Even in the darkest pit, he continued to speak God's message. And that's a lesson for us too! We shouldn't stay silent when God speaks to us.

In Jeremiah 38:20, he declares, "Obey now the voice of the Lord in what I say to you, and it shall be well with you, and your life shall be spared." Talk about courage and faith! Jeremiah understood that good advice – God's advice – is a lifeline, even in the darkest moments.

So, what's the good advice Jeremiah gives us? It's simple: "Obey the voice of the Lord." Obedience to God is always good advice. It's the foundation of a consistent truth that echoes throughout Scripture. Embracing and obeying God's truth isn't just good advice; it's the key to a life marked by God's goodness, blessing, and purpose. So let's remember Jeremiah's story and keep obeying God's voice, no matter what!

The key to this advice lies in recognizing God's sovereignty, His infinite love, and His perfect knowledge. Throughout the Bible, obedience to God is consistently presented as the path to blessing, favor, and fulfilling our purpose.

In our daily lives, obeying God's voice can be tough. But heeding Jeremiah's advice, even in tough circumstances, will always lead to enduring peace and blessing. May the truth of Jeremiah's counsel of obedience to the Lord’s voice take root in your heart. 

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