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Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 13 -- "Leaving Differently"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 46 

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Imagine stepping into a sacred space, a sanctuary where the very air is thick with the presence of the divine. This is the world Ezekiel paints for us in Ezekiel 46, where the entrance and exit paths of worshipers are carefully choreographed to mimic the transformative journey of encountering the holy. It's as if the very architecture of the Temple is designed to guide us on a pilgrimage of the heart.

As we enter through one gate, we leave behind the mundane, the ordinary, and the familiar. We take on a new posture, one of reverence and humility, as we acknowledge the vastness and majesty of God's sovereignty. This is not just a physical act, but a spiritual one as well - we shift our perspectives, our priorities, and our very souls.

And then, as we leave through another gate, we are no longer the same. We've been changed, transformed by the encounter, renewed and empowered to live lives that reflect the glory of our Creator. It's as if we've been infused with a new sense of purpose, a new sense of direction, and a new sense of hope.

In our own Christian church gatherings, we have the opportunity to experience this transformative power. Our services are not just routine rituals or passive observances - they are sacred moments where we gather in the presence of the divine, where hearts are softened, minds are renewed, and lives are changed.

As we approach these gatherings, let us come with open hearts and minds, ready to receive the life-changing truths of God's Word. Let us come expectantly, anticipating the movement of the Holy Spirit among us, convicting, comforting, and empowering us for His purposes. Let us step into the sanctuary with the same reverence and humility as the ancient worshipers of Ezekiel's day, knowing that we too can be transformed by the encounter with the divine.

May the grace of the divine embrace you as you step into the sacred space of worship. As you leave His presence, may you be changed, renewed, and equipped to reflect the glory of your Creator.

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