Like Silver Purified Seven Times
Bible times, silver was usually used for decorative purposes such as jewelry
and household ornaments. Before silver could be used for these purposes, it had
to be extracted from the ore of other metals, primarily lead. Silver was usually
obtained as a by-product of lead mining. The ore would then be purified in
a clay furnace using an extremely hot melting process. In order to separate the silver from the lead,
the rough ore would be heated above the temperature at which silver melts (1750°F). When the liquid metal then cooled slowly, the
silver solidified first and it floated as a crust above the liquid lead. This
crust of silver was then skimmed off and poured into bars in order to be traded.
rough silver still contained some small particles of lead that had to be
removed to obtain “pure” silver. To
purify the rough silver further it was melted again in the melting pot on the
fire. This second purifying process resulted in silver that was typically 99%
pure. Although the silver still contained some miniscule particles of lead, it
was considered ready for trade. In very rare cases, the silver would be
purified a third time resulting in silver that was 99.99% pure.
in Psalm 12:6, we are told that the “words of the Lord” are so pure that they
are like silver that has been refined and purified SEVEN times. David is emphasizing
that God’s word is so pure, it is like silver which is flawless. Not 99.99%
pure, or even 99.999999% pure, but completely flawless and without any imperfection
doesn’t imply that God’s words once contained flaws or impurities which had to
be removed. God’s word is, and has always been pure, without any contamination
or imperfections whatsoever. They were pure when they were first issued and remain
pure to this day. The God who is holy, and pure, and perfect has given us His
words, which are also holy, pure, and perfect in every way. His word is pure
but never purified.
“Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.” (Proverbs 30:5) By contrast, human wisdom is flawed. It
contains imperfections. The words of the wisest men and women in history come
nowhere near the flawless wisdom of God. God’s word contains not even the tiniest
particle of human wisdom. Because it is pure, it can be received with readiness
of mind and trusted with the depths of the heart. Put your trust in God’s
words. They are pure. They are peaceable. They are able to bring you true
wisdom and transform your life. “The precepts of the LORD are right,
rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.”
(Psalm 19:8)