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Friday, November 22, 2024

November 22 -- "Purses With Holes"

Today's Reading: Haggai 1 

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Think about the allure of personal ambitions and material pursuits. It's easy to get caught up in our own world, forgetting the importance of advancing God's kingdom. Today's passage encourages us to take a step back and evaluate where we're investing our time, energy, and resources. Are we aligning ourselves with God's plans?

Haggai 1 reminds us of the time when God's people neglected the rebuilding of His house (the Temple), focusing instead on their own comforts and desires and building their own houses. When we neglect to invest in God's kingdom, we end up like those described in verse 6, reaping less than we sow, constantly struggling for basic needs like food and water, and experiencing financial instability as our earnings disappear like sand through holes in a bag. Even worse, we end up forfeiting eternal rewards that no earthly gain can replace, trading the lasting for the temporary and missing out on the joy of true, everlasting treasure.

This message extends beyond just material wealth; it's about how we spend our time, talents, and resources in all areas of life. When we put our focus on self-serving pursuits or worldly ambitions, we miss out on the joy and fulfillment that come from serving God and His kingdom.

So, let's take a moment to reflect on our priorities. Are we investing in things that truly matter in eternity, or are we chasing after temporary pleasures and pursuits that leave us feeling empty? Just as God's people were called to refocus their attention on rebuilding His house, we're challenged to prioritize spiritual investments that bring lasting fruit and glory to God.

By redirecting our efforts towards endeavors that align with God's kingdom, we not only honor Him but also experience the rich, abundant life He promises to those who seek Him first. Let's plug the holes in our purses and begin spread our resources wide, investing in the things that truly matter, and watch our lives become a testimony to the power and love of God.

May the Lord bless your pursuits, guiding you to invest your time, talents, and resources in ways that align with His will. And may your heart be filled with a sense of purpose and fulfillment as you seek to advance His kingdom.

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