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Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 29 -- "Reality Discipline"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 6

In today's verse, God is speaking about the consequences that will come to the rebellious people of Israel for not heeding His warnings. He wants them to know that His warnings were not empty threats, but rather a genuine vow of what was to come.

Discipline is an important part of teaching children about responsibility and the consequences of their actions. Consistency is key in making sure they understand that stated consequences are real and not just "empty threats." When parents follow through on the natural or logical consequences of their child's behavior, it sends a clear message that there are real outcomes for the choices their child makes. This type of parental follow-through is called “reality discipline” because it emphasizes the real consequences of one’s behavior and choices.

In the same way, God's “reality discipline” is not arbitrary. It comes from His righteousness and faithfulness. As believers, we need to recognize the reality of God's warnings and the certainty of consequences for our actions. We must understand that His warnings are not “in vain” nor empty words, but a confirmation of what will happen if we don't respond to His corrections.

Just as God's discipline comes from His righteousness and faithfulness, we must recognize the reality of His warnings and the certainty of consequences for our actions. His guidance isn't arbitrary; it's a loving reminder of what will happen if we don't heed His corrections. Unfortunately, Israel continually rejected these warnings and rebelled against their loving Father. As a result, God explained in Ezekiel 6 that the consequences He warned them about are now coming to pass.

It's crucial for us to listen to God's warnings because they guide us through life, helping us avoid danger and making better choices. These warnings aren't arbitrary mandates or empty threats; they're loving cautions from a Father who wants what's best for us. He sees beyond our current circumstances and desires to do us good. Let's heed His warnings and follow His guidance, trusting that He knows what is best for us and knowing that if we persist in defying His warnings, He will follow through with some "reality discipline" in our lives. 

Note: The term “Reality discipline” was popularized by Dr. Kevin Leman in his 1983 best-selling book, "Making Children Mind without Losing Yours.”

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