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Saturday, September 7, 2024

September 7 -- "Intentional Remembrance"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 16:30-63

Do you remember the passion and excitement you felt when you first fell in love with the Lord? Remembering that passion and devotion of our early faith journey is crucial to maintaining a vibrant relationship with God.

The concept of "days of your youth" in Ezekiel 16 refers to the early stages of Israel's covenant with God, when they were spiritually young and fervently devoted to their relationship with Him. This period was marked by a deep sense of passion, enthusiasm, and commitment.

This spiritual youth is not just about chronological age but rather a mindset or attitude characterized by the following: genuine surrender, eagerness to learn, joyfulness in worship, fervent love for God, and a desire to obey His Laws.

Sadly over time, the Israelites moved away from the passion, devotion, and intimacy they once experienced during their early days as a nation. This was caused by several factors such as disobedience, idolatry, materialism, division, neglect of worship, and forgetfulness of His mercies. Tragically, they experienced a severe case of “spiritual amnesia” by not remembering how things used to be.

As you and I move further away from the early days of our walk with Christ, we too can become complacent or forgetful of the passion and devotion that once characterized our relationship with Him. We may begin to take Him for granted or lose sight of the fellowship we once enjoyed with Him. This is where the call to intentional remembrance becomes so crucial.

Take time right now to reflect on the "days of your youth"—recall those moments of genuine surrender, eagerness to learn, joyfulness in worship, boldness to share His love with the world, and fervent love for God. By doing so you can rekindle the fire of devotion that once burned brightly but may have dwindled. In this moment, renew your commitment to God, deepen your intimacy with Him, and commit to staying true to His will for your life.

When you renew your love for God, you will sense once again the joy, peace, hope, gratitude, excitement, vibrancy, and freedom that come only from Him.

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