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Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8 -- "From Twig to Cedar"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 17 

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Isn't it amazing how God can take something small and fragile, like a tiny twig, and turn it into something strong and beautiful, like a cedar tree? That's exactly what He does with us! As a skilled gardener, God carefully plants us in the perfect environment to cause us to grow from tiny newborn “twigs” in our walk with Him into mature and strong “cedars” - pillars of the faith. Even when life feels like a wild storm, God is in control, shaping us into His masterpiece.

In Ezekiel 17, we find a profound allegory where an eagle takes a young twig from a cedar tree and plants it in a fertile field where it grows into a mighty cedar. This symbolizes the Lord’s nurturing care for His people, even when circumstances seem dire or chaotic.

Just as the Lord directed the eagle to plant the seed in good soil, He orchestrates our lives for a divine purpose. Our challenges and trials may seem overwhelming, but God is at work, ensuring that every circumstance contributes to the growth of our faith.

Now, let’s talk about pride. It’s like a weed that can choke out our spiritual growth. But God loves to lift up the humble heart. In verse 24, God's sovereignty is vividly portrayed through two types of trees: the high tree and the low tree. The high tree represents the proud and powerful, those who exalt themselves and trust in their own strength. Conversely, the low tree depicts the humble and meek, those planted by God and who rely on Him rather than their own achievements. God declares that He will bring down the high tree (the proud and arrogant) and lift up the low tree (the humble and meek).

The lesson is clear: grow where God plants you – in humility and total dependence upon Him. Our true strength lies not in self-exaltation, but in humble dependence on our Heavenly Father. Let us be like the twig planted by God, ever growing into His divine “cedar.” 

As a vine planted by the river that sends its roots deep into the water, may the Lord plant you near the sustaining water of His Word and Holy Spirit.  May you grow where He plants you and humbly bear fruit, not for your own glory, but to the praise of the One who nourishes and sustains us. 

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