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note: There's some debate about the exact dating, but Mark is generally placed
in the mid-first century AD, making it likely the earliest written account of
Jesus' life and teachings. Accordingly, we begin our New Testament journey
The first
recorded words of public figures often carry significant weight, setting the
tone for their missions and signaling their priorities and intentions. These
initial statements can serve as a foundation for their public persona and
provide insight into their core values and beliefs.
The first
recorded words of Jesus Christ as He embarked on His public ministry were, “REPENT
and BELIEVE in the gospel.” With these words, Jesus invites everyone to embark
on a life-changing journey that begins with repentance and faith in God’s
message of salvation. This essential first step launches us on a path of
profound, meaningful transformation that influences every part of our lives.
message is as relevant today as it was then. The call to repent and believe is
for everyone, everywhere. It is a powerful reminder that faith is not just
about intellectual agreement but involves a radical reorientation of our lives.
Repentance isn’t merely feeling remorse for our sins; it's an active decision
to change our behavior and align our lives with God's will. Following Christ
means becoming a new creation, leaving behind the former ways of life as we
learn in 2 Cornthians 5:17 – “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”
Belief in
the Gospel requires trust in the Good News of salvation that comes through
Jesus alone. In the Bible, belief is always tied to action; it means aligning
your life with the truth you profess. This faith involves acknowledging Jesus
as Savior and submitting to Him as Lord, trusting that His death and
resurrection secure eternal life and abundant living now.
To integrate
this into our daily lives, we must constantly evaluate our actions and
attitudes, ensuring they align with the teachings of Jesus. For instance, when we
notice any sinful behaviors, thoughts, or attitudes in our lives, repentance
means seeking God’s forgiveness and making a deliberate effort to turn around
and go the other, leaving sin behind. We are called to abandon old ways and
follow Jesus with our whole hearts. Reflect on 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is…not
wishing that any should perish, but that ALL should reach repentance.”
Today, let's take that first step of repentance and belief, renewing our commitment to the journey of faith that Jesus has laid out for us. If you haven’t already done so, now is the perfect moment to repent of your sins, put your faith in Jesus Christ and invite Him to become Lord of your heart and life.
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