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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 13 & 14


Key Verse - 1 Chronicles 14:17

Peace Through Strength

God blessed David and his kingdom because David honored God.  As a result of David’s victories against other nations (especially the dreaded Phillistines), the neighboring peoples began to fear him. Verse 17 tells us that “the Lord brought the fear of [David] upon all nations.” As the neighboring nations observed the strength of Israel, God put a fear into their hearts and minds. The result was a period of “peace through strength” wherein Israel’s enemies were afraid to go up against them for fear of devastating losses.

We see this as the Lord placing a “hedge of protection” around David and Israel. The term “hedge of protection” comes from the book of Job. It is taken from Satan’s comments about the fact that he was unable to do any harm to Job because God had “put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has.” (Job 1:9-10)  In ancient times, people would often place a hedge of thorn bushes surrounding their homes to keep wolves, bears, leopards, and hyenas away. Satan uses this practice to describe God’s protection around Job and his household.

In the same way, God placed a hedge of protection around David and his kingdom. He didn’t do this with physical thorn bushes, but with a spiritual move upon the hearts and minds of people. He placed a fear of David upon the nations.

A thorn hedge is an appropriate metaphor for the protection God gives His followers. As believers, we should ask for the Lord to put a hedge of protection around our lives, our families, our marriages, our communities, our churches, and our nation. With His protection, our enemies cannot prosper against us. As Isaiah said, “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confuse every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:17)

God will bless those who honor Him. As we trust in Him, our enemies (the world, the flesh, the devil) will fall back in fear and we, like David, can experience “peace through strength.” He will gladly place His protection around our lives. “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Friday, November 26, 2021

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 6


Key Verse - 2 Samuel 6:5

Can You Feel The Music?

Listen! Can you hear the music? David and all the house of Israel are rejoicing with songs of celebration. The musical instruments are playing, the choir is leading and the people are ringing out with songs of celebration before the Lord. It is a happy and melodic moment.

They have a lot to celebrate. David has just been inaugurated as Israel’s new king and the Ark of the Covenant has just been re-captured from the Phillistines. The crowds are returning to Jerusalem with great excitement and joy.

The distinctly Hebrew music can be heard for miles. Singing, dancing, and praising the Lord. Some of the instruments being played are mentioned in verse 5: the lyre (a stringed instrument like a small U-shaped harp with strings fixed to a crossbar); the harp (most likely a small lyre-shaped musical instrument held between the teeth and struck with a finger); the tambourines (also called “timbrel” – a percussion instrument resembling a shallow drum with small metal disks in slots around the edge), castanets (a long handled instrument with metal rings at the end); and cymbals (two metal plates attached to each hand of and struck together to produce a great noise). Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Oh, what joy!

If we were able to step into the Old Testament period, we would find a culture filled with music, where people used music in their daily lives. Both the Old and New Testaments address music and strongly support its use in worship. The extensive collection of actual songs found in the Old Testament indicates the importance and value God places on creative musical expression. Music’s use in worship in the church today is valuable and can honor God in a special way.

God's people have always used music to express their innermost feelings of praise for our God and Father. In Ephesians 5:18-19, we are encouraged to incorporate music into our relationship with God, “Be filled with the Spirit. Sing the words and tunes of the psalms and hymns when you are together, and go on singing and chanting to the Lord in your hearts.”  The Bible never says, let those who have beautiful voices sing, as if natural talent were required to praise God. The Bible just says “Sing!” Over and over, dozens of times, we are commanded to sing: sing to the Lord, sing praises, sing joyfully, sing a new song. Come into God’s presence with singing. Do it now.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 5


Key Verse - 2 Samuel 5:25

Do as the Lord Commands

Second Samuel 5 describes David’s rise to power as the new king of Israel. Verse 10 says, “David became greater and greater, for the Lord, the God of hosts, was with him.” And verse 25 tells us why David was so successful: “David did as the Lord commanded him.”

Remember Saul, Israel’s first king? He began his reign by being humble and obedient to the Lord also. And the Lord promoted him and gave him success. But then he began to drift away. He became proud and self-centered and stopped obeying the commands of the Lord. As a result, his kingdom began to whither and his victories turned into failures. Eventually, Saul’s kingdom was taken from him and given to David, the shepherd from Bethlehem.

David watched all of this take place. He watched as Saul became a strong ruler and began defeating Israel’s enemies. He watched as Saul’s kingdom expanded and his majesty increased. But he also watched as Saul began to decline. He knew first hand how Saul became irrational and agitated and how he disobeyed the commands of the Lord on several occasions. Having closely observed Saul’s demise, David learned some powerful lessons for his own life and kingdom.

We can learn a lot by watching others. We can learn from their successes – and we can also learn from their mistakes. We can become more victorious in our lives by watching the lives of happy and influential people around us and following their example. We can also protect ourselves from failure by watching what happened to others who have fallen and avoiding their mistakes.

David learned a lot from observing Saul’s life. And the biggest life lesson he learned was this: do as the Lord commands. Don’t take shortcuts. Don’t think you know better or have a genius strategy. Simply listen to the Lord and obey His commands for your life. If He says, “go out and confront the Phillistines,” then go out (V19). But if He says, “go around to the rear,” then follow His command (V23).

The only way to ensure success in your Christian life is to “trust and obey.” Seek the Lord. Inquire of the Lord. Listen to the Lord. Then do as the Lord commands. You have the power of the Holy Spirit within you to make your obedience a reality. He will give you great success in your spiritual journey if you do.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Today's Reading: Psalm 107


Key Verse - Psalm 107:9

Satisfaction for the Longing Soul

Human beings were originally created as complete and whole individuals, living in fellowship with their Creator. The human soul was in a constant state of satisfaction and contentment. Peace ruled in the human heart because God ruled in the human heart. The soul of man was filled with good things. But then came the fall of humanity, where, through one act of disobedience to God, a previously unknown hunger entered the human heart. Mankind had been separated from God and, as a result, the soul of human beings now feels empty and hungry and unfulfilled. This hunger is nothing more than a deep longing to be restored to fellowship with God. To have that deep connection to the God who loves us and who also longs for us to be restored to Him.

The good news is that God has made provision for this emptiness in the longing human soul. He has offered each and every one of us the opportunity to experience a return to the complete and whole existence the original humans once enjoyed. In His grace and love, He doesn’t leave us without the amazing opportunity to return to that state of satisfaction and contentment. He has given us a way to have our soul filled with good things once again.

Satisfaction for the longing soul comes from only one source – Him. Notice in verse 9, we are told that “He” satisfies the longing soul and “He” fills the hungry soul with good things. Searching for this sense of wholeness and contentment in our soul in anyone or anything other than Him, will leave you empty and frustrated. You won’t find it in relationships with others. You won’t find it in a healthy body. You won’t find it in riches and wealth. You won’t find it in higher education. You won’t find it in new age spiritual pursuits. You won’t find it in bigger houses or faster cars or bigger bank accounts. You won’t find it in mind-altering substances or by “drowning your sorrows” with alcohol or drugs. Nope. You can only find true satisfaction for your longing soul in one Person – the Living God.

Verse 8 says, “Blessed be the LORD for His steadfast love, for His wondrous works to the children of man!” What a blessing it is to be restored to that right relationship with our Heavenly Father who loves us and sent His Son to restore us to Him. You no longer have to spend your life longing for peace and striving for satisfaction.  All you need to do is come to Jesus, confess your sins to Him, and by faith receive His free gift of satisfaction for your longing soul.

He longs for you. You long for Him. It’s a “match made in Heaven!”  Simply put, if you return to Him, He will restore your peace and fulfill your soul with good things. As Jesus said, Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Today's Reading: Psalm 106 & 133

Key Verse - Psalm 133:1

Good and Pleasant Unity

The “Songs of Ascent” are a special group of Psalms comprised of Psalms 120—134. Also known as “Pilgrim Songs,” these songs were sung by the Jews while on their way to the great Jewish feasts in Jerusalem.  They are called songs of “ascent” because Jerusalem is situated on a mountain and to get there, you had to climb one of the uphill roads which led to the city. The pilgrims that flowed from the towns and villages of Judea and Samaria would sing these songs together on the roads, the hills echoing with their songs. According to some traditions, the Jewish priests also sang some of these Songs of Ascent as they walked up the steps to the temple in Jerusalem.

It must have been an incredible experience to walk together with crowds of other worshippers up the hills to the city while singing these songs together. Each of the Pilgrim Songs offered encouragement and joy for those seeking to worship God. The lyrics of this song collection cover a broad range of the peoples’ relationship with God such as: God’s presence during distress; joyful praise; God’s mercy; the joy of the Lord; repentance; and a cry for help to the Lord. In Psalm 133, king David focuses on the blessing of unity and harmony amongst the people of God.

As David looked down from his palace, seeing the thousands upon thousands of faithful worshippers working their way up the hill, he was struck by the profound blessing of unity. He noticed everyone singing in “unison” and it impressed on his heart the beauty of oneness and harmony amongst God’s people. It’s an amazing thing how music binds people together. Especially music sung in worship of God.

As David views this spectacle of the pilgrims ascending the mountain, he proclaims “How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” David here draws our attention to something good and pleasant – unity among the people of God. It is good because it reflects God’s heart and purpose of oneness among His people. It is pleasant because it makes life together as God’s people so much more enjoyable than seasons when constant bickering and conflict dominate.

In His final hours upon Earth, Jesus prayed for this type of pleasant unity and harmony amongst His followers. In John 17:20-23, He asked, “that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and You in Me, that they may become perfectly one.”

Knowing that unity is God’s will for His people, every believer should pray for oneness as Jesus did, and should work to have good and peaceable relationships with all others (Romans 12:18).


Monday, November 22, 2021

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 12


Key Verse - 1 Chronicles 12:32

Discerning and Decisive

Isn’t it a wonderful thing when you know – really know – what you should do? Often we struggle with indecision because we aren’t sure what course to take. Indecision exists across the entire human experience. Sometimes, indecision is personal… Should I go to school? Or take that job? Should I move to a new city? Or stay where I am? Sometimes, indecision is among a community or church body… Which pastor should we hire? Should we spend more money on outreach? Sometimes, indecision occurs withing the highest levels of government… Should we require people to wear masks? Or get vaccinated? Should we go to war with another nation? Should we spend taxpayer’s money on certain government programs? Indecision has been known to paralyze people, communities, churches, and entire nations.

David recognized the vital importance of being discerning and decisive, so he gathered people around him to aid in directing the affairs of the nation. Uniquely chosen amongst David’s appointments of leaders were the men from the tribe of Issachar, who were chosen to serve as intelligence gatherers and strategists. Verse 32 says these men “had understanding of the times” and knew “what Israel ought to do.” David wisely placed these men within his new government because he knew the importance of being discerning and decisive as the king.

It has been said that “knowledge” is understanding information, while “wisdom” is knowing what to do with that information. These men from Issachar were uniquely gifted with both knowledge and wisdom. They had the ability to discern the times, knowing how to direct the king and the nation. Discernment is NOT the ability to know right from wrong, it is the ability to know right from “almost right.” What a joy it is when we are so tuned in to our Heavenly Father in such a way that we comprehend the situation and see which path is the right path. These men of Issachar were perceptive about what was going on in the world around them and, as a result, they were uniquely gifted to guide the king and the country.

In our day, it is critical that every follower of Christ be discerning. We must understand the times in which we live so we can be equipped to know what we ought to do. The gift of discerning of spirits is one of the most needed gifts in the Body of Christ today. ”The Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.” (1 Timothy 4:1) Jesus's mandate that we become "wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matthew 10:16) implies that we must develop supernatural discernment, the ability to detect subtle spiritual irregularities and act accordingly.

Your Heavenly Father loves you intensely and completely. From that love comes His desire that you be discerning and decisive as you follow His will. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Today's Reading: 1 Chronicles 11


1 Chronicles 11:10

David's Mighty Men

First Chronicles 11 lists a group of people known as the “mighty men” of David. They are also referred to as the “thirty chiefs” or simply “the Thirty.” These mighty men of David were a group of David’s toughest military warriors who were credited with heroic feats. Some of these mighty men of David had considerable military skill. David’s mighty men served an important role in protecting the king and fighting for the freedom of their nation, the land of Israel.

This is a story about some ordinary guys whose reputations grow because of the way they live their lives. They are not just men. They are men’s men. Heroes, forever honored in the "hall of faith" of the Bible because of how they handled their lives and their service to God and the king.

In verse 10, we are told that these men gave David “strong support in his kingdom.”  It is so critical for any leader called by God to have a strong support network undergirding his/her ministry. Whenever God raises up a person to do a work, He will raise up “Mighty Men and Women” to help do that work. David's mighty men were mighty in valor, mighty in faith, and anointed with the power of God, and totally supported him and his kingdom. They were not afraid to risk and to sacrifice. They offered their lives on the altar of the king. Why? Because they loved the Lord and believed in the king and his calling to ministry.

Oh, how we all need people like this in our lives! People who love the Lord, who believe in us, and believe in the ministry God has called us to. Our strength in ministry comes from the Holy Spirit, but oh what a blessing it is when you can rely on your support network to stand with you every step of the way.  These are the type of people who will pray for you, pray with you, take risk and sacrifice for you, and do their best to make sure you succeed in that thing to which God has called you.

Is God calling you to be a mighty man or woman? Could you be a person like this in someone’s life? Perhaps the Lord is calling you to be a blessing to someone else in ministry – to pray for them, to support them, the help them succeed. Does your pastor need a support team? 72% of pastors report working up to 55 to 75 hours per week. Up to one third of pastors struggle with anxiety and depression – sometimes because they feel “all alone” in ministry. Every pastor needs some mighty men and women to stand with them in their ministry, as does every missionary, every youth minister, every Christian author, everyone who serves Christ in any manner.

Look around. Who do you see who could use your strong support in ministry? Prayerfully ask God to make you into their “mighty man” or “mighty woman.” Take the risk and be a hero to someone today.