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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October 15 -- "The LORD is There"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 48

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In Ezekiel 48, the prophet concludes his vision of the restored Temple and the future glory of Jerusalem with a profound statement: "And the name of the city from that time on shall be, ‘The LORD Is There.’" The Hebrew for this phrase is "יהוה שָׁמָּה" (pronounced as "Yahweh Shammah"). 

The Old Testament is rich with various names and titles for God, each one revealing a unique aspect of His character and nature. Throughout the Old Testament, we see how Yahweh (translated “the LORD” in English), the ever-becoming One, assumes different roles to meet His people's needs. In today’s verse He is "Yahweh Shammah" becoming the God who “is There” at the future Temple for His people.

The word "Shammah" doesn't just imply a physical location but denotes God's active, abiding presence among His people. This declaration encapsulates the ultimate fulfillment of God's promise to dwell among His people, signifying His presence and sovereignty over them.

For modern-day Christ followers, the significance of "The Lord Is There" extends beyond geographical boundaries. Through Christ's redemptive work, believers experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, making each one of us a temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19). This reality underscores the intimate relationship believers have with God, regardless of external circumstances. Just as Ezekiel's vision provided hope and assurance to the exiled Israelites, recognizing God's presence today offers comfort, guidance, and strength amid life's challenges.

Consider the story of Corrie ten Boom, a Christian who endured imprisonment during the Holocaust. Despite the horrors she faced, Corrie found solace in the Lord who was there with her through her whole ordeal. Her unwavering faith and reliance on God's strength sustained her through the darkest of times, inspiring countless others to trust in the Lord's faithfulness.

In light of Ezekiel’s vision, we are encouraged to cultivate a deeper awareness of God's presence in our lives. This entails nurturing a consistent prayer life, studying God's Word, fostering community with fellow believers, and being led by the Holy Spirit. Moreover, it prompts us to relinquish control and trust in God's sovereignty, knowing that He is with us every step of the way as Jesus promised, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). As you embrace the reality that "The Lord Is There," may you find peace in His presence and courage to walk boldly in faith, regardless of the circumstances you face.

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