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Thursday, June 1, 2023

June 1 -- "He Heard the Voice"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 7:54-89 

"He Heard the Voice"

How did Moses “hear” the voice speaking to him? Was it an audible voice he heard with his ears? Or was it the quiet voice of the Spirit making impressions on his heart and mind? We’re not certain how Moses heard the voice, but it is astonishing to realize that he actually heard the Lord speaking to him.

Throughout the Bible, there are several instances where people hear an audible voice of God. For example, in the Old Testament, God speaks audibly to Moses from the burning bush (Exodus 3:4), and He speaks audibly to the Israelites from Mount Sinai (Exodus 20:1-17). In the New Testament, God speaks audibly to Jesus at His baptism (Matthew 3:17) and to Saul on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-6).

While there are instances of people hearing an audible voice of God in the Bible, it is important to note that these occurrences are relatively rare. The vast majority of people throughout history have not heard an audible voice from God. The most important thing for us is to discern whether the message we are hearing is actually from God. There are several ways you can do this:

Test it against God's Word: The Bible is the ultimate standard for truth and morality, and God will never contradict His Word. So, if you hear a voice or impression that seems to go against the teachings of the Bible, it is not from God.

Seek confirmation: Seek guidance and confirmation from wise and godly people, such as pastors, mentors, and friends who have a strong faith. Share with them what you believe God is speaking to you, and ask for their insight and counsel.

Pray for discernment: Ask God to give you the discernment to know His voice from other voices that may be speaking to you, such as your own thoughts or the voice of the enemy.

Look for the fruit of the Spirit: In Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit are listed as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If what you are hearing or sensing aligns with these fruit, it is likely from God.

Remember, discerning God's voice takes time and practice. It is important to be patient, prayerful, humble, and to sit quietly in His presence.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

May 31 -- "One Male Goat"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 7:30-53

"One Male Goat"

The offering of the male goat for sin emphasizes the need for atonement for our sins. In the Old Testament, the sin offering was a way of making amends for sins committed and restoring the relationship between the individual and God.

As Christians, we believe that sin is a reality in our lives, and it separates us from God. The Bible teaches that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 ESV). This means that no one is exempt from the effects of sin, and we all need a savior.

However, the good news is that Jesus Christ has made a way for us to be reconciled with God. Not by offering a goat for a sin offering but because He became our sin offering and died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and to offer us forgiveness and redemption. Through faith in Him, we can be saved from the consequences of our sins and receive eternal life.

In Hebrews 10:4, we read that "it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." This means that the animal sacrifices of the Old Testament were ultimately insufficient to fully remove sin and reconcile people to God.

However, in Hebrews 10:10-14, we read that "we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all...For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." This passage emphasizes the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice for our sins and the completeness of His atonement.

As Christ-followers, we believe that Jesus Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins through His death on the cross. He is the perfect, unblemished “one male goat” who takes away the sin of the world. Through faith in Him, we have been offered forgiveness and redemption, and we no longer need to make animal sacrifices for our sins. However, the symbolism of the animal sacrifice can still serve as a reminder of the gravity of sin and the need for repentance and restoration with God.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

May 30 -- "Accepting Their Offering"

Today's Reading: Numbers 7:1-29

"Accepting Their Offering"

As part of the dedication of the Tabernacle, each of the twelve tribal leaders was instructed to bring a wagon and an ox as an offering for the service of the Tabernacle.

This offering of wagons and oxen was a significant act of generosity and devotion on the part of the tribal leaders. It was not just a one-time gift, but an ongoing commitment to support the work of the Tabernacle and to honor God with their resources. In this way, they were demonstrating their willingness to offer themselves fully to God and to prioritize His purposes above their own.

God specifically instructs Moses to "accept" the offerings of the tribal leaders for the service of the Tabernacle. By doing so, God was affirming the importance of their gifts and showing that He valued their willingness to give. God wanted His people to understand that their offerings were not just a duty or obligation, but a privilege and a way of participating in His work and His purposes for their lives.

As Christ-followers, we are called to offer ourselves fully to God as well. This means surrendering our own desires, plans, and ambitions to His will and trusting in His guidance for our lives. It means recognizing that everything we have comes from God and using our resources, time, and talents in ways that honor and serve Him.

But offering ourselves fully to God goes beyond just our financial resources. It also means using our time, talents, and abilities in ways that serve and glorify Him. This might mean volunteering at a local ministry or non-profit, using our skills to serve others, or simply being available and willing to be used by God in whatever way He sees fit.

Ultimately, the example of the tribal leaders in Numbers 7:5 ESV reminds us that offering ourselves fully to God is an ongoing commitment that requires sacrifice, dedication, and a willingness to prioritize God's purposes above our own. As we seek to live out this calling in our own lives, we can trust that God will accept our sacrifices and use us to advance His kingdom in powerful ways.

Monday, May 29, 2023

May 29 -- "When His Countenance Shines Upon You"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 6

"When His Countenance Shines Upon You"

Are you ready to receive a blessing that will change your life? Listen closely and receive the words of the Priestly Blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26, for they carry the power to transform your heart and your circumstances.

Based on Jewish tradition and customs, it is believed that the priests would have lifted their hands and extended them over the people as a sign of blessing as they imparted the words of this blessing to them. The practice of lifting hands over the people during the blessing was a symbolic gesture that represented the priests' intercession and mediation between God and the people. By extending their hands over the people, the priests were believed to be creating a conduit of divine strength and grace that flowed from God through them to the people.

For us as Christ-followers, this passage holds a powerful message. Just as God wanted to bless and keep the Israelites, He desires to do the same for us today. When we receive God's blessing, we experience His grace, love, and mercy in our lives. And just as the Israelites received God's protection and guidance, we too can rest in the knowledge that God is watching over us, keeping us safe and leading us on the path that He has set for us.

Our loving Heavenly Father wants us to understand that He desires to bless us and keep us. He wants to pour out His grace and mercy upon us, and to lead us on the path that He has set for us. When we receive God's blessing, we can experience His peace and joy in our lives, and we can rest in the knowledge that He is watching over us, keeping us safe and secure.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Receive it and accept the strength and grace that are flowing from His throne to you.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

May 28 -- "Confession"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 5


"Confession heals, confession justifies, confession grants pardon of sin. All hope consists in confession. In confession, there is a chance for mercy." - St. Isidore of Seville

Today’s passage shows the importance of confessing one's sins and making restitution for any wrongs committed. In the context of the Israelites, this command was meant to ensure justice and maintain the holiness of the community. If someone sinned against another person, they were required to confess their wrongdoing, make amends, and give a fifth of the value of what they took or damaged. This practice demonstrated repentance and humility before God and the community and helped to restore relationships and trust.

As Christ-followers, we are also called to confess our sins, seek forgiveness, and make restitution where necessary. It's important to remember that sin not only affects our relationship with God but also with those around us. We must take responsibility for our actions and seek to restore broken relationships by making things right with those we have wronged. By confessing our sins, we demonstrate humility and trust in God's forgiveness and restoration.

Jesus taught about confession in several passages throughout the New Testament. In Matthew 6:12, He includes confession in the Lord's Prayer, saying, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." This prayer emphasizes the importance of confessing our sins and seeking forgiveness from God.

Therefore, my dear friend, I exhort you to examine your heart and confess any sins you may have committed. Do not let pride or fear of judgment prevent you from seeking forgiveness and making things right with those you have wronged. Remember, the Lord desires honesty, obedience, and repentance over religious acts or excuses. Trust in His grace and mercy, and let His love guide you towards true restoration and healing.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

May 27 -- "Uniquely Important"

Today's Reading: Numbers 4 

"Uniquely Important"

The Levites had various tasks assigned to them in the service of the worship ministry of Israel. These tasks included the care and transportation of the Tabernacle and its furnishings, the setting up and taking down of the Tabernacle, the maintenance of the holy vessels and instruments, and the assistance of the priests in the performance of their duties, among other things. Each Levite was assigned specific tasks according to their family and their appointed role in the service of the Tabernacle.

It's not explicitly stated in the Bible which duty was considered the most menial among the Levites. However, some of the duties, such as carrying the poles and frames of the Tabernacle, were physically demanding and repetitive, and therefore may have been perceived as more menial than others. Nonetheless, it's important to note that all the duties assigned to the Levites were equally important in the eyes of God and required the same level of devotion and attention to detail. In God's eyes, there is no hierarchy of tasks or roles, and all work done with a heart of obedience and love is valued and honored.

For us, we should recognize that each person has a unique and important role to play in His kingdom, and it's important to understand and fulfill that role to the best of our ability. Just as the Levites were counted and assigned their duties, we too should seek to understand and fulfill our role in God's kingdom. You are unique and uniquely important.

God has given each of us unique gifts, talents, and abilities, and He wants us to use them to serve Him and build up His kingdom. We should seek His will for our lives and be willing to follow His plan, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zone or making sacrifices.

The Lord has a specific plan for your life. He created you with a unique purpose and calling, and He wants you to fulfill it to the best of your ability. Do not compare yourself to others or feel like your role is too menial or insignificant. Every task, no matter how small or seemingly unimportant, is important in His eyes.

Friday, May 26, 2023

May 26 -- "Order, Cost, and Service"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 3:27-51

"Order, Cost, and Service"

Numbers 3:51 teaches us about God's order and structure, the cost of following Him, and the value of our service to Him.

The context of today’s verse is important to understanding its meaning. The Levites were set apart by God to serve Him in the Tabernacle, but they were not counted among the other tribes of Israel. Instead, they were counted separately and given specific duties to perform in service to God. The “redemption money” referred to in this verse was a payment made by the firstborn males of the other tribes to redeem themselves and their families from serving in the Tabernacle.

So what does this all mean for us as Christ-followers? First, we can see that God is a God of order and structure. He has specific plans and purposes for each of His followers, just as He had for the Levites. We may not all have the same roles or responsibilities, but we all have a part to play in His kingdom.

Second, we can see that there is a cost to following God. The redemption money paid by the firstborn males was a symbol of their commitment to God and their willingness to serve Him. As Christ-followers, we are also called to count the cost of following Him. It may require us to give up certain things, to sacrifice our time and resources, or even to suffer for His sake.

Finally, we can see that God values each of us and desires our service to Him. Just as the Levites were set apart for service in the Tabernacle, we are also set apart for service to God. He has given us unique gifts and talents to use for His glory, and He wants us to use them to the best of our ability.

Remember that your service to God is of great value. Just as the Levites were set apart for service in the Tabernacle, we too are set apart for service to God. Our service is a reflection of our love for Him and our desire to please Him. Let us strive to serve Him with excellence and with joy, knowing that we are making a difference in His kingdom.