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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 1 -- "When God Hears Pride"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 35

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Ezekiel 35 is a stark reminder that God takes note of our pride and hostility, encouraging us to humble ourselves and trust in His all-powerful justice. This passage highlights how God used the prophet Ezekiel as His mouthpiece to declare judgment upon Mount Seir for its hatred towards Israel. It's fascinating to learn about God's righteous retribution against those who dare to oppose His people while emphasizing His absolute authority and unwavering commitment to protect and defend His chosen ones.

Mount Seir, located southeast of the Dead Sea in what is now Jordan, was inhabited by Esau's descendants during Biblical times. Today, the region is mostly populated by Bedouin tribes in Jordan as well as Arab communities in the West Bank and southern Israel.

The phrase "you magnified yourself... and I heard it" shows God's awareness of Mount Seir's inhabitants' pride and arrogance when they boasted about their superiority over Israel. This verse beautifully illustrates God's all-knowing nature and His attentive heart towards human attitudes and actions.

When people 'magnify themselves', it means they have an inflated sense of self-importance, thinking they are superior to others. The folks in Mount Seir did exactly that – they boosted themselves up in their own eyes, claiming supremacy over Israel and flaunting their strength.

However, God, through Ezekiel, exposed this pridefulness. Despite the people's efforts to exalt themselves and defy His chosen people, God knows it all. He is not oblivious to human pride or hostility towards His beloved Israel.

This passage teaches us a vital lesson about God's character: He doesn't turn a blind eye to human arrogance or defiance. Everything is visible to Him; nothing escapes His attention. His authority reigns over every nation and individual, holding each one accountable for their actions and words.

In a broader sense, this Scripture serves as a warning to all of us against pride and self-exaltation. It reminds us that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). As believers, we're called to cultivate humility and understand that all honor and glory belong only to God. We must guard ourselves from the temptation to elevate ourselves or allow hostility toward others to take root in our hearts.

Today, may the God of all wisdom and justice be ever present with you, guiding your heart towards humility and reverence for His sovereign rule. May you learn to see yourself as He sees you, without pride or arrogance, and may His grace transform you into a vessel of humble obedience.

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