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Sunday, March 19, 2023

March 19 -- "Unexpected Blessings"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 48

"Unexpected Blessings"

What a joy it is to receive unexpected blessings!

Here Jacob (also known as Israel) takes a moment to reflect upon his unexpected blessings – his grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh, who were the sons of Joseph. In this verse, Jacob declares that he had never imagined to see Joseph again, let alone Joseph's children. He is blessed that God had miraculously allowed him to see not only Joseph but his grandchildren as well. You can almost see the giant grin on Jacob’s face as he realizes the magnitude of his blessings.

One way this verse can apply to us is as a reminder of God's sovereignty and the unexpected ways He can work in our lives. Just as Jacob did not expect to see Joseph's children, we may encounter surprises or unexpected blessings in our own lives. We can trust that God is in control and that He has a plan for us, even when things do not go according to our expectations.

This verse also highlights the importance of family and the joy that comes from spending time with loved ones. We should cherish the moments we have with our family members, especially those we may not see often, and be grateful for the relationships we have been blessed with.

Please remember to appreciate and enjoy the blessing of being with your children, grandchildren, and other family members. Their presence may not be there forever. So savor every moment with them and, like Jacob, grin from ear-to-ear as you realize the magnitude of your blessings.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

March 18 -- "Relocation"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 47


Joseph relocated his family to Egypt and provided them with property in the fertile area of Rameses in the eastern part of the Nile Delta. This is seen as a reflection of God's grace and favor towards Joseph. The New Testament references Joseph's story, particularly in Acts 7:9-16, where Stephen recounts how God was with Joseph throughout his trials and tribulations, using him to provide for his family and the Israelites.

The importance of family and taking care of loved ones is highlighted in Joseph's actions. He went to great lengths to ensure his family was provided for and given property in the best part of the land, reminding us to prioritize our family and take care of their needs. Additionally, Joseph used his power to help those around him, emphasizing the importance of using our resources and position of influence to make a positive impact in our communities.

The verse also reminds us of the role of divine providence in our lives. Joseph's rise to power was a result of God's guidance and favor, fulfilling God's plans for the Israelites. This serves as a reminder to have faith in God's plans for our lives and trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we may not understand it at the time.

At first, the Israelites were treated well and enjoyed the benefits of Joseph's high position in Pharaoh's court. However, as time went on and Joseph and his generation passed away, the Israelites began to face persecution and oppression.

In the end, the Israelites' time in Egypt served as a testing ground for their faith in God and their commitment to following His commands. It also reinforced their identity as a separate and distinct people, which would play an important role in their future as a nation.

Friday, March 17, 2023

March 17 -- "Jacob’s Revived Spirit"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 45:15 - 46:34

Jacob’s Revived Spirit

This verse shows Jacob's initial disbelief and shock upon hearing the news of Joseph's survival, which had been a long-standing source of grief for him. However, when Jacob sees the wagons that Joseph had sent to bring him to Egypt, he begins to believe that the news might be true. The wagons were a sign of Joseph's wealth and status in Egypt, and they convinced Jacob that his beloved son was indeed alive and well.

The phrase "the spirit of their father Jacob revived" highlights the emotional impact that this news had on Jacob, who had been mourning Joseph's supposed death for many years. This conveys the idea that Jacob was deeply moved by the news of Joseph's survival and the evidence of his wealth and status in Egypt. The blood drained from Israel's face—he couldn't believe it. 'My son! My Joseph! Alive!’

This verse shows the power of reconciliation and the joy that can come from being reunited with loved ones. For Jacob, the news of Joseph's survival was a turning point in his life, one that brought him hope and renewed his faith in God's providence.

This verse can apply to our lives in many ways. It reminds us that no matter how difficult or hopeless a situation may seem, there is always the possibility of reconciliation and redemption – even when we think there’s no hope.  It encourages us to hold onto hope and to trust in God's plan, even when we can't see the way forward. After all, He is the God who raises the dead to life! And, in Jacob’s mind, that’s exactly what happened to Joseph.

What hopeless situation or relationship are you facing? Do you need a miraculous intervention? The Almighty Lord on High knows your situation and can create possibilities you never thought possible.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

March 16 -- "God Did This!"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 44:1 - 45:15

"God Did This!"

In this passage, Joseph is speaking to his brothers after revealing his true identity to them. Joseph, in a remarkable moment of spiritual insight, tells his brothers that God, not them, had sent him to Egypt ahead of them to preserve their family and many others from famine. Joseph acknowledges that it was not his brothers who sent him to Egypt, but God who orchestrated the events leading to his arrival. He assures them that it was God, Himself, who did this. He also reveals that he has been elevated to a position of great authority in Egypt, serving as a father figure to Pharaoh and ruling over all the land.

Here are a few possible ways you could apply this passage to your own life:

  1. Trust in God's sovereignty: Just as God worked through Joseph's difficult circumstances to bring about his plan, he can also work through the challenges you face in your life. Trust that God is in control and that he is working all things together for good, even when it's hard to see or understand.
  2. Forgive others: Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him into slavery, even though it caused him years of pain and hardship. Similarly, we are called to forgive those who have wronged us, even if it's not easy. Forgiveness can be a powerful way to break the cycle of hurt and bitterness, and it can bring healing to our own hearts as well.
  3. Use your gifts to serve others: Joseph's position of power in Egypt gave him the opportunity to serve others and provide for their needs. Similarly, you can use your own gifts and resources to help those around you who are in need. Whether it's volunteering, donating, or simply offering a listening ear, there are many ways to serve others and make a positive impact.

Overall, this passage reminds us that God is always at work, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. By trusting in him, forgiving others, and serving those around us, we can be a part of his plan and make a difference in the world.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March 15 -- "Joseph's Example of Compassion and Grace"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 43

"Joseph's Example of Compassion and Grace"

Today’s verse highlights Joseph's compassion and concern for his brother Benjamin. Despite the fact that his brothers had wronged him many years earlier, Joseph is still willing to extend grace and mercy towards them. He recognizes that his brother Benjamin is in a difficult situation, and he wants to ensure that he is not overcome by his emotions.

Joseph likely felt a strong sense of nostalgia and emotion upon seeing his brothers again, after being separated from them for so many years. The reunion with his brothers may have also brought up memories of his past and the pain he experienced from being sold into slavery by his own brothers. All of this welled up inside him, causing him to get alone and weep.

This verse can serve as a reminder for us to extend compassion and grace to others, even when they have wronged us. This moment is a testament to Joseph's character and his willingness to forgive and show compassion to those who had wronged him. It serves as a reminder for us to follow Joseph's example and extend forgiveness and compassion to those around us.

Jesus often emphasized the importance of forgiving others as a reflection of the forgiveness that we have received from God, no matter how many times or how severely others have hurt us. Matthew 18:21-22 - "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

Joseph exemplified this type of forgiving spirit. We would all do well to foster this same spirit in our own lives.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 14 -- "Reunited!"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 42


In this verse, Joseph has been appointed as the governor of the land of Egypt by Pharaoh. His ten brothers, who had earlier sold him into slavery, have come to Egypt to buy grain during the famine. When they arrive, they bow down to Joseph in recognition of his position of authority. This is a significant moment in the story of Joseph, as it marks the reunion between Joseph and his brothers and sets the stage for the reconciliation that will follow. This this verse shows the fulfillment of one of the dreams that Joseph had earlier in Genesis 37. Joseph’s story reveals at least two applications for our lives.

First, it serves as a powerful example of forgiveness and reconciliation. Joseph's willingness to forgive his brothers and to bring them back into a relationship with him is a powerful message that teaches us that there is always room for forgiveness, no matter how terribly we’ve been treated by others. Forgiveness refers to the act of letting go of anger, resentment, and bitterness towards someone who has wronged us, and choosing to extend grace and mercy instead. Joseph's willingness to forgive his brothers is a powerful example of this principle. Even though his brothers had sold him into slavery and left him for dead, Joseph chose to forgive them and extend grace to them when they came to him for help during the famine.

Second, Joseph's story is a reminder that even when things seem to be going wrong, God has a plan and is working behind the scenes to bring about a greater good. When we trust in God's plan, we can have peace and hope, even in difficult circumstances. The Bible teaches that God is always at work, even when it may not be immediately apparent to us. Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." In Isaiah 46:10, the Lord reminds us that “My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.” So, let God work behind the scenes of your life. Trust Him completely to fulfill His purpose in you.

Monday, March 13, 2023

March 13 -- "Faithfulness Brings Reward"

 Today's Reading:  Genesis 41:37-57

"Faithfulness Brings Reward"

Today’s verse symbolizes the great honor and responsibility that Joseph was given by Pharaoh. The signet ring, robes of fine linen, and gold chain all represented Joseph's newfound authority and power.

This is a reminder that God can use us in powerful ways, even when we may feel unqualified or unworthy. Just as Joseph was given a great opportunity to serve and lead, we too can be used by God to make a difference in the world. Joseph had a special anointing upon his life reflected in the many times God used Joseph's diligence and faithfulness to turn dire circumstances into moments of victory. We, too can experience this same anointing.

This verse also teaches us about the importance of being faithful in the small things. Joseph was faithful in his role as a prisoner and as a servant, and as a result, God was able to bless him and use him in a powerful way. This is a reminder to us that if we are faithful in the small things, God will entrust us with greater responsibilities.

“Do you see a man skillful in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” (Proverbs 22:29) This Proverb presents a general principle that states that hard work, skill, and excellence will be rewarded and recognized by those in authority. In ancient times, serving before kings was a great honor and sign of recognition. The verse suggests that if a person is skilled and excels in their work, they will likely be recognized and rewarded by those in positions of power and influence.

True success and recognition come from hard work, excellence, and faithfulness. This is a reminder for all of us to strive for excellence and hard work in all we do, as it will be recognized and rewarded in the end. If not in this life, certainly in eternity. Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

The story of Joseph proves that everyone has a shot at being someone great - at starting all over when we place ourselves in God's Hand and work heartily and faithfully for Him.