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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

October 2 -- "My Spirit Within You"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 36

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Today, we discover the incredible promise of the Holy Spirit coming to reside inside of us. God speaks to us through the prophet Ezekiel, announcing His plan to cleanse our hearts from impurities, give us a new Spirit, and fill us with His own divine energy. This chapter showcases the loving nature of our heavenly Father who longs not only to forgive but also to transform us into vessels of holiness.

In the Old Testament, we witness instances where God's Spirit empowered individuals for specific tasks. Think of Samson in Judges 14:6 and David in 1 Samuel 16:13 – both were touched by the Lord's Spirit, enabling them to accomplish mighty feats!

However, Ezekiel 36 offers a unique promise within God’s restoration story. Here, God promises not only to cleanse His people but also to place His Spirit within their hearts and upon their lives, guiding them to walk in His commandments and obey His decrees. The indwelling of the Spirit empowers believers to live lives that reflect God's glory, share His goodness with others, and contribute to the growth of His kingdom on earth.

It is not through our own human efforts (which may falter), but through the Spirit's presence within us that we experience genuine freedom, joy, and fulfillment in Christ.

Jesus emphasized the vital role of the Holy Spirit in our lives – from guidance to regeneration to fruitfulness – all leading to a vibrant and empowered Christian life. In John 14:16-17, Jesus said, "I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you." This promise from Jesus reaffirms the promise in Ezekiel 36 and indicates that the Holy Spirit would be present with and within believers, guiding us in wisdom, truth, and righteousness, ultimately leading us into a deeper relationship with Christ.

To receive the Holy Spirit's guidance, power, and transformation, acknowledge your need for God's help, and simply invite the Spirit into your life through prayer. Then yield to the Holy Spirit's leading and empowering each day, inviting Him to fill your heart anew, guiding you, empowering you, and transforming you into the likeness of Christ!

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