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Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29 -- "The Bones of Resurrection"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 13

"The Bones of Resurrection"

Our God is the God of life. He can breathe life into our darkest moments, resurrect our dreams, and empower us to walk in His resurrection power. After all, who'd-a-thunk that touching a dead prophet's bones would miraculously impart vibrant new life?

In this intriguing passage from 2 Kings 13, we encounter an extraordinary event—an unexpected resurrection! The story unfolds as a burial is interrupted by the sudden appearance of a marauding band. In their haste to escape, the mourners toss the dead man into the nearest grave, which happens to be the resting place of the prophet Elisha. As soon as the man's body touches the bones of Elisha, he miraculously comes back to life, rising to his feet. It's a vivid testament to the remarkable power of God at work, even beyond the grave.

While this account may seem bizarre to our modern sensibilities, it holds timeless truths that resonate with our lives today. It serves as a powerful reminder that God's power knows no limits. Somehow, Elisha's bones were the instrument God used to release His resurrection power. In the same way, God’s living Word is an instrument He uses to bring His life and power to the dead areas in our lives. It's a profound illustration of the life-transforming potential found in Jesus Christ.

Beloved, let us never underestimate the resurrection power of our God. When we face situations that seem lifeless, when hope seems buried, or when dreams appear dead and buried, remember that God specializes in bringing life out of death. He can breathe new life into our brokenness, restore our weary souls, and revive our passion for Him. Don't despair; instead, lean on the God who has the power to resurrect the seemingly impossible.

Can you imagine the expressions on the faces of the mourners? One minute they're trying to give a fitting farewell, and the next minute they're witnessing the extraordinary dynamic power of their life-giving Creator!

As we reflect on this incredible story of resurrection power, may we remember that our God is the God of life. He can breathe life into our darkest moments, resurrect our dreams, and empower us to walk in His resurrection power. So, let us approach each day with the assurance that nothing is beyond the reach of His mighty hand. Embrace the truth that God is in the business of bringing life from death, and with Him, all things are possible.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 28 -- "The Impact of a Good Mentor"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 11 & 12

"The Impact of a Good Mentor"

In today's Scripture, we witness the profound impact a good mentor can have on an individual's life. Jehoash, the young king of Israel, made a series of wise decisions and walked in the ways of the Lord. Behind his faithfulness, we find the guiding influence of Jehoiada the priest. This relationship played a pivotal role in shaping Jehoash's character and actions.

Spiritual mentorship is not a mere title or position. It's a calling that carries immense responsibility and influence. Whether in the realms of family, work, church, or community, a good mentor has the power to shape lives and inspire positive change. They can be a beacon of light, guiding others towards truth, righteousness, and wisdom.

As we reflect on the value of a good mentor, let's consider their remarkable contributions to our lives. They can be like a compass, helping us navigate the turbulent waters of uncertainty and providing a steady hand when we feel lost. A good mentor encourages us to rise above our limitations and challenges, reminding us of our true potential.

A good mentor possesses qualities that inspire and motivate those they lead. They lead by example, modeling integrity, humility, faith, and compassion. They empower others, encouraging them to grow, learn, and excel. They create an environment where individuals feel valued, heard, and supported. The goal of a godly mentor is to impart God’s truth into your life so that you, too, will do what is “right in the eyes of the Lord all your days.” As followers of Christ, we are called both to seek the wise counsel of this type of mentor.

Pray for God to bring influential mentors into your life who will lead you closer to Him. And while we wait for that perfect spiritual tutor, let's not forget the greatest Teacher of all—Jesus Christ. Dive into His Word, and let His teachings shape your life.

To be a good mentor, draw inspiration from the ultimate example—Jesus Christ. He demonstrated servant leadership, washing the feet of His disciples and laying down His life for all humanity. Seek His wisdom and emulate His love, for true mentorship is rooted in humility and self-sacrifice.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27 -- "God's Reliable Word"

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 10 

"God's Reliable Word"

There is an unbreakable nature of God's word. It is reliable and certain, not empty rhetoric or wishful thinking, but something utterly incapable of failing or "falling to the earth." 

In today's passage, we find ourselves in the midst of an intense confrontation between Jehu and the followers of the wicked king Ahab. Jehu had been anointed as the new king of Israel and was on a mission to eradicate the entire house of Ahab, as commanded by the Lord. In his zeal, Jehu proclaimed the words found in 2 Kings 10:10 to reassure his fellow warriors that every single prophecy spoken by the Lord through Elijah would be fulfilled.

When Jehu declared, "Know then that there shall fall to the earth nothing of the word of the Lord," he was expressing his unwavering faith in the absolute certainty of God's promises. This powerful statement reveals the unbreakable nature of God's word. Jehu knew that every single word spoken by the Lord through His prophet Elijah would come to pass without exception.

The phrase "not one word falling to the ground" paints a vivid picture of the reliability and effectiveness of God's spoken word. It implies that God's promises are like arrows shot from heaven's bow, destined to hit their intended targets with unerring precision. It conveys the idea that God's word is not empty rhetoric or wishful thinking but a forceful declaration that carries the weight of divine authority and power.

In our lives today, it's crucial for us to grasp the significance of God's word never falling to the ground. We live in a world where promises are often broken, commitments are easily discarded, and words are empty. But the Lord stands in stark contrast to this. His word is steadfast and trustworthy. Every promise He has made will come to fruition.

This truth has practical implications for our faith and daily walk with God. When we encounter difficulties or challenges, we can cling to the assurance that God's promises remain unshakable. We can find comfort in knowing that His plans for us will be accomplished, His provision will be sufficient, and His guidance will be sure. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26 -- "Anointed to Confront Wickedness"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 9

"Anointed to Confront Wickedness"

In the Biblical context, anointing holds great importance. It symbolizes the setting apart of an individual for a specific purpose or task and releasing God's power and authority upon them for performing that purpose. When Jehu was anointed by the prophet Elisha, it signified that he was chosen by God to bring judgment upon the wicked house of Ahab.

Jehu's anointing was a significant turning point in his life. It marked the beginning of his mission to eradicate the idolatrous practices and wickedness that had infiltrated the land of Israel. The anointing bestowed upon him by Elisha carried divine authority and power, equipping him to fulfill his role as a catalyst for change.

Jehu's anointing wasn't just about a fancy ceremony or a religious ritual. It was a divine impartation of authority, courage, and zeal. It empowered him to carry out God's judgment on the corrupt and wicked rulers of his time. In reality, Jehu was anointed to stir the pot by confronting the evil of his day.

As believers, we too have received a spiritual anointing. The New Testament teaches that we are anointed with the Holy Spirit, who dwells within us and empowers us for God's purposes. This anointing enables us to live lives that bring glory to God, standing against injustice, sharing the Gospel, and impacting the world around us.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on our lives and consider if there are any areas where we need to yield to the Spirit's purposes. Is there something or someone that needs to be confronted for their wrongdoing? Is there injustice that needs to be challenged? Let's not shy away from doing what is right, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones.

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in situations that require us to take bold action. Like Jehu, we may be called to shake things up and confront the wickedness around us. These are times when we need to stand up for what's right, even if it means stirring the pot a little.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

April 25 -- "A Skeptic Misses Out"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 7 & 8

"A Skeptic Misses Out"

Doubting God's power can result in missing out on opportunities, blessings, or experiences. Doubt, when approached as a means of questioning and seeking deeper understanding, can lead to personal and spiritual growth. However, if doubt is accompanied by excessive skepticism or fear of exploring new ideas or beliefs, it will hinder growth and limit one's experiences.

Witness the captain's skepticism in today's reading from 2 Kings 7. It's like he enrolled in the "school of doubt" and graduated with flying colors. His response truly leaves us shaking our heads, wondering if he missed the memo on God's power and ability to do the impossible. Perhaps he needed a reminder that God is not bound by human limitations or even by building codes for that matter.

Unfortunately, his doubts overshadowed his ability to grasp the magnitude of God's intervention.

In our own lives, we may find ourselves relating a bit too closely to the captain's skepticism. We can be experts at coming up with reasons why God can't possibly work in our situations. We forget that the Creator of the universe is not limited by our limited understanding. So let's take a lesson from the captain's book, but with a twist. Instead of asking doubtful questions, let's ask, "What if God were to do the impossible in my life?" Now that's a question that can unleash a world of possibilities and leave us in awe of His mighty deeds.

Jesus had some powerful words to say about accomplishing the impossible. In Matthew 19:26, Jesus declared, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Did you catch that? ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

Jesus emphasized a fundamental truth: human limitations and impossibilities are no match for God's limitless power. He shattered the notion that we can achieve salvation or overcome our deepest struggles through our own efforts alone. Instead, He pointed to the transformative work of God's grace and divine intervention.

In the end, the captain's skepticism serves as a reminder of the foolishness of doubting God's power. And the seriousness of taking God’s promises at face value. So, let's learn from the captain's doubtful response and choose faith over skepticism, knowing that our God is the master of opening windows in heaven and surprising us beyond measure.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April 24 -- "A Glimpse Into The Invisible Realm"

 Today's Reading: 2 Kings 6

"A Glimpse Into The Invisible Realm"

Imagine, if you will, experiencing a moment in time where you could literally see beyond our physical world and get a glimpse of the invisible spiritual realm where angels dwell and God inhabits His throne. Upon having your "spiritual eyes" opened, you might feel awe-struck and humbled as you witness the vast and intricate tapestry of the invisible spiritual realm unfold before you, revealing profound truths and connections beyond the confines of the physical world. This is exactly what happened to Elisha's servant in 2 Kings 6.

Elisha prayed for his servant, asking the Lord to open his eyes, and behold… the servant's spiritual eyes were opened to a mind-blowing reality – a view into the invisible realm of the spirit teeming with horses and chariots of fire ready to protect them.  In addition to this incident in 2 Kings 6, there are several instances in the Bible where individuals were granted glimpses into the spiritual realm. Here are a few notable instances:

  • ·       Jacob's Ladder (Genesis 28:10-17)
  • ·       Moses and the Burning Bush (Exodus 3:1-6)
  • ·       Isaiah's Vision of God (Isaiah 6:1-4):
  • ·       Ezekiel's Vision of God's Glory (Ezekiel 1:4-28):
  • ·       Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts (Daniel 7:1-8):
  • ·       Stephen's Vision before Martyrdom (Acts 7:55-56):
  • ·       John's Revelation on the Isle of Patmos (Revelation 1:9-20):
  • ·       The apostle Paul’s experience of being caught up to heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2-4)

While not every person in the Bible had such encounters, these extraordinary experiences remind us of God's supernatural involvement in human history and His desire to communicate with His people by whatever means He chooses.

It's important to note that these instances were specific to the individuals involved and the purposes God had for them. They were not everyday occurrences but exceptional revelations granted to chosen individuals for specific reasons.

While these examples highlight extraordinary encounters with the spiritual realm, it's essential to focus on cultivating our faith, trusting God's Word, and seeking His presence in our everyday lives. During our walk with Christ, we may or may not, be granted the exceptional experience of visions and heavenly spectacles as those mentioned above, but we can still experience God's presence, guidance, and provision through prayer, Scripture, and a personal relationship with Him.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

April 23 -- "Wash And Be Clean"

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 5 

"Wash And Be Clean"

There is a spiritual connotation to the phrase "wash and be clean" in the context of the Scripture passage from 2 Kings 5:13. While Naaman initially understands the command to wash in the Jordan River as a physical cleansing for his leprosy, it also carries a deeper spiritual significance.

In the Bible, water often symbolizes purification and renewal. When Naaman is instructed to wash in the Jordan, it represents an act of faith and obedience to God's command. It is a symbolic gesture of surrendering to God's authority and acknowledging His power to heal and cleanse.

Spiritually, we all have a "leprosy" of sin that separates us from God's presence and perfection. Just as Naaman needed to be cleansed physically, we need to be cleansed spiritually from our sins. The act of washing in the Jordan River illustrates our need for repentance, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal.

A verse that highlights this concept of cleansing and purification is found in the New Testament: "And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:11 ESV)

Here, the apostle Paul addresses the Corinthians, reminding them of their past sins and their subsequent transformation through faith in Christ. The believers in Corinth had experienced a spiritual washing, being cleansed from their former sins and set apart for God's purposes.

The act of washing and being cleansed spiritually is made easy through God's grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is simple and accessible to all who believe in Jesus and place their faith in Him. Through Jesus' death on the cross, He paid the price for our sins and offers us the gift of washing and being cleansed. Oh, what joy it is to be clean in the eyes of our Maker!