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Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10 -- "God's Power Over The Cosmos"

Today’s Reading: Joshua 10 

"God's Power Over The Cosmos"

Here in Joshua 10, an astounding astronomical miracle really took place, by which the motion of the heavenly bodies was, for several hours, suspended by God’s omnipotent power.  This particular miracle – like many in the Bible – cannot be explained by human reasoning or science.  Nor can it be explained away by those who resist God’s truth.

We cannot explain the physics or the mechanics by which God performed this particular miracle.  All we know is that a very unusual event took place, and whenever you get to miraculous events in the Bible, that's all it takes to trigger some people. Especially those who do not believe in God or those who think of God in terms of a man, and limited as a man. The miracles always create doubts and problems in the minds of people, and of course they then begin to exaggerate the problems that they see. But if you have a right concept of God, you don't need any proof or any explanation; you can just believe it because God's Word declared it.

The Biblical explanation for this miracle is found at the end of verse 14, “for the LORD fought for Israel.”  It’s really that simple.  Joshua prayed, and God supernaturally provided the light necessary for Joshua’s army to win its battle.  Keep in mind that Joshua (nor anyone else for that matter) had ever prayed this prayer before.  So, why did he pray it that day?  Why not retreat for the night and finish up the battle in the morning?  Joshua prayed that prayer that day because God was up to something.  The Lord wanted to show His mighty force on behalf of Israel.  That prayer was divinely inspired for that specific moment in time by God.

Never before.  Never again.  This miracle was Divinely engineered for this particular moment in time.  Which leads us to say, never limit God by what you have seen in the past.  There may be a battle you are facing in your life which seems to have no way out and no path to victory.  But don’t underestimate your all-powerful God.  He can do things you’ve never heard of and do them at just the right time to give you victory.

So, if God inspires you to pray for a “sun stand still” type of miracle, don’t draw back in unbelief.  Pray in faith and watch the Lord fight for you with an astounding miracle. Remember, your God has power over the cosmos!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

August 9 -- "They Didn't Ask God"

 Today’s Reading: Joshua 9

"They Didn't Ask God"

The men of Israel looked them over and accepted the evidence. But they didn’t ask God about it. They listened to their story of far-away travels.  But they didn’t ask God about it. They believed their words of praise for God. But they didn’t ask God about it. They made peace with them and formalized it with a covenant. But they didn’t ask God about it!

It took only three days before Joshua and these men of Israel realized the tragedy of their action.  They had made a decision without God’s counsel and now their hands are tied.  These shady men of Gibeon intentionally deceived the Israelites as a means of self-preservation.  You can’t really blame them.  After all, if they had not pulled off this ruse, their towns and villages would have been beaten and these men probably would have lost their lives.

We must be extremely careful not to fall for the trickery of the enemy.  While it is important to use our God-given faculties (mind, will, emotions) to make decisions in life, we must be cautious to include God’s counsel in all that we do.  “’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD.” (Isaiah 55:8) 

It is interesting to note that this is really the second mistake that Joshua has made as Israel’s leader. The first one was going up against Ai when there was impurity in the community.  And now, He enters into a covenant without God’s counsel.  Had they sought counsel from God, had Joshua come to Eleazar the high priest and inquired of the Lord concerning these people, the Lord would've shown to them that these people were impostors. Joshua would've realized that these men were just seeking to disguise themselves as having come on a long journey. Their mistake was that of failure to seek God's counsel. It got them into an ungodly alliance.

Beware, lest you put too much confidence in outward appearances and fail to inquire of the Lord.  Yes, you should look at the evidence.  Yes, you should listen to the story.  Yes, you should take the circumstances into account when making life decisions.  But the most important thing you must do is turn to God for His wisdom and counsel. God's wisdom is available to anyone willing to come to Him. 

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3)

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

August 8 -- "Be Not Dismayed"

Today’s Reading: Joshua 8 

"Be Not Dismayed"

The dictionary defines “dismay” as “consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected; a feeling of fear, disappointment, shock, or worry.”  In the original Hebrew language, this word means “to lower someone's spirits; make downhearted.” 

Joshua was fearful and dismayed. His spirits were down.  He was downhearted after the nation’s unexpected defeat at the small city of Ai.  Perhaps Joshua never considered the possibility that Israel would actually face losses during their military deployment to conquer the land of Canaan.  Perhaps he thought it would be one decisive win after the other.  Their defeat at Ai was “something unexpected” and it rattled Joshua’s confidence.  His morale was low.  It probably shook his equilibrium a bit.

In the same way, when you and I enter God’s “Promised Land” and begin to conquer our spiritual enemies (sin, the flesh), we sometimes get so confident that we begin to think there will never be setbacks or struggles in our battle to overcome sin.  When a setback comes – and it eventually will – it can rattle our confidence as well.  Perhaps we felt that sin would just “melt away” as we progressed in our walk with Christ.  Perhaps we never realized that some sins are more stubborn than others and may take a concentrated and prolonged effort to conquer.  When this happens, we can become dismayed – getting downhearted and discouraged.  Satan loves to use these moments in our lives to get our eyes off of our God and begin to mistrust and worry.

When the LORD saw that Joshua’s spirits were down, He spoke to him and said “Do not be dismayed.”  With these words, He inspired Joshua to new courage.  He exhorted him to be filled with faith once again.  In fact, the command “do not be dismayed” is one of the most often repeated phrases in Scripture, appearing over a dozen times.  God doesn’t want His people to be downhearted, shocked, worried, or fearful.  He wants His people to be filled with faith as they confidently rely on Him.  Yes, there will be setbacks and struggles, but never let them rob you of your joy and faith.

Whatever battle you are facing today – whatever stubborn sin is giving you disappointment and worry – listen to God’s words to you… Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Monday, August 7, 2023

August 7 -- "Get Rid of the Devoted Things"

 Today’s Reading: Joshua 7

"Get Rid of the Devoted Things"

In today's passage we read of a very “little” thing had a profound effect on the entire nation of Israel. The Lord had told the Israelites, “there is an accursed thing in your midst.”  Hidden among you, O Israel, are things that are despised and rejected by the LORD.  God was displeased that Israel had not been fully obedient to Him in the conquest of Jericho. One of the people, Achan, secretly kept for himself what he should have destroyed.  Therefore, when the Israelites moved on to attack the much smaller town of Ai, God allowed them to be driven back and to suffer unexpected losses.  

God told Joshua the reason for Israel’s defeat. One person’s sin concerning the devoted things of Jericho was enough to break the agreement that the whole nation had made with God, and so bring disaster upon it.  Evidently, Achan had confiscated some of the pagan idols and other religious artifacts that were used by the Canaanites in their worship of false gods. God was not pleased.  This act brought an impurity into Achan’s life, his family, his tribe, and his nation.  God demanded purity amongst His people and God insisted that Israel rid itself of these cursed things.

We too can be guilty of bringing “cursed things” into our life, family, church, and community.  Anytime we hold on to sin in our hearts, we are keeping back for ourself something that God has commanded us to destroy.  And to be sure – it only takes a “little” sin to bring defeat into our lives. The works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, lust, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like.  If we allow any of these “little” sins to remain unchallenged in our lives, we are bringing defeat into our spiritual life.  Rid yourself of these things.

Just as Achan was commanded to get rid of the accursed things, so we too must put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.” (Colssians 3:8-10)

Thus says the LORD God of Israel, “there is an accursed thing in your midst.”  Rid yourself of the cursed things in your own heart and life or you, too, may suffer unexpected losses at the hands of your enemies.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

August 6 -- "How Walls Come Down"

 Today’s Reading: Joshua 6

"How Walls Come Down"

The destruction of Jericho demonstrated the kind of warfare that Israel was engaged in.  This was no physical assault using the traditional implements of war.  This wasn’t a case where the walls fell due to great force being applied. It wasn’t a windstorm, or an earthquake, or the vibrations caused by the trumpets and shouts of the people that caused this wall to fall.  Israel was engaged in a spiritual war, and this victory at Jericho was a spiritual event.  

It was nothing other than a supernatural miracle orchestrated by the Almighty God that gave Israel the city that day.  A spiritual victory.  This was demonstrated in the important role of the priests, the prominence of the ark of the covenant, the repeated use of the number seven (God’s number) in the battle preparations, the trumpets, and the shouting of the people.

The collapse of the walls at the exact moment God planned showed that victory came through the power of God, in response to the faith of his people.  “By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.” (Hebrews 11:30)  The Israelites demonstrated their faith by following God’s will – even though His will seemed foolish and ineffective on the surface.  After all, who conquers a city by carrying an ark, walking in circles, blowing trumpets, and shouting?  Their faith was not in any of these impractical actions – their faith was in God to keep His promises.  They had no problem because they had finally come to believe that their God was big enough!

As you engage in spiritual warfare to conquer the “enemies in the land” (the world, flesh, devil) keep in mind that God’s ways are not man’s ways.  He may ask you to undertake some seemingly impractical and even foolish actions to get victory.  You should have no problem with it if your God is big enough. It took great faith for Israel to believe that blowing a trumpet would have an impact on their enemy.  

In the same way, it will take great faith for you to believe that tithing, for example, will give you victory over your financial difficulties.  It seems impractical, and others may tell you it is foolish.  But you should have no problem with it if your God is big enough.  It may seem silly that by forgiving someone who has wronged you will have a positive effect on your spiritual well-being.  But God tells you to do it anyway.  You should have no problem with it if your God is big enough.

So, blow the trumpets and shout!  Don’t try to outwit or outsmart your flesh.  Do it God’s way. Follow the steps He prescribes. And watch the walls of your spiritual enemies start to fall.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

August 5 -- "When God Changes Leaders"

Today’s Reading: Joshua 4 & 5 

"When God Changes Leaders"

Jesus taught us that “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” (Matthew 23:12)  In today’s reading we have an example of a humble man who was exalted by God. 

There is a critical moment in every transition from one leader to his/her successor.  That moment is characterized by whether or not the people will accept and follow the replacement.  In many countries, the change of a political leader often results in chaos and confusion, especially when that leader is removed unwillingly. But in today’s passage, we see one of the smoothest transitions of power ever recorded. 

Moses, of course, has now passed from the scene.  He had been revered and respected by the people of Israel as their God-chosen leader for forty years. Moses had made it clear near the end of his life, that Joshua the son of Nun had been chosen by God to take over when he was gone.  The people heard it.  They knew it.  But did they accept it?  Would Joshua be afforded the same respect and loyalty that Moses had?

When the LORD exalts a new leader, He makes certain that the people will indeed recognize him as God’s choice for leadership.  In this case, Joshua’s “stock rose” when the people passed over the Jordan River on dry ground.  God had stepped in and miraculously made a way for the people to achieve their lifelong goal of conquering the Promised Land. This miracle gave the people’s faith a much-needed boost and simultaneously caused them to recognize Joshua as their new leader.  God miraculously exalted Joshua.

When God changes leaders, expect to see signs from Him that bear witness to the new leader’s role.  Perhaps not the parting of the Jordan, but strong signs of His calling.  When a church loses their beloved Pastor for example, it is often very difficult for his replacement to garner widespread acceptance.  At least at first.  But over time, God will exalt that Pastor.  He will anoint his words with the Spirit of life and guide his decisions with God-given wisdom.  In due time, that new Pastor who humbles himself, will be exalted in the eyes of the people.

Friday, August 4, 2023

August 4 -- "Crossing Our Jordan"

Today’s Reading: Joshua 2 & 3

"Crossing Our Jordan"

The LORD now appears in such a way, and works in such a manner, as to leave no doubt concerning His presence, or His power, or of His love to Israel.  Even as God parted the Red Sea for the previous generation, He now stops the Jordan River in flood season so His chosen people can cross over to the Promised Land. 

This section of Scripture is ripe with application to our spiritual lives. We began our life’s journey in spiritual “Egypt” – representing the pre-Christ life of sin and bondage.  In Egypt, our hearts cried out for deliverance from the emptiness and futility of life.  We wallowed in the anguish of an un-regenerated heart.  But then the day came when we crossed the “sea” into a new life in Christ.  On that day, the Lord orchestrated the circumstances of our life in such a way that we called upon Him in faith and were quickened by the Holy Spirit. We were born again!  We emerged from Egypt into a new life in Christ. 

When we started our journey with Christ, most of us had no idea how long it would take or the troubles we would face in our “wilderness.”  After all, we were promised a life of victory, joy, peace, and safety.  We looked forward to that deep fellowship with our Creator in the Promised Land of life in the Spirit.  

But something went wrong.  We soon discovered that our fallen human nature had come along for the ride.  We entered a spiritual wilderness experience complete with rebellion, complaining, and unbelief.  Our faith was tested.  Our pride broken. We struggled with intensified temptation and spiritual attacks.  At times, we lost sight of our destination and chose to wallow in the pain.  God, of course, never left us.  He remained by our side as trials and struggles tested us.

But then the day comes when our unbelief gives way to a new faith. By faith, we take God at His word and emerge from the wilderness into the life of promise. Crossing the Jordan represents coming into a new relationship with God by faith.  As followers of Christ, we have been promised a life of victory, peace, and spiritual fulfillment.  The only way to enter into that life is by faith.  

The Israelites entered the Promised Land for one reason – by faith they expected God to do a miracle.  In fact, the leading priests stepped into the flowing waters of the Jordan BEFORE God blew even back the water and opened up a pathway on dry ground. You too, will only cross over into the promised life of joy, peace, victory and spiritual fulfillment when you stop relying on your self and, by faith, expect God to do a miracle in your life.  He will appear in such a way, and work in such a manner, as to leave no doubt concerning His presence, or His power, or of His love to you!