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Sunday, July 2, 2023

July 2 -- "The Lord who Fights for Us"

 Today's Reading: Deuteronomy 1

"The Lord who Fights for Us"

The Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land presents amazing illustrations and analogies for the Christian journey. Egypt, the area of bondage, slavery, and hardship is symbolic of the life of the world, slaves to our flesh to Satan; and so it is typical of our old life. 

The Promised Land into which God was bringing them symbolizes the glorious life and victory in the Spirit. The life that God wants you to live, a life of victory, a life of overcoming.

Israel faced battles along their journey. Israel struggled with their "wilderness experience." Israel experienced deep lapses in their faith. Israel could not get to their Promised Land until they put their full reliance upon the Lord and took the Land by faith..

As Israel traveled from slavery to freedom, so we too, as Christ followers, are on a journey from sin-bondage to glorious freedom in Christ.  As Israel faced battles along the way, so we too face many challenges and struggles as we journey through the wilderness.  As Israel struggled in the wilderness, so we too often struggle with periods of unbelief and failure in our lives.  

Ultimately, Israel could not take possession of the Promised Land unless and until they took it by faith.  They had to come to a place where their full reliance was upon the LORD.  So, we too must place our full reliance upon God if we are to get out of our wilderness experience and take the land of victory God has promised.

The good news is that we don’t have to fight for ourselves.  The Lord Himself will fight for us.  Just as He promised Israel that He would “go before them” and “fight for them,” so we too have this same great promise from God through Jesus Christ. One notable passage that emphasizes God's role in fighting for us is found in Romans 8:31 (ESV), which says, "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" This verse reminds us that if God is on our side, nothing and no one can ultimately stand against us. It assures us of God's unwavering support and protection in our lives.

Has God released you from slavery?  Have you been bogged down in a “wilderness experience?”  Be of good cheer!  Your faith in God can deliver you into the Promised Land of spiritual victory.  Simply repudiate your unbelief and place your full reliance upon Him.  He will go before you and He will fight on your behalf!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

July 1 -- "Doing as the Lord Commanded"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 36

"Doing as the Lord Commanded"

Zelophedad was blessed with five daughters.  He had no sons, which caused a bit of a problem for the girls.  The LORD had commanded that the land of Israel be divided (apportioned) among the twelve tribes and that whenever the father of a family died, his land was to be left to his sons.  In this way, the land would always remain within the same tribe.

But the daughters of Zelophedad felt that they had been left out.  What if dad dies and has no sons?  Who gets the land then?  So, they went to Moses to request equal rights for women.  They felt that they should inherit their father’s land.  So, Moses took their issue to the LORD, and the LORD agreed, "Those girls are right. They shouldn't be cut off just because they're girls, so give them the inheritance too within the land.”

Problem solved, right?  Well, not exactly.  As problems go, one thing led to another. Now some of the men came to Moses confused about the issue.  What if these girls marry guys from a different tribe than their own? Then, when everything reverts back to the original ownership, it means that the part that is allotted to one tribe will also be given partially to another tribe.  This would result in the criss-crossing the boundaries of each tribe and the inability to maintain the apportionment the LORD had commanded.

Once again, Moses took the issue to the LORD to get resolved.  And the LORD gave the solution, “Make sure the girls marry only within their own tribe.”  That became the law of the land, in order to have the inheritance, the women had to marry within the tribe that they were from so their land wouldn't be divided between the tribes.

Notice the girls’ response… “The daughters of Zelophedad DID as the LORD commanded Moses.”  They willingly accepted the LORD’s solution and obeyed Him.  What a blessing when we hear the things God has commanded and willingly obey Him.  They trusted God’s wisdom.  They trusted God’s love.  And they obeyed. May we do the same.

Friday, June 30, 2023

June 30 -- "Safe Haven"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 35

"Safe Haven"

In Numbers 35, God establishes a provision of justice and mercy for the Israelites by introducing the concept of cities of refuge. These cities were designated as safe havens, places where individuals who unintentionally caused the death of another could find protection from vengeance or wrongful punishment. God's design of the cities of refuge reveals His compassionate nature, ensuring that even in the midst of judgment, His mercy prevails.

In our journey through life, we may find ourselves in situations where unintended harm or consequences occur. These cities of refuge serve as a powerful illustration of God's desire to provide a place of safety and restoration for us. Just as He established physical cities for the Israelites, He has provided a spiritual refuge for us through Jesus Christ, our Safe Haven.

When we hurt others, whether through our words, actions, or choices, it is crucial to remember that God offers us forgiveness and a safe place to find solace and healing. It is in these moments that we are called to seek refuge in Him, confessing our mistakes, and finding comfort in His arms.

In the cities of refuge, we find not only protection but also restoration and redemption. As we walk in God's forgiveness and extend it to others, we will experience the beauty of His transformative work in our lives. Let us live as people who exemplify the grace and mercy we have received, pointing others to the ultimate refuge found in Christ alone.

Take a moment and offer the following prayer: “Heavenly Father, thank You for being our Refuge and Safe Haven in times of trouble. Teach us to run to You when we cause harm, finding forgiveness and healing in Your presence. Help us extend Your grace to others, showing them the love and compassion that You have shown us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

Thursday, June 29, 2023

June 29 -- "The Faithful Inheritance"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 34

"The Faithful Inheritance"

In today’s passage, we find a significant moment in the journey of the Israelites. The Lord commanded Moses to appoint leaders from each tribe to divide the Promised Land of Canaan as an inheritance for the people of Israel. The task at hand was no small feat. It required wisdom, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness to fulfill God's plan.

Just as God appointed leaders in the days of Moses, He still calls and equips leaders today. We may not be divvying up parcels of land, but we have been entrusted with spiritual stewardship. As followers of Christ, we are called to faithfully divide and distribute the inheritance of God's Word, love, and grace among His people.

First, we need to understand our inheritance in Christ. Through His death and resurrection, we have received forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life. We possess the abundant promises and blessings of God's kingdom. It is our privilege to share this "Promised Land" with others, revealing the hope found in Jesus.

Second, we must recognize our responsibility to faithfully “divide this inheritance.” We are called to rightly divide the Word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15), sharing it with clarity and accuracy. We should seek to discern the specific needs and struggles of those around us, offering words of encouragement, biblical counsel, prayer, and practical help. This, too, will require wisdom, integrity, hard work, and faithfulness to fulfill God's plan.

Let us remember that our primary task as followers of Christ is to faithfully distribute God's inheritance. May we be diligent in studying His Word, growing in intimacy with Him, and seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit. Let us invest in building relationships, demonstrating love and compassion, and walking alongside those who are in need.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28 -- "Barbs and Thorns"

Today's Reading: Numbers 33

"Barbs and Thorns"

In Numbers 33:55, we find a stern warning from God to the Israelites as they prepared to enter the Promised Land. God had commanded them to drive out the inhabitants of the land completely to avoid being influenced by their idolatrous practices. By allowing these nations to remain, the Israelites would face severe consequences, symbolized by the imagery of "barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides."

The metaphors of barbs and thorns suggest that allowing the pagan nations to remain would bring about continuous irritation, trouble, and suffering for the Israelites. It symbolizes the detrimental effects of compromise and disobedience to God's command to completely separate themselves from the idolatrous practices of the nations around them.

Just as the Israelites were called to separate themselves from the pagan nations surrounding them, we, as followers of Christ, are also called to live lives that are distinct from the values and practices of the world. Idolatry can take various forms today, including the pursuit of material possessions, the worship of self, or the idolizing of success and power. These idols, if allowed to remain in our lives, will hinder our spiritual growth and bring turmoil like barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides.

Let us take heed of the Lord's warning here and flee from idolatry in all its forms. We are called to be a holy people, set apart for God's purposes. It is not enough to merely acknowledge Jesus as our Savior; we must also surrender our lives completely to Him. This means examining our hearts and identifying any idols that may have taken residence within. Through prayer, seeking God, and the study of His Word, we can expose and uproot these idols, allowing Christ to reign supreme in our lives.

As we live in a world that constantly entices us with its idols, let us remember the words of the apostle John: "Little children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21 ESV). May we be vigilant in guarding our hearts and minds, seeking God's help to drive out anything that competes with His rightful place in our lives. By doing so, we will experience the freedom, joy, and peace that come from living in alignment with God's will.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 27 -- "Your Sin Will Find You Out"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 32

"Your Sin Will Find You Out"

In Numbers 32:23, Moses warns the tribes of Gad and Reuben about the consequences of failing to fulfill their commitment to help their fellow Israelites conquer the Promised Land. He emphasizes that their failure would not go unnoticed by the Lord. Moses makes it clear that sin, when left unchecked, will eventually be exposed. He reminds them that their actions have spiritual implications and that disobedience carries consequences.

The statement "your sin will find you out" carries a profound truth about the nature of sin and its consequences. Sin is not something that can be hidden indefinitely or swept under the rug. No matter how skillfully we may try to conceal our wrongdoings, there is an inherent principle in God’s universe that brings sin to light.

Firstly, we need to recognize that God is omniscient and all-seeing. He knows every detail of our lives, including the hidden motives of our hearts. Our attempts to hide our sins from Him are futile. The psalmist reminds us in Psalm 90:8, "You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence." Nothing escapes God's notice.

Furthermore, sin carries its own consequences. It often creates a ripple effect that impacts not only the sinner but also those around him or her. Our actions have a way of unraveling over time, revealing the true nature of our hearts. Eventually, the truth comes to light, and the consequences of our sins become evident.

Additionally, living in the bondage of hidden sin can rob us of peace, joy, and intimacy with God. It creates a barrier between us and Him, hindering our spiritual growth and hindering our ability to experience the fullness of His blessings. Unconfessed sin festers within us, creating guilt, shame, and a sense of separation from God's presence.

Therefore, let us not deceive ourselves into thinking we can hide our sins or that they will go unnoticed. Instead, let us choose to live lives of integrity and transparency before God and others. As followers of Christ, we are called to walk in the light, allowing the truth of God's Word to illuminate our paths and guide our actions.

Monday, June 26, 2023

June 26 -- "Memorializing God's Provision"

 Today's Reading: Numbers 31:25-54

"Memorializing God's Provision"

In today’s passage, we find the Israelites returning from a victorious battle against the Midianites. After the battle, Moses and Eleazar the priest received an offering of gold from the commanders as a token of their gratitude and devotion to the Lord. This gold was then brought into the tent of meeting and placed before the Lord as a memorial.

By placing the gold in the tent of meeting, it signified that this offering was not just a personal gesture, but an acknowledgment of God's involvement in the battle. It was a way for the Israelite military leaders to publicly express their gratitude and to remind themselves and future generations of God's provision and faithfulness.

In our own lives, we often face battles and challenges. These battles may not be physical conflicts like the one faced by the Israelites, but they are spiritual in nature, battling against the spiritual forces of darkness. It is crucial for us to remember in the midst of our battles that God provides for us and it is He who will give us decisive victory over our enemy.

Just as the Israelites offered their gold as a token of their gratitude and devotion, we too should offer our hearts and lives to God. Our offerings may not be physical gold, but they can be a surrender of our desires, fears, and ambitions. When we place our trust in God and give ourselves fully to Him, we acknowledge His provision and sovereignty in our lives.

Expressing gratitude for God's faithfulness, provision, and blessings in our lives is a powerful form of memorial. We can offer prayers of thanksgiving, songs of praise, or simply spend time reflecting on and acknowledging God's goodness.

In times of victory, let us express our gratitude to God by giving Him our best. In times of hardship, let us trust in His provision and lean on Him for strength. May our lives become a living memorial, testifying to God's faithfulness and goodness.