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Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31 -- "Visions of God"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 8 & 9

Have you ever gazed into the night sky and felt a profound sense of wonder? In a similar way, when God speaks to His children through visions, there is a deep and intense sense of awe and wonder. A vision is a supernatural encounter or experience where divine revelation is imparted through visual imagery. Unlike dreams, which occur during sleep, a vision is a profound experience that happens while fully awake. God often used visions in the Bible to serve as window into the spiritual realm, offering insights, guidance, or prophetic messages.

Visions come from God, not from human imagination or dreams. In the Bible, they always have a specific purpose, whether it's to reveal future events, provide spiritual instruction, or inspire action. Genuine visions often lead to significant changes in the recipient's life. Just as a painter uses a canvas to portray a masterpiece, God can use visions to paint a picture of His will for our lives.

Ezekiel 8:3-4 provides a powerful illustration of divine visions. It describes Ezekiel's supernatural experience where he is transported from Earth to Heaven, and given a glimpse into the spiritual realm. When he looked, he was astonished. What he saw was a vision of God carrying him to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the north gate of the Temple. It was there that the Lord revealed his displeasure with the abominable practices of the people of Israel. The vision served as a warning of the imminent judgment that God would bring upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants because of their persistent idolatry and sin.

The vision shows that God is fully aware of all that happens, even in secret. The people may have thought their idolatrous practices were hidden, but God reveals them to Ezekiel, demonstrating that nothing is hidden from His sight. Ezekiel’s vision implicitly calls the people to recognize their wrongdoing and repent. By exposing the hidden sins and idolatry, God gives the people an opportunity to turn back to Him and seek forgiveness.

Keep in mind that God still communicates through visions today, and He very well could give you one to reveal His will and guidance in your life or to communicate a divine message. May the Lord grant you eyes to see beyond the natural realm, a heart receptive to His divine overtures, and a spirit willing to be transported into the heights of His glorious presence.

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