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Sunday, September 29, 2024

September 29 -- "Turn Back and Live"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 33 

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Did you know that God isn't some mean and vengeful being who loves to punish people? No way, not at all! In today's key verse, the Lord says that He is actually filled with deep sorrow when we choose sin and separate ourselves from Him.

He's like a loving parent who wants nothing more than for his children to come back home! You see, the Lord doesn't take pleasure in punishment; instead, His heart breaks over the consequences of our choices and the loss of our relationship with Him.

He's not looking to punish us, but rather to bring us back into His loving arms.  And guess what? God's desire is for everyone to be saved, no matter how far we've strayed or what mistakes we've made!  The Bible is full of examples of God's patience and forgiveness - He's always ready to welcome us back with open arms when we repent. In 2 Peter 3:9, it says that God "is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."

So what does this mean for us? It's a call to action! First, if we've strayed from God, we must make the choice to turn back to Him and live! As today's verse asks, "why would you choose to die?" when He is the very source of life! We are invited to approach our loving Heavenly Father with boldness and confidence to receive His compassion and forgiveness. 

We're also called to extend grace and mercy to others, just like our loving Father in heaven extends to us. Let's follow Jesus' example of reaching out to those who are lost and offering them hope and forgiveness. Together, let's demonstrate God's incredible love to the world around us! As followers of Christ, we are challenged to embody this same attitude of compassion and mercy towards those who have yet to know God's redeeming love.

May the love of God, ever so compassionate and full of grace, embrace your heart and fill you with His gentle embrace. And may others come to know the depth of His mercy and forgiveness as you share His love with those around you. 

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