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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3 -- "The Certainty of God's Words"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 12

God's spoken word carries unparalleled authority, power, and certainty, ensuring its fulfillment.

In the inspiring words of Ezekiel 12:25, we witness the unshakeable surety of God. This proclamation embodies the divine assurance that when God speaks, it's not just a casual utterance; it's a decree with the power to bring about its intended result. The concept of "divine fiat" refers to the idea that God's will, as expressed through His spoken word or command, is absolute and has the power in itself to bring about that which was spoken.

Genesis 1:3 provides a powerful example of this truth: "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Here, God's spoken word brings illuminating energy into existence, dispelling the darkness and transforming chaos into order. The power of His words creates life, shaping the world as we know it.

This idea resonates throughout Scripture, from Genesis' creation narrative to the promises made to Abraham and the prophecies of the Messiah's coming. It reminds us that God's words carry divine certainty, effectiveness, and inevitability, as seen in His judgment or restoration pronouncements. This timeless truth underscores God's unwavering faithfulness and the weight of His spoken word.

As believers, we find immense comfort and security in this profound assurance. It encourages us to trust in the reliability of God's promises and to anchor our faith in the unchanging nature of our God. We can rest assured that every word He speaks is accompanied by divine power necessary for its fulfillment, shaping the course of history and fulfilling His purposes with absolute certainty.

When we feel anxious or frustrated about what seem to be delayed promises, we must remember that God's timetable is perfect, and He fulfills His words in His appointed season. His timing is always right, even when it doesn't align with our expectations. Today, may you find solace in the assurance that God's plans are unfolding perfectly, and may you trust in the reliability of His spoken word.

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