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Friday, October 4, 2024

October 4 -- "The Lord Reigns!"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 38

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In today’s prophecy from Ezekiel 38, we find a powerful reminder that amidst the tumult of our world and the unfolding of history, God remains in control, orchestrating events according to His divine plan.

This chapter exposes us to the amazing world of prophecy and divine sovereignty. In this captivating account, we see a future scenario where “Gog,” the leader of “Magog” (which represents modern-day Russia), gathers a coalition of nations to attack Israel. This climactic event marks the culmination of humanity's struggle against God's chosen people.

As we ponder this passage, it becomes clear that no matter how chaotic our world may seem, God remains in control. Just as He orchestrated events in Ezekiel's time, He is now holding the future in His hands. Our God reigns over every nation, ruler, and circumstance which all play a part in His divine plan.

This theme is further emphasized throughout Scripture, particularly in the book of Revelation where Gog and Magog are referenced again. Here, they symbolize nations united against God's saints during Satan's final rebellion, ultimately illustrating the triumph of God's kingdom over evil.

In Revelation 20:19, we witness a powerful scene where the earth shakes at the presence of the Lord, mountains tremble, and walls collapse under His mighty hand. In this passage, the mountains tremble in response to the divine judgment of God. This imagery conveys a sense of awe and reverence for the Almighty as He intervenes in the affairs of humanity.

The outcome of this trembling event is the defeat of Satan and his followers, along with the destruction of their wicked empire. The passage describes how fire comes down from heaven to consume them, signifying God's judgment and wrath against sin. This moment represents the culmination of God's plan to restore His creation and establish a new heaven and earth.

This passage reminds us that the LORD reigns over all and the earth and all its inhabitants are subject to His divine authority. No force can withstand His power. In times of uncertainty and chaos, we can find comfort knowing our God reigns supreme.

Today, may you embrace the prophetic picture with renewed faith and confidence in God's sovereignty. As you continue on your journey as a follower of Christ, may you boldly declare: "The Lord reigns!"

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