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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 23


Key Verse - Joshua 23:11

Be Very Careful

Three of the most prevalent sins in modern Christianity are prayerlessness, sharelessness, and carelessness.  We commit “prayerlessness” when we do not obey His command to “pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)  We commit the sin of “sharelessness” when we...

Friday, August 20, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 22


Key Verse - Joshua 22:5

What God Requires of You

What does the Lord require of you?  According to Joshua’s words, quite a bit. 

 In today’s reading, Joshua is releasing the eastern tribes (Reuben, Gad, and half-tribe of Manasseh) to return to their lands on the eastern side of the Jordan river. Before they go, he gives...

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 20 & 21


Key Verse - Joshua 21:45

Not. One. Word.

Verse 45 describes the theme and purpose of the Book of Joshua – to testify of God’s promise keeping character.  Although this book comes under the heading of “Old Testament History,” it is way more than just the facts of Israel’s history.  Its purpose is to give testimony of the faithfulness of God.

Not one good word of God failed. Not. One. Word. God fulfilled every promise...

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 19


Key Verse - Joshua 19:50

Finishing Well

The Promised Land has been conquered by Israel.  The land now has rest from war. The leaders of Israel are nearly finished dividing the land.  Each of the tribes has received their allotment.  The last thing for them to do is bestow an allotment upon Joshua the son of Nun.  They ask him which parcel he would like and he responds...

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 18


Key Verse - Joshua 18:1

Shiloh Our Worship Center

When the children of Israel first crossed the Jordan, they initially set up the Tabernacle at Gilgal, a convenient and practical place because it was just across the river.  But now, after subduing the Land, they move their worship center to Shiloh.  Shiloh was westward from the Jordan and located about 30 miles north of Jerusalem.  Shiloh was located at the geographic center of the...

Monday, August 16, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 16 & 17


Key Verse - Joshua 17:13

Failure to Utterly Drive Them Out

This was a failure on the part of Joshua and the children of Israel to enter into the complete victory God had promised them.  They failed to take full possession of the Promised Land.

The whole experience of the children of Israel coming out of the bondage of Egypt, passing through the wilderness, and coming into the Promised Land can be viewed as a spiritual allegory. It is representative of us as Christians...

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Today's Reading: Joshua 15


Key Verse - Joshua 15:14

Even Your Biggest Enemies Will Fall

One of the adversaries Caleb faced during his efforts to conquer the portion of land granted to him were the “sons of Anak.”  Known collectively as “Anakim” (plural of Anak), this people group presented a formidable challenge.  The Anakim were a tall and powerful foe of the Israelites in ancient times.

The Anakim were a very tall people. Deuteronomy 9:2 describes them...