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Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13 -- "Going Against the Flow"

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 22  

"Going Against the Flow"

As believers, we often find ourselves in situations where speaking the truth isn't the popular or easy choice. We're tempted to go along with the crowd, saying what people want to hear to avoid conflict or gain favor. But Micaiah's example in 1 Kings 22 teaches us the value of prophetic wisdom—the courage to speak God's truth, even when it's inconvenient or uncomfortable.

In this passage from 1 Kings, we find ourselves in the middle of a high-stakes situation. King Ahab of Israel, seeking to reclaim the city of Ramoth-Gilead, consults his prophets to determine the outcome of the battle. But there's a catch! The prophets are all singing the same tune, telling the king what he wants to hear, rather than speaking the truth. Enter Micaiah, a prophet who doesn't play by those rules. He declares that he will only speak what the Lord tells him, no matter the consequences.

Let us embrace Micaiah's spirit. Let us be people of integrity, unafraid to speak the truth in love, even when it goes against the prevailing opinion. When faced with decisions, seek the Lord's guidance and stand firm on His Word. Remember, our ultimate loyalty is to the One who called us, not the whims of popular opinion or cultural trends.

So, be like Micaiah—bold, unapologetic, and committed to speaking God's truth. Even if it means going against the flow, let's trust in His wisdom and rely on His guidance. Don't be afraid to be a voice in the wilderness, because that's where the truth often resides!

Now, I'm not saying you should go around wearing a prophet's robe and growing a long beard to look the part (unless that's your thing, no judgment!). But remember, being a prophet isn't about appearances—it's about faithfully representing the Lord. 

In conclusion, let us be people who, like Micaiah, have the audacity to stand up and say, "As the Lord lives, what the Lord says to me, that I will speak." May we never shy away from standing up and sharing God's truth, even if it means standing alone. Keep your hearts open to His leading, and let His wisdom guide your words. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

April 12 -- "His Remarkable Mercy"

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 21 

"His Remarkable Mercy"

In 1 Kings 21:29, we find a powerful display of divine mercy. After King Ahab's wickedness and the unfortunate events surrounding Naboth's vineyard, the prophet Elijah delivered a sobering message from the Lord. Despite Ahab's evil deeds, God promised to delay His judgment upon Ahab's household, showing His incredible mercy. The verse mentions that Ahab humbled himself before God, but it does not provide explicit details about how he did so.

Divine mercy is an incredible gift that God extends to all of us who, like Ahab, will humble ourselves before Him. Like Ahab, we often make mistakes and find ourselves entangled in the consequences of our actions. Yet, God's mercy is not determined by our virtues but by His loving character. He is always ready to forgive and grant us a second chance. No matter how far we've strayed or how deep our regrets, God's mercy remains available to us.

Knowing about God's mercy should inspire us to humble ourselves, seek His forgiveness, and extend mercy to others. If God, in His infinite grace, can show mercy to Ahab, we can surely find it within ourselves to forgive those who have wronged us.

Remember, mercy is not just a theological concept but a life-transforming experience. It is the balm that heals the wounds of our past and restores our relationship with God. So, let us embrace God's mercy with gratitude and share it generously with others.

Mark Twain once said, "Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it." So, let's be like forgiving violets, spreading the sweet scent of God’s love and mercy everywhere we go!

This is a reminder that no matter how deep our failings, God's mercy is deeper still. Embrace it, extend it, and let it transform your life today!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

April 11 -- "Strengthen Yourself"

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 20 

"Strengthen Yourself"

In 1 Kings 20, we find ourselves in the midst of a high-stakes conflict between the king of Israel and the king of Syria. King Ahab of Israel had just experienced victory over the Syrian army with the help of the Lord, but now he faced another imminent threat. In the face of this challenging situation, a prophet is sent to encourage and counsel the king.

When the prophet advised King Ahab to "strengthen yourself," it wasn't about hitting the gym or downing protein shakes (although those things have their merits!). It also wasn’t about “reaching deep down” and mustering up his personal energy. No, this strengthening is of a spiritual nature and it only comes from the Holy Spirit when we turn to Him. It's about fortifying your faith, deepening your relationship with God, and tapping into His unlimited power.

To strengthen yourself spiritually, immerse yourself in God's Word, spending time daily in prayer and meditation. Seek His guidance and wisdom. Surround yourself with fellow believers who can provide support and encouragement. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in you, transforming your weaknesses into strengths.

In the battles we face, we often have a tendency to rely on our own strength, wit, and resources. But let's not forget that the battle is the Lord's. Our trust should be in the Commander-in-Chief, not in our limited abilities.

Instead of mustering up our own strategies or self-help plans, let's surrender our plans to God and seek His direction. He knows the enemy's every move and has the power to overcome any obstacle. When we surrender to Him, He fights on our behalf and ensures victory.

So, my fellow soldiers of Christ, as we face battles in this world, let's remember that true strength lies in surrendering to the Almighty. Let's trust in His promises, draw near to Him, and allow His strength to flow through us.

The battles you encounter may seem daunting, but take heart, for the Lord fights for you. Strengthen yourself spiritually by immersing in God's Word, seeking His guidance, and surrounding yourself with fellow believers.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

April 10 -- "Sound of a Low Whisper"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 19

"Sound of a Low Whisper"

God doesn't need to shout to get our attention. He knows that a gentle whisper can be just as effective. In this passage, we find the prophet Elijah hiding in a cave, feeling discouraged and overwhelmed. God instructs Elijah to stand on the mountain because He is about to pass by. Then, a great wind, an earthquake, and a fire occur. However, the Lord is not in any of these dramatic displays. Finally, Elijah hears a gentle whisper, and he recognizes it as the voice of God.

Like Elijah, we often seek God in the midst of life's storms, looking for grand signs or dramatic displays. We expect Him to speak to us in booming thunder or through life-altering events. Yet, God often chooses to communicate with us in unexpected ways, with a still, small voice that requires our attentive hearts.

It's important for us to tune out the distractions and busyness around us and listen for that gentle whisper. We may find it in the quiet moments of prayer, the stillness of nature, or the pages of Scripture. God longs to speak to us personally, intimately, and He often chooses to do so in the subtlest of ways.

Let's make a conscious effort to create space for God's gentle whisper in our lives. Instead of demanding thunderous signs, let's cultivate a listening heart. It's easy to get caught up in the chaos and noise of this world, but let's remember that God's voice is often found in the stillness.

So, find a peaceful spot, away from the distractions, and spend time in quiet reflection and prayer. Open your Bible and let the words on those pages come alive. Pay attention to those subtle nudges, whispers of encouragement, and prompts from the Holy Spirit. Embrace the gentle whispers of God, for they can bring profound wisdom and comfort to our souls.

Remember, God doesn't need to shout to get our attention. He knows that a gentle whisper can be just as effective.

So, let's heed the example of Elijah and listen for God's gentle whisper. It may not make the headlines or shake the earth, but it will resonate deeply within our hearts, leading us into a closer relationship with our loving Creator. May we be attuned to the whisper today and every day, for therein lies the voice of God.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April 9 -- "Choose Your Altar"

Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 18 

"Choose Your Altar"

Elijah is about to humiliate the false prophets of Baal. He has challenged them to a duel to prove that his God (Yahweh) is the one and only true and living God. Just before the contest begins, Elijah shouts out a dare to the people – challenging them to stop “sitting on the fence” and make the choice of which God they will serve. “If Yahweh is the real God, then go after Him; if it’s Baal, then go after him.” But whatever you do, MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!  Don’t just stand there hesitating between two opinions. The people were stuck between two altars. So, Elijah draws a line in the sand and tells them (in no uncertain terms) that they must choose which side of the line they’re going to be on. Choose your altar.

Here we see the problem of indecision that faces so many people in our world today. They say they want to follow Jesus, but they still have attachments to the world. They are sitting on the fence. They can’t decide which altar to worship at – the altar of the one true and living God; or the altar of the culture around them. Sadly, these people have “too much of Jesus to be happy in the world, and too much of the world to be happy in Jesus.” They are hesitating. They are limping between two different opinions. Fear of God or fear of man? Devotion to God or devotion to this world’s ways? Choose your altar.

As the day progressed, the people were witnesses of a spectacular show of God’s power as He brought down fire upon the altar set up by Elijah. The false prophets were utterly humiliated when their so-called “god” did nothing for them. Their altar was fire-less. This is always the case when someone chooses the wrong altar. Those today who choose any form of modern idolatry – the gods of self, materialism, sensual pleasure, possessions, naturalism, pride, intellect, or self-indulgence, will always end up with a fire-less altar. In the end, there is no power in any of those idols. Choose your altar.

Which altar do you choose? Are you hesitating to give your life wholeheartedly to Jesus? Are you, like the people of Elijah’s day, limping between two different opinions? Are you holding back, sitting on the fence? Not sure who to follow? The choice for all of us is pretty clear – follow Jesus wholeheartedly or don’t follow Him at all. There really is no middle ground. Don’t think you can float along without making a decision. Your failure to fully choose Jesus is your choice to reject Him. “If Yahweh is the real God, then go after Him; if it’s anyone (or anything) else, then go after him.” Choose your altar.

Monday, April 8, 2024

April 8 -- "Trust and Obey"

 Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 17 & 1 Kings 17

"Trust and Obey"

Jesus once asked his disciples, “Why do you call me ‘Lord’ when you don’t do what I tell you?” (Luke 6:46) This is a heart-penetrating question that each of us needs to answer. Is He really your Lord if you don’t trust and obey Him – even in those situations where His leading doesn’t make much sense to your human logic?

Today, we are introduced to an amazing man of God, a prophet named Elijah who ministered in Israel during the reign of king Ahab. The name “e li' jah” means “My God is Yah” (a shortened version of Yahweh). Elijah was from Tishbe of Gilead in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. He is often referred to as Elijah the Tishbite.

Here in 1 Kings 17, we first see Elijah speaking a prophecy to the king about an upcoming drought, telling him “there will be no dew or rain during the next few years.” Following that prediction, Elijah was instructed by God to leave town and go camping. The Lord told him to Go to the east and hide by Cherith Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.”

Here's the impressive thing about Elijah – “he went and did according unto the word of the LORD.” There was no hemming or hawing. No excuse making. No arguing or complaining. He simply went and did what the Lord said to do. He trusted God’s word and obeyed. As a result of his trust and obedience, the Lord provided water from the brook and fed him in a most unusual way – “the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening.” When the brook dried up, the Lord miraculously provided for him through a poor widow.

The lesson for us is this – trust and obey! So often, we want to argue with the Lord when He guides us to go some place or do some thing. We try to rationalize our way out of it – “But God, you don’t understand – if I do what you’re telling me, bad things might happen. And just think about what kind of impact it would have on my friends and family and employer. Besides, Lord, I won’t have enough money to live on if I go there or do the thing You’re telling me to do. I think it is better to just stay here and see things through.”

 You may not know what tomorrow brings, but know this – He can bring you water from a brook and food from a raven if He chooses.  The outcome of Elijah’s obedience was that he went on to be one of the most powerful and effective prophets in Israel’s history. So you, too, will see an amazing outcome by being obedient to God’s plan for your life. So, trust Him and obey Him. As the old hymn goes, “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey.” 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7 -- "When God Speaks"

 Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 16

"When God Speaks"

Throughout human history, God has initiated communication with humanity by speaking to us. In fact, God is constantly speaking to us through various means. In today’s reading, the word of the Lord came to a man named Jehu. But how, exactly, did this word come to him?

The Bible records God speaking audibly to people many times. In these cases, they could hear His audible voice with their ears. Although it seems somewhat rare, there is no reason God could not speak audibly to people today, just as He has in the past. But, God speaking audibly seems to be the exception, not the rule. But He is still speaking. There are many ways in which the words of God come to us.

First, God speaks to us through His written word, the Bible. Using this means, God is constantly speaking to everyone.  The Bible is God’s Word, and it contains everything we need to know in order to be saved and live the life He intended for us.   Second Peter 1:3 declares, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” So, if you are longing to hear the word of the Lord, you need look no further than your Bible.

God also speaks to us through the events and circumstances of our lives. God allows events to occur in our lives to instruct us, direct us, change us, and help us to grow spiritually. As we experience challenges and successes, the Holy Spirit is with us, impressing upon our hearts the truth God wants to teach us through those events.

God also speaks to us through visions and revelations. Sometimes these revelations come to us as strong impressions on our heart and mind, communicating God’s message. Other times, these revelations may come from other Spirit-filled believers in the form of prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, or exhortation.  The Lord has also been known to speak to His people through dreams (e.g. Joseph, Daniel) or even “trances” (e.g. Peter). In very rare cases, God sends an animal or an angel to speak to us directly with a message from Him.

In whatever way He chooses to speak to us, it is our duty to listen for His still, small voice as He communicates His love and grace to us.  Whether it is an audible voice, an inner voice, or a mental impression, God has something to say to you today.