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Saturday, October 12, 2024

October 12 -- "Enough!"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 45 

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God's mighty voice booms out in rebuke, targeting the corrupt leaders of Israel. These once-trusted guides, now consumed by greed and self-interest, have forsaken their duties. They've used their power to oppress and exploit, pushing the vulnerable to the brink, while lining their own pockets. The resounding cry of "ENOUGH!" echoes through time, with a loud, clear, and forceful call to these leaders who've lost their way, insisting that they put away their corrupt practices and return to practicing justice and righteousness.

Though addressed to ancient leaders, these words ring with startling relevance in our modern world. Corruption, in all its forms, persists, infecting every level of society. Political leaders abuse their positions, diverting funds meant for the people, stifling dissent, and inciting division. Corporate executives prioritize profits over people, disregarding the environment and exploiting workers. Religious leaders misuse their authority, manipulating followers for personal gain, and covering up abuse.

Enough is enough! The time has come for leaders in all walks of life to put aside their corrupt ways. Just as the leaders of Ezekiel's time needed to change their ways, so too must we in our modern world.

As followers of Christ, we're called to be different. Our Master, Jesus, demonstrated the power of servant leadership, washing the feet of His disciples (John 13:1-17). He championed the cause of the marginalized, spoke truth to power, and embodied sacrificial love. Do our lives reflect His?

We can create a ripple effect of integrity by living our lives with honesty, transparency, and authenticity. This can include everything from being truthful in our relationships to using our talents and resources to benefit others.

We can combat corruption first by combatting it in our own hearts, and then by holding leaders accountable, advocating for justice, supporting the vulnerable, and electing officials who will champion fairness and righteousness. By living with integrity and embodying the values of service, compassion, and fairness, we can work to create a world that reflects God's vision of true leadership.

May the Lord’s call to righteousness echo within your heart, and the spirit of servant leadership guide your ways. May you stand as a beacon of integrity and truth with your actions reflecting the values of our Maker's love.

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