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Friday, September 13, 2024

September 13 -- "Divine Disruptions"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 21

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You’ve likely heard the saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." In today’s verse, the Lord challenges this idea. God through Ezekiel, predicts that the day is coming when "things shall not remain as they are.”

Change is inevitable, but it's not always gradual. God, through Ezekiel, promises that there will come a day when He will mess with our existing norms. God’s disruption isn't arbitrary; it's an expression of His sovereign will and His desire to shake up our mundane routines. Divine disruptions can serve as a catalyst for deeper intimacy with God, as they force us to rely on Him in new and challenging ways.

Trials and disruptions can also be used by God to develop perseverance, humility, patience, and other vital qualities that strengthen our faith. They can help Christ-followers see that God is ultimately in control, even when life doesn't go according to plan. Disruptions are also a necessary step in fulfilling the plans and purposes God has for us, as they force us to reevaluate our current path and align ourselves with His will.

While disruption can be unsettling, it ultimately points toward a divine order that transcends our finite perspectives. God's disruptions are pathways to transformation, leading us from familiarity into the extraordinary. In this way, His plans for our lives unfold in ways we could never have imagined.

God's intervention and disruption of our lives is an act of love that leads us to true purposeful existence, transforming us from within and guiding us toward a richer, more fulfilling life than we could ever achieve on our own.

May the Lord, who disrupts the status quo and ushers in His divine order, guide you on a transformative journey of purposeful living. May you embrace change as an opportunity for growth, and may your heart be open to the unexpected ways He leads you.

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