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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17 -- "What Prophecy Tells"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 24

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Imagine a political analyst who consistently predicts the outcome of elections. After accurately predicting multiple elections, someone might say, "When this person says an election will go a certain way, you know without a doubt they're right. Well, in today’s verse from Ezekiel, the Lord says something similar: "When this happens, you'll know without a doubt that I am the Lord God!"

These powerful words from Ezekiel 24 are like a spotlight, shining brightly on God's total control over everything. Ezekiel was a messenger for God, and when he shared these messages, it was like God was saying, "Watch me work!" It was a big, bold statement that proved God is in charge.

God uses His prophets to tell us all sorts of things for different reasons. It's like He's having a conversation with us, and He wants us to fully understand His plans. First, He wants us to know what He wants us to do. Prophets are like His guides, pointing us in the right direction.

Next, God tells us the future! He knows the future, so He tells us what's going to happen. It's like a sneak peek into tomorrow, and when it comes true, it's a huge 'I told you so!' moment for God. fulfilled prophecy tells us a great deal about God's omniscience, sovereignty, and loving nature. It demonstrates His ability to see beyond the present moment and know the future with absolute certainty. It’s His way of  saying, "See, I know what I'm doing!"

But God isn't just about showing off. He loves us, and He wants to protect us. Sometimes, the prophets had to give warnings. It was like a loving parent saying, "Hey, slow down! This path isn't safe." God doesn't want us to get hurt, so He gives us a heads up.

Knowing that God's revelation of future events is infallible can be both liberating and challenging. It invites us to surrender control, trust His perfect timing, and discover our purpose. This means cherishing relationships, seeking spiritual growth, and living fully in the power of the Holy Spirit.

But remember, while God's ultimate plan for the world is fixed and unchanging, the specific paths our individual lives take are influenced by the choices we make. Our lives are part of God's grand plan, but our decisions shape the unique journey we take within that plan. Our choices can either align with God's purpose or divert us from it, but ultimately, His sovereignty prevails.

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