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Monday, September 9, 2024

September 9 -- "Divine Forgetfulness"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 18

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Can God forget?  The Bible says there is one thing He can, and will, forget - your sin! God's divine forgetfulness is a powerful expression of His grace, offering forgiveness and a fresh start to those who turn from their sinful ways.

In today's post, we explore the profound grace found in Ezekiel 18:22, where God declares that when a sinner repents, all past transgressions are forgiven and – believe it or not – totally forgotten. This divine forgetfulness doesn't imply a limitation in God's memory or omniscience; rather, it speaks to the richness of His grace and the complete removal of sin from the relationship between God and the repentant individual.

As humans, we often remember past wrongs and let them impact our present interactions. However, God, in His infinite mercy, chooses not to hold onto our sins or allow our past mistakes to define our current standing with Him. Hebrews 8:12 echoes this truth: "For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more." This divine forgetfulness is a deliberate choice by God to treat the repentant as if their transgressions never occurred, offering a fresh start and wiping the slate clean.

As Christ followers, this reminds us that no matter how many times we fail or stumble, God's mercy is always available to restore us. When we sin, we don't have to dwell on the past or let guilt and shame define our present; instead, we can turn to God, seek His forgiveness, and receive His amazing forgetfulness.

Oh, how we need to grasp the magnitude of this truth – that when someone repents and comes to Jesus Christ by faith, all of their past and present sins are truly erased. The freedom that comes with being "remembered no more" inspires gratitude, confidence, and a deep sense of reconciliation with God.

May the reality of God's forgetfulness permeate your life, motivating you to turn from your sinful ways and experience the transformative power of His grace.

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