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Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 25 -- "Purified by Fire and Water"

Today's Reading: Numbers 31:1-24


"Purified by Fire and Water"

In Numbers 31, we find the Israelites engaged in battle with the Midianites. After their victory, Moses instructs the people regarding the spoils of war. The Lord commands them to make the captured items fit for use through purification by fire and water. This process of purification symbolizes God's desire for His people to be cleansed and sanctified, both externally and internally.

As believers in Christ, we are called to be set apart, holy vessels for God's use. The process of purification described in Numbers 31 holds valuable lessons for us today. First, passing through the fire represents the refining work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Just as gold is purified by fire, God uses various trials and challenges to refine our character, burn away impurities, and strengthen our faith. It is in the midst of these fiery trials that we are refined and made more like Christ.

Secondly, passing through the water represents the cleansing power of God's Word. The Apostle Paul alludes to this in Ephesians 5:26, “...that He might sanctify her [the Church], having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word." The water of the Word washes away the defilement of sin and renews our minds. As we daily immerse ourselves in Scripture, meditate on its truths, and allow it to convict and guide us, we experience the purifying work of God's Spirit within us.

It is so important that we embrace the process of purification. It may be uncomfortable and challenging, but remember that God's desire is for us to be vessels fit for His use. When trials come, let us trust in His faithfulness and rely on His strength to refine us. And as we engage with His Word, let us be diligent in seeking its cleansing power, allowing it to shape our thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

May we continually surrender ourselves to the cleansing fire of the Holy Spirit and the purifying water of God's Word. "Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the Master of the house, ready for every good work." (2 Timothy 2:21) Let us persevere in the process, knowing that through it, we are being transformed into vessels of honor, ready for the Master’s service. 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 24 -- "Promise Keepers"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 30

"Promise Keepers"

In Numbers 30:2, the Lord instructs the Israelites regarding the importance of honoring their vows and oaths made before Him. God emphasized the seriousness of their words, emphasizing that once a vow or oath was made, it must be fulfilled without delay or compromise. The Lord wanted His people to understand the significance of keeping their promises and remaining faithful to their commitments.

In a world where promises are easily broken and commitments are often disregarded, the Lord calls us to a higher standard. As followers of Christ, we should be known for our integrity and trustworthiness. Our words should hold weight and our commitments should be steadfast.

Whether it is a promise made to God, to others, or even to ourselves, we are called to fulfill it. This includes honoring our marriage vows, keeping our word in business agreements, and fulfilling our responsibilities in various areas of life. When we are faithful to our commitments, we reflect the character of God and demonstrate His faithfulness to the world around us.

Let us be people of our word, just as the Lord expects of us. Today, examine your commitments and promises. Have you neglected or failed to fulfill what you promised? If so, take steps to rectify the situation and make things right. Seek forgiveness where necessary and ask God for the strength to honor your commitments going forward.

Remember, our faithfulness in keeping our word has a profound impact on our relationships, our witness as Christians, and our personal growth. Let us be known as men and women of integrity, whose actions align with our words. As you interact with others, “let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No,'” (James 5:12), following through on your commitments with excellence.

Above all, rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to help you remain faithful in honoring your commitments. Lean on God's grace and strength, knowing that He is faithful to equip and empower you. By doing so, you will not only bring glory to God but also inspire those around you to embrace a life marked by integrity and steadfastness.

Friday, June 23, 2023

June 23 -- "Faithful Communication in a Conflicting World"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 29

"Faithful Communication in a Conflicting World"

Here we find Moses obediently relaying the Lord's instructions to the children of Israel regarding the offerings they were to present during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Lord had given precise instructions for the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings to be made on each of the seven days of the feast. Moses faithfully communicated these commands without omitting a single detail, exemplifying his unwavering commitment to fulfilling God's will.

Moses' obedience and dedication to accurately communicating God's instructions hold valuable lessons for us today. Just as Moses conveyed the Lord's words without alteration, we too are called to faithfully transmit God's Word to those around us. As followers of Christ, we have the incredible privilege and deep responsibility of sharing the unchanging truths of Scripture with others.

We live in a time where there is a great need for accurate teaching and faithful communication of God's Word. In a world filled with diverse opinions and conflicting messages, our responsibility as believers is to share the unadulterated truth of the Gospel. We must approach the task of spreading God's Word with the same reverence and commitment that Moses demonstrated.

Let us be inspired by Moses' obedience and dedication. May we diligently study the Scriptures, allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us, so that we can accurately communicate the truths of God's Word to those around us. As we engage in conversations, Bible studies, or even casual interactions, let us be mindful of the weight of our words.

As you go about your day, remember that you are entrusted with the precious task of sharing God's Word. Stay rooted in the Scriptures, seeking understanding and wisdom from the Lord. Dedicate yourself to accurately communicating His truths, and trust that the Holy Spirit will work through you to bring about transformation in the lives of those who hear.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

June 22 -- "Pentecost: The Feast of Weeks"

Today's Reading: Numbers 28 

"Pentecost: The Feast of Weeks"

Today’s passage introduces us to the Feast of Weeks, also known as Pentecost. This feast occurred 50 days after the offering of the firstfruits during the Passover season. It was a time of celebration and thanksgiving for God's provision, particularly the harvest of wheat. The Feast of Weeks held both agricultural and spiritual significance, reminding the Israelites of God's faithfulness and their dependence on Him. The term "Pentecost" is derived from the Greek word "PentÄ“kostÄ“," meaning "fiftieth," as it falls on the fiftieth day after the Passover Sabbath.

In the New Testament, the Feast of Weeks takes on a deeper meaning. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the early believers, empowering and equipping them for their mission to spread the Gospel. This marked the birth of the Church, and Pentecost became a commemoration of the outpouring of the Spirit and the harvest of souls.

As followers of Christ today, we can apply the principles of the Feast of Weeks to our lives. We should celebrate and express gratitude for God's provision and faithfulness. We can also recognize the vital role of the Holy Spirit in empowering us for service and proclaiming the Good News to others. Just as the early believers were commissioned to go and make disciples, we too are called to share the message of salvation.

Let us remember the significance of the Feast of Weeks and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In our celebration, let us honor God as the ultimate source of provision in our lives. Take time to express gratitude for His faithfulness, acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from Him.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

June 21 -- "Laying on of Hands"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 27

"Laying on of Hands"

Numbers 27:18 reveals a powerful act that carries deep significance—laying on of hands. When God instructed Moses to lay his hands on Joshua, it symbolized the impartation of authority, anointing, and blessing. This act represented a transfer of leadership and invoked the presence and power of the Holy Spirit upon Joshua's life. Joshua, of course, was chosen to succeed Moses because of the leadership qualities he practiced and the noticeable presence of the Holy Spirit within his life.

In the New Testament, we see the practice of laying on of hands continuing as a means of imparting spiritual gifts, healing, commissioning, and consecration. As believers, we can participate in this practice with reverence and expectation. We can lay hands on others in prayer, identifying with them and invoking God's power and grace upon their lives.

Today, consider the opportunities to lay hands on others. It may be during times of intercession when praying for healing, guidance, or breakthrough. It could also be during a time of commissioning or consecration, as you recognize someone's calling or appoint them to a specific task in God's kingdom.

Let us not underestimate the significance and power of laying on of hands. When we lay hands on others, we are participating in a divine act that connects us to God's authority and invites His intervention. It is an act of faith, acknowledging our dependence on Him and trusting in His ability to work through us.

Today, be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you consider the opportunities to lay hands on and pray for others. Allow God to work through you, knowing that His power and presence are released when we act in obedience. May you experience the transformative work of the Spirit as you participate in this sacred practice.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June 20 -- "God's Faithful Fulfillment"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 26:35-65

"God's Faithful Fulfillment"

Today’s reading captures a significant moment in Israel's history as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. The Lord commanded Moses to allocate the land for inheritance among the tribes based on their population. This verse emphasizes God's faithfulness in fulfilling His promises to His people.

This verse reminds us of the faithfulness of God in our lives today. Just as He allocated the land for inheritance to each tribe, He also has a unique plan and purpose for each one of us. We can draw several key applications from this passage.

First, trust in God's provision. Just as He promised to provide land for His people, He promises to provide "spiritual land" for us. In times of uncertainty or lack, we can trust in His faithfulness and rely on His provision, knowing that He is a God who keeps His word.

Second, embrace your individual calling. Just as each tribe received a unique portion of the land, we have been uniquely gifted and called by God. He has allocated “spiritual land” specifically to you where you can experience His presence and discover purpose for your life. Embrace the specific purpose and plan He has for your life, knowing that He has placed you where you are for a reason.

Let us anchor our faith in the unchanging nature of God's promises. Regardless of the challenges we may face, remember that God is faithful to fulfill what He has spoken over our lives. Take hold of His promises with confidence, knowing that He is a God who honors His word.

As you journey through life,  trust in His provision and guidance. Seek His will and surrender to His leading, allowing Him to direct your steps. Just as He faithfully divided the land among the tribes, He will guide and provide for you as He leads you to your individual “promised land”.

Monday, June 19, 2023

June 19 -- "Census of the New Generation"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 26:1-34

"Census of the New Generation"

God is omniscient. He has complete knowledge of all things. He already knew how many Israelites there were. So, why did He instruct Moses to conduct a census? While we cannot fully comprehend God's motives or intentions, there are a few possible reasons for God's instruction:

Practical and organizational purposes: Conducting a census would provide a tangible and practical means of organizing and preparing the Israelites for their journey and the challenges they would face. From a human perspective, a census would provide valuable information for effective planning and leadership.

Teaching lessons and reinforcing trust: God often used specific commands and actions to teach His people important lessons and to reinforce their trust and obedience. The census served as a means to teach the Israelites about their identity as God's chosen people.

As markers of their progress: The censuses also had symbolic or prophetic significance. The first census marked the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham regarding the numerous descendants he would have (Genesis 15:5). The second census, conducted after the forty years of wandering, marked the fulfillment of God's judgment on the previous generation and the preparation of the new generation to enter the Promised Land.

Ultimately, the specific reasons behind God's instructions regarding the census remain somewhat mysterious. It's important to remember that God's actions and commands are not always fully explained in the Biblical text. And, quite often, His purposes for us as Christ followers are not fully explained in our lives. They are part of His divine plan and wisdom, which surpass our human understanding. Isaiah 55:8-9 states, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.’

This passage in Isaiah emphasizes the vast difference between God's wisdom, understanding, and ways compared to our limited human perspectives. It serves as a reminder that God's ways are beyond our comprehension and that His plans and purposes often diverge from our own expectations or understanding. This encourages humility, trust, and reliance on God's wisdom rather than solely relying on our own limited understanding.