Forever Firmly Fixed
if anything, in this world is actually “permanent”? Think about it. The building you’re in is not permanent at all. The sidewalks and the
asphalt out there are not permanent at all. The great roads, bridges, buildings
and skyscrapers are not permanent. In fact, this earth itself is not permanent.
The sun is not permanent, someday it will probably go up into a supernova and
burn out. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word
shall never pass away." (Matthew 24:35) The
reality is this: although there is nothing truly permanent in this universe, there
is nothing more permanent than the word of God.
and his word are lasting and unchangeable. The meaning here is that
the word - the law - the promise - of God was made firm, established, stable,
in heaven; and would be so forever and ever. What God has affirmed to be true would
always remain true; what He has promised is sure forever.
That is why it is so wrong for us to talk about the word of God as applying to a particular culture or time in history. As some would say, "Oh, they just wrote according to the understanding of their own culture of those times – it really isn’t relevant for us today." It is so wrong for us to challenge the word of God or seek to change the word of God because God has forever settled His word in heaven. God said it; that settles it. There's no disputing of it. There's no arguing of it. There's no challenging of it. It's the word of God. It's forever settled – firmly fixed in heaven.
Truth doesn't change with the values or morals of a society. God's commandments and laws don't change because the standards of our society are so changed. The truth of God is absolute. The law of God is absolute. It is not relative to a situation. It is not relative to the morés of a society. God has established His absolute law. His word is forever settled in heaven. If you find yourself arguing with the word, you're wrong. God's word is a settled issue.
The Hebrew word for “firmly fixed” (or “settled”) in this verse means to set up; to stand; to put into place. It carries the idea of being set up in an upright and stationary position – unable to be moved. The Bible you have in front of you has been set up by God to act as a permanent display of His truth. It never changes. It never needs revision. It is firmly fixed, not only on Earth – but in Heaven for all of eternity. You can believe it with confidence and rely on it with all your heart.