Dedicating to the Lord
winning decisive victories against Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines,
and Amalek, King David had stockpiled a large collection of the spoils of war. These
included all sorts of articles of gold, of silver, and of bronze. It was
customary in those days for the kings of victor nations to keep these spoils of
war as a means of accumulating wealth for himself. Having a great stockpile of
these items represented the grandness of the king’s majesty. As the collection
grew, so did the king’s notoriety and renown among his citizens and neighboring
of these customs mattered to King David. He wasn’t interested in building his
own wealth and fame. What mattered to him was building the fame of Yahweh. So,
David took the articles of gold, silver, and bronze and dedicated them to the Lord.
The Hebrew word “dedicated” in verse 11 means to set apart; to consecrate; to
devote as holy. David literally separated these items from his own “bank
account” and deposited them in the Lord’s “account.” By doing so, David was
choosing to benefit his King and Lord rather than selfishly benefitting
something to the Lord means surrendering your personal control and use of an
item (or person) and handing over control and use to God. For the follower of
Christ, this often means giving up something of great worth and value. We must
sacrifice what is dear to us. Perhaps, like David, it involves giving God
control of our wealth and fame. Or, perhaps dedicating our homes and workplaces
to Him. Or, as we see many times in the Bible, dedicating our children unto the
Lord. Ultimately, we are told to “present our bodies to God as living
sacrifices” (Romans 12:1). This is the action by which we deny ourselves, take
up our cross, and follow Jesus.
is important to note that dedicating something to the Lord is a voluntary act
on your part. God never forces you to surrender anything or anyone to Him. Because
of God’s great mercy, we are compelled to offer ourselves to Him as a way of
worship – to offer our bodies to God for service. Every Christian should
have a time in their life when they take this important step of presenting
their body to God.
is God calling you to hand over to Him today? Is it your bank account? Or your
job? Or your relationship? Or your newborn child? Or your body in service to
Him? Whatever it is, God will honor your gift and return blessings to you in “good
measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over” (Luke 6:38). The more you give, the more comes back to you, because God is the Greatest Giver in the universe, and He won't let you outgive Him.