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Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 28 -- "Confession"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 5


"Confession heals, confession justifies, confession grants pardon of sin. All hope consists in confession. In confession, there is a chance for mercy." - St. Isidore of Seville

Today’s passage shows the importance of confessing one's sins and making restitution for any wrongs committed. In the context of the Israelites, this command was meant to ensure justice and maintain the holiness of the community. If someone sinned against another person, they were required to confess their wrongdoing, make amends, and give a fifth of the value of what they took or damaged. This practice demonstrated repentance and humility before God and the community and helped to restore relationships and trust.

As Christ-followers, we are also called to confess our sins, seek forgiveness, and make restitution where necessary. It's important to remember that sin not only affects our relationship with God but also with those around us. We must take responsibility for our actions and seek to restore broken relationships by making things right with those we have wronged. By confessing our sins, we demonstrate humility and trust in God's forgiveness and restoration.

Jesus taught about confession in several passages throughout the New Testament. In Matthew 6:12, He includes confession in the Lord's Prayer, saying, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." This prayer emphasizes the importance of confessing our sins and seeking forgiveness from God.

Therefore, my dear friend, I exhort you to examine your heart and confess any sins you may have committed. Do not let pride or fear of judgment prevent you from seeking forgiveness and making things right with those you have wronged. Remember, the Lord desires honesty, obedience, and repentance over religious acts or excuses. Trust in His grace and mercy, and let His love guide you towards true restoration and healing.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

May 27 -- "Uniquely Important"

Today's Reading: Numbers 4 

"Uniquely Important"

The Levites had various tasks assigned to them in the service of the worship ministry of Israel. These tasks included the care and transportation of the Tabernacle and its furnishings, the setting up and taking down of the Tabernacle, the maintenance of the holy vessels and instruments, and the assistance of the priests in the performance of their duties, among other things. Each Levite was assigned specific tasks according to their family and their appointed role in the service of the Tabernacle.

It's not explicitly stated in the Bible which duty was considered the most menial among the Levites. However, some of the duties, such as carrying the poles and frames of the Tabernacle, were physically demanding and repetitive, and therefore may have been perceived as more menial than others. Nonetheless, it's important to note that all the duties assigned to the Levites were equally important in the eyes of God and required the same level of devotion and attention to detail. In God's eyes, there is no hierarchy of tasks or roles, and all work done with a heart of obedience and love is valued and honored.

For us, we should recognize that each person has a unique and important role to play in His kingdom, and it's important to understand and fulfill that role to the best of our ability. Just as the Levites were counted and assigned their duties, we too should seek to understand and fulfill our role in God's kingdom. You are unique and uniquely important.

God has given each of us unique gifts, talents, and abilities, and He wants us to use them to serve Him and build up His kingdom. We should seek His will for our lives and be willing to follow His plan, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone or making sacrifices.

The Lord has a specific plan for your life. He created you with a unique purpose and calling, and He wants you to fulfill it to the best of your ability. Do not compare yourself to others or feel like your role is too menial or insignificant. Every task, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant, is important in His eyes.

Friday, May 26, 2023

May 26 -- "Order, Cost, and Service"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 3:27-51

"Order, Cost, and Service"

Numbers 3:51 teaches us about God's order and structure, the cost of following Him, and the value of our service to Him.

The context of today’s verse is important to understanding its meaning. The Levites were set apart by God to serve Him in the Tabernacle, but they were not counted among the other tribes of Israel. Instead, they were counted separately and given specific duties to perform in service to God. The “redemption money” referred to in this verse was a payment made by the firstborn males of the other tribes to redeem themselves and their families from serving in the Tabernacle.

So what does this all mean for us as Christ-followers? First, we can see that God is a God of order and structure. He has specific plans and purposes for each of His followers, just as He had for the Levites. We may not all have the same roles or responsibilities, but we all have a part to play in His kingdom.

Second, we can see that there is a cost to following God. The redemption money paid by the firstborn males was a symbol of their commitment to God and their willingness to serve Him. As Christ-followers, we are also called to count the cost of following Him. It may require us to give up certain things, to sacrifice our time and resources, or even to suffer for His sake.

Finally, we can see that God values each of us and desires our service to Him. Just as the Levites were set apart for service in the Tabernacle, we are also set apart for service to God. He has given us unique gifts and talents to use for His glory, and He wants us to use them to the best of our ability.

Remember that your service to God is of great value. Just as the Levites were set apart for service in the Tabernacle, we too are set apart for service to God. Our service is a reflection of our love for Him and our desire to please Him. Let us strive to serve Him with excellence and with joy, knowing that we are making a difference in His kingdom.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

May 25 -- "Guardians of the Ministry"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 3:1-26

"Guardians of the Ministry"

Numbers 3:7 specifically outlines the role of the Levites in guarding the Tabernacle, the priests, and the congregation. This was an important responsibility, as the Tabernacle represented the presence of God among the people, and any mishandling or neglect of its upkeep could have serious consequences.

The Levites had the responsibility to guard over the priests who were serving in the Tabernacle. They did this by providing physical protection. They would set up a perimeter around the Tabernacle and make sure that no unauthorized person entered the area. This provided physical protection not only for the Tabernacle and its contents but also for the priests who were performing their duties inside. They also did this by assisting in the ministry and by providing logistical support which was critical to the priests' ability to perform their duties effectively, as they needed a stable and secure place to worship and make offerings to God.

We are not "Guardians of the Galaxy" but, like the Levites, we are called to guard the things of God in our lives. This includes our personal relationship with God, our involvement in our church community, our church leaders, our fellow believers, and our commitment to living a life that honors and glorifies God.

We are not to be apathetic or uncaring toward the things and people of God, but must take an active role in “guarding over” these things. We can do this by protecting our pastors and church leaders, assisting in the duties of ministry, and providing logistical support to ensure the worship and message of God go forth.

“Set up a perimeter” around your church and church leaders through daily fervent prayer, protecting them from spiritual attacks and enabling them to carry out their duties to minister to God’s people. Remember, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16)

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

May 24 -- "Facing the Tent of Meeting"

Today's Reading: Numbers 2 

"Facing the Tent of Meeting"

In this verse, God instructs Moses to organize the Israelites into specific campsites and to place each tribe under its own banner. The Israelites were to move and set up camp according to this order, with each tribe staying in its designated position.

The application of this verse to the Israelites was that it was essential for them to follow God's instructions and maintain order and unity as they traveled through the wilderness. The banner of each tribe represented their identity and purpose, and their placement within the camp emphasized their significance within the community of faith. Each tribe had a specific location within the camp, and they were arranged in a particular order around the Tabernacle.

The arrangement of the camps “facing the tent of meeting” emphasized the importance of keeping the presence of God at the center of the community of faith. The centrality of God in the Israelite community was significant because it represented their dependence on Him for their guidance, protection, and provision. The presence of the Tabernacle at the center of the camp reminded the Israelites that they were a chosen people and that they had a unique relationship with God. It also highlighted the importance of worship and reverence for God in their daily lives.

As Christians, we can also learn from this emphasis on the centrality of God in the Israelite community. We too are called to seek God's presence, to always “face” toward Him and to live in a way that honors Him. We are reminded that our lives should revolve around God and His purposes, and that we are to worship and serve Him above all else.

Setting your life facing Him means that you are intentionally orienting your life towards your Creator, seeking to align your thoughts, actions, and priorities with His will. It means that you are willing to submit to Him and to trust that His ways are higher than your ways.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

May 23 -- "Moses: Man of Obedience"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 1

"Moses: Man of Obedience"

Welcome to the thrilling Book of Numbers! This incredible book of the Bible is filled with adventure, excitement, and important life lessons that can still be applied to our lives today.

The Book of Numbers tells the story of the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness towards the Promised Land. Along the way, they faced numerous challenges and obstacles, but with God's help, they persevered and ultimately reached their destination.

As we delve into this book, we will witness incredible displays of faith, courage, and obedience, as well as moments of doubt, rebellion, and punishment. Through it all, we will gain valuable insights into the nature of God and the importance of trusting in Him.

We will learn about the consequences of disobedience and the rewards of faithful obedience. We will see how God provides for His people and how He uses even the most challenging situations for His glory.

In Numbers 1:19 ESV, the LORD commanded Moses to appoint one leader from each tribe of Israel to assist him in taking a census of the people. And Moses, in his obedience to God, appointed these leaders just as he was directed. What an example of simple trust and obedience.

Moses' obedience is an excellent example of the type of obedience that God desires from His children. He wants us to obey His commands just as Moses did. He wants us to be quick to listen and slow to speak, to seek God’s will in all things, and to trust in Him even when things may seem difficult or unclear.

Remember, obedience is not always easy, but it is necessary for your growth and development as a follower of Christ. When you obey your loving Father, you will experience the fullness of His blessings, joy, provision, and protection in your life. And when you trust in Him and seek to do His will, He will guide you on the path that He has prepared for you just as He guided Moses and the Israelites.

Monday, May 22, 2023

May 22 -- "The Tithe is His"

 Today's Reading: Leviticus 27

"The Tithe is His"

This verse is speaking about the practice of tithing, which was a way for the Israelites to give back to God a portion of what He had blessed them with. The word "tithe" means to give a tenth or 10 percent of one's income or resources, as an offering or donation to God. In this case, the Israelites were to give a tenth of their agricultural crops. The tithe was considered holy to the Lord and was to be given to support the work of the priests and Levites who served in the temple.

For the Israelites, tithing was a way to acknowledge God's sovereignty over all things, including their resources and finances. It was also a way to express their dependence upon God and their gratitude for His provision. Keep in mind that the tithe was not considered giving God something that belonged to the people, it was simply giving to God something that was already His. “Every tithe is the Lord’s.”

As Christ-followers, we are not under the same strict requirements for tithing as the Israelites were, but the principle of giving back to God and supporting His work remains important. We are called to give generously and sacrificially, recognizing that all we have comes from God and belongs to Him.

While the New Testament does not specifically command Christians to tithe, it does encourage generosity and giving as a way to honor God and support the work of the church and the ministry of the Gospel. Here are a few examples:

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 - "The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

Luke 6:38 - "Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you."

God wants us to trust Him with our finances and to be faithful in giving back to Him a portion of what He has blessed us with. As we do this, we express our dependence upon Him and demonstrate our love and devotion to Him.