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Sunday, July 30, 2023

July 30 -- "He is the Rock"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 32:1-29

"He is the Rock"

Moses is now an old man.  He has lived a long, very hard life.  And he has learned a lot about the LORD, his God during his lifetime.  As he nears his last few hours on earth, he sits down to write a song.  A song about this God he has met and followed. He gathers the people together and recites the words of this song to them.  Today, we call it “The Song of Moses.”

The lyrics of this song paint an amazing picture of who God is, what He has taught the people, and how the people of God should move forward without Moses.  He reminds them of the character of God and the corruption of humanity – exhorting them to remember the great power and kindness of God.  Being aware of the people’s tendency to rebel against God, Moses left with them with this song that he wanted everyone to take to heart. The song reminded the people of God’s loving care for them and of the need for faithfulness on their part towards Him.

It is important to note that Moses refers to God as “The Rock” at least five times in this song. Not just “a” rock, but “THE” Rock.  By one count, the LORD is called “The Rock” some 59 times in the Bible, with Psalm 18:2 being perhaps the most well-known verse, “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”

The metaphor of The Rock points to God being strong, solid, steadfast, and consistent, not easily moved or shaken and a refuge for those in need.  To the Israelites, a rock spoke to them as a place of safety and security.  A place to hide from danger.  A rock can provide security, a "fortress" and place of "protection.”  They were well aware that the best place to hide from their enemies was in and amongst the solid protection of a rock.  The expression evokes vivid imagery and a sense of security. God is a trustworthy, rock-solid Savior.  Moses tells them that this same Rock who has brought you this far, will continue to be your Rock as you move forward.  Hide in Him.  Seek safety in His strength. 

Later on, Jesus would build on this imagery and teach that those who listened to His teachings and applied them to their lives were like those who build their house on a rock – a solid foundation.  There are dangers and hazards all around.  Don’t build your life exposed to these hazards.  Build your life on the strong, solid, steadfast, and consistent Rock of your salvation.  This same Rock who has brought you this far, will continue to be your Rock as you move forward in Him.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

July 29 -- "The Lord Our Trailblazer"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 31

"The Lord Our Trailblazer"

Knowing he had only a few more days to live, Moses hands over the leadership of Israel to his divinely appointed successor, Joshua. He reminds both Joshua and the people that fearless commitment to the task ahead, combined with total trust in God, would guarantee victory and possession of the Promised Land.

It is important to note that Moses represents the Law.  As the one who is representing the law he could only bring them to the edge of the Promised Land. He could not take them in. It is the same for you and me.   Neither laws, nor rules, nor religion can take you and I into the full blessings of God. Grace must do that. The law could only bring them to the border of the land. Now it's up to Joshua to take them in. And so, it's typical of our lives: the law cannot bring you into that glorious rich life in the Spirit. At best, it can only bring you to the edge of it, but by grace and faith we must enter in.

The glorious news is that the LORD is our Divine Trailblazer - the LORD is going to go before you. The dictionary defines “trailblazer” as someone who leads the way for others to follow through unsettled country or wilderness; a pathfinder.  A trailblazer recognizes the safest and most efficient path to take to get to the destination.  He looks out for hazards and potential “dead ends.”  He keeps his followers from danger and getting lost.  In the same way, our God knows the route we must take into the full blessings of the Christian life. If we will but follow His lead, He will go before us.  It is His job to direct our path.  It is His job to drive out our enemies.  It is His job to bring us to the fullness of joy.

Moses goes on to remind the people that their Trailblazer will never leave them or forsake them.  Unlike some human leaders who may abandon their post at the earliest sign of trouble, your Mighty God will never leave you nor forsake you.  He is with you all the way.  God will never leave those who are His.  In a world that is constantly changing and where people are constantly leaving, whether in a family, relationship, or in death, God’s promise of never leaving is so encouraging.  The task ahead of taking the Promised Land may seem impossible, but with the LORD, nothing is impossible.

It is tempting to become fearful and dismayed when we are faced with a big challenge.  But, when we acknowledge our Great Trailblazer, the fear will melt away.  Because He is with us and will never leave us.  So, trudge on great soldier!  Take the land!

Friday, July 28, 2023

July 28 -- "The Secret Things of God"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 29 & 30

"The Secret Things of God"

God is unlike anything or anyone we could ever know or imagine. He is one of a kind, unique and without comparison. Even describing Him with mere words truly falls short of capturing who He is – our words simply cannot do justice to describe an indescribable Being.  While it is impossible for us to fully comprehend all there is to know about God, we are told here that God has revealed certain “secrets” to humankind.

Think about it. If God did not reveal Himself to us, we would really know very little about Him.  Sure, we would know He exists because of the wonders of His creation.  We would know of His power by what He has done in our universe.  But we wouldn’t know anything about His character, personality, or attributes unless He reveals those secrets to us.  And, worst of all, we would have no idea about what He requires of us.

What do you call a secret that's been revealed? News. And what do you call a secret about God that has been revealed? Good News!

The Good News is, He has revealed secret things to us and they “belong to us and our children forever.”  God certainly has not revealed everything about Himself to us, but He has revealed enough for us to make sense of Him, to know what He is like, and to discover what we must do to live in a way that is pleasing to Him. “For His divine power has bestowed upon us all things that required for life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him Who called us by and to His own glory and excellence.”  (2 Peter 1:3)

There are many secrets that still belong to the Lord our God, and one day we will discover more of those secrets.  But for now, we have all we need to “do all the words of this law” and to live lives of power and grace and that are ultimately pleasing to Him.  Take a moment to reflect on all that God has revealed about who He is and what He requires of you.  Then take those “secrets” and begin to live them to the fullest in all faith and godliness. 

Thursday, July 27, 2023

July 27 -- "Bewildered Nations"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 28:36-68

"Bewildered Nations"

We have just learned that any nation which devotes itself to honoring and fearing the God of the Bible will be blessed with prosperity and success. In contrast to the enormous blessings for obedience which Moses laid out in the first half of this chapter, now he turns to the consequences for disobedience.  Obedience, he told them, would culminate in blessings.  Disobedience will conclude with consequences and cursings.

Obey and be blessed in your cities - disobey and you will be cursed in your cities.  Obey and your children will be blessed - disobey and the fruit of your body will be cursed.  Obey and your crops and herds will be plentiful – disobey and your crops and herds will diminish.  Obey and your enemies will be defeated – disobey and you will be defeated. 

Moses explains in verse 37, that one of the consequences of their obedience will be reflected in their reputation and respect among the other nations of the world.  In verse 10, Moses tells them that their obedience will result in “all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they shall be afraid of you.”  Today, we might refer to this as “peace through strength.”  The other nations would be foolish and reckless to attack a nation with the visible strength of God shining upon them. In reality, this is “peace through obedience.”  No nation would dare come against the hand of God.

On the other hand, one of the consequences of their disobedience will be reflected in their disgrace and disrespect among the other nations of the world. The people around them will look and see a nation in disorder and weakness.  Moses tells them they will become “an object of horror, ridicule, and mockery” among those nations.  The word “horror” could be translated “astonishment” or “bewilderment.”  The people of the earth will be bewildered by Israel’s folly.  They will look and shake their head at the senseless failure of a nation which had – at one time – been the most blessed people of the world.  They will ridicule.  They will mock.  They will shake their head and say, “Fools!  You had everything and you let it slip out of your hands.”

Any nation which devotes itself to honoring and fearing the God of the Bible will be blessed with prosperity and success.  But if that nation ever turns its back on the LORD and begins down a path of disobedience and rebellion to God’s ways, it will become an object of astonishment, ridicule, and mockery among the other nations of the world.  If our nation completes its downward slide away from God’s commands, we too will be mocked and it will be said of us, “Fools!  You had everything and you let it slip out of your hands.”  I pray it is not so. And I exhort you to pray the same.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

July 26 -- "Stay on the Path"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 28:1-35

"Stay on the Path"

There is a connection between obedience and blessing.  As Moses nears the end of his life and ministry, he emphasizes this connection as he talks with the people of Israel regarding their future. Their obedience to God is the key to everything in their future.  Obey and be blessed.  Disobey and be cursed. 

They have a straight path in front of them – the path of obedience.  They must stay on that path.  They must not turn to the right or to the left.  It is imperative that they see the connection between obedience and blessing.  Obedience to God brings blessings – disobedience brings consequences.  All these blessings will come upon you IF you obey the Lord your God. The Lord will open His good treasure to you.

As followers of Christ, we too must learn that the “good treasure” of God’s blessings are available to us. God’s greatest blessings come as a result of your willingness to do what He has asked.  God’s love is guaranteed and unconditional and your salvation is sure, as it is based upon your faith, not your good works. But His blessings require cooperation on your part. The good treasure of His blessings are there and available to you!  But to receive God’s rich blessings, you must be obedient to His will.

The world, the flesh, and the devil are constantly trying to get you to turn “to the right or the left.”  To depart from the sure path of God’s will.  But watch out, sin always has consequences. Disobedience will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay. 

The good news is that God’s Spirit is always with you to guide you and keep you on the path of obedience.  He is there to protect you from turning aside.  As Isaiah the prophet said, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:21)  Make sure you listen to that voice behind you.  Stay on the path of obedience.  And all of God’s blessings will come upon you and overtake you, because you obeyed the voice of the LORD your God!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July 25 -- "On This Day: Silence"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 27

"On This Day: Silence"

This day is a special day in the history of Israel.  Today is a day of preparation.  They are on the edge of the Promised land and “the game is on.”  Soon, they will close the chapter on their wilderness wanderings and begin a new chapter in their history.  Soon, the desert wilderness will be behind them.  Soon, they will cross over the Jordan River.  Soon, they will begin to take possession of the land God had promised them.  Are they ready?

It is time to prepare the people to “get in the game.”  Moses and the leaders of Israel gather the people together for a pre-game strategy session and pep talk.  They remind them of the many responsibilities they will have as they enter the Promised Land.  This day the Lord commands you to keep His statues and rules.  Today, you must walk in His ways and obey His voice.  Remember you are a people for His treasured possession, so you must keep all His commandments.  You shall be a people holy to the LORD your God.  When God gives you the victory, you must remember Him and make offerings and tithes to Him.  You must erect altars and stones of remembrance in His honor.  Oh, what a day!

Of utmost importance on this day is the LORD’s instruction here in Chapter 27, that they “keep silence and hear.”  This is a solemn moment.  This moment demands their silence.  It is a time to be quiet and listen to the voice of the LORD their God.  Solemn moments require silent reflection.  Yes, it’s time to rejoice in their upcoming victories, but first on this day: SILENCE.

But why silence?  Simply put, you can’t obey God if you are not silent to listen to Him.  The people of God need to quiet all other voices and listen only to God. One of Scripture’s most beautiful paradoxes is that blocking out the world around us can cause us to hear clearly from the Spirit of God. We honor God when we are are in awe of him and simply sit before Him in silence. It is here that our souls are refreshed and we receive new power for moving forward.  It is here that we are reminded that we belong to Him and that He is on our side.  It is here that our anxiety about moving into the next chapter turns into His calming peace.

In preparation for the “big game,” the one thing the people needed most was to “Keep silence and hear.”  Are you moving into new territory in your walk with the Lord?  If so, I exhort you to “keep silence and hear” before you even think of moving forward.

Monday, July 24, 2023

July 24 -- "Rejoicing in God's Goodness"

 Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 26

"Rejoicing in God's Goodness"

We are exhorted over 200 times in the Bible to REJOICE. The word “rejoice” means to experience joy and gladness in a high degree; to be exhilarated; to express great joy or delight; to jump up and down spinning around in circles with great delight.  

When God calls upon us to rejoice, does that mean we are supposed to go around with a smile on our face all the time?  Are we supposed to deny our pain or sorrow or struggles?  Are we supposed to be a bubbly optimist at all times by “putting on a happy face” and acting like nothing is wrong?  No.  God doesn’t want us to pretend to be rejoicing.  He wants us to experience genuine joy and delight.  When God calls upon us to rejoice, He gives us a reason to do so. Here are just some of the reasons we should rejoice. 

·       Rejoice in hope (Romans 12:12)

·       Rejoice that your names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20)

·       Rejoice at God’s word (Psalm 119:62)

·       Rejoice in the wife of your youth (Proverbs 5:18)

·       Rejoice in the goodness of God (2 Chronicles 6:14)

·       Rejoice that the LORD reigns (1 Chronicles 16:31)

·       Rejoice that we have received reconciliation (Romans 5:11)

·       Rejoice and be glad in God’s steadfast love (Psalm 31:7)

·       Sing and rejoice that God dwells in our midst (Zechariah 2:10)

·       Rejoice and be glad when persecution comes, for your reward is great in heaven (Matthew 5:12)

·       Rejoice in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2)

·       Rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you (Deuteronomy 26:11)

·       Rejoice that one day we shall have everlasting joy. (Isaiah 61:7)

·       Rejoice in the Lord, taking joy in the God of my salvation (Habakkuk 3:18)

The good news is that when God calls us to rejoice, He gives us the power to do so.  It is God’s Spirit within us that brings forth joy and rejoicing.  Joy is the fruit of the Spirit.  

In Nehemiah 12:43 we read, And they offered great sacrifices that day and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy.”  God had done it.  And God can do it in your life too.  Simply take a moment to turn your heart to the Lord.  Turn your eyes upon Him.  Humbly ask Him for the joy of the Holy Spirit and He will make you rejoice with great joy.  “But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy!” (Psalm 68:3)