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Friday, May 10, 2024

May 10 -- "Upside-Down Morality"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 5

"Upside-Down Morality"

In this verse, the prophet Isaiah delivers a warning about the dangers of moral relativism and moral confusion. He speaks of a society much like ours today that has lost its way, calling evil "good" and good "evil." It's like navigating through an upside-down world where right and wrong are flipped, leaving people disoriented and lost in a moral maze.

The relevance of Isaiah's warning couldn't be more apparent in our times. We live in an age of constant information bombardment, where opinions are plentiful, and truth is often obscured. The moral compass seems to be spinning wildly, and it's easy to be swayed by popular beliefs, regardless of their ethical standing.

One example of this is by calling abortion a matter of “personal choice” and framing it as a “reproductive right”, society diminishes the value of human life, disregarding the unborn child's inherent dignity and worth. Such relativistic thinking allows for subjective and situational ethics, making it difficult to draw clear lines on when life should be protected.

Let us not be deceived by the trends of the world or the clever arguments of those who twist the truth. Instead, let's anchor ourselves in God's Word, where true morality is found. Embrace the wisdom taught by godly teachers and mentors, for they can help us navigate this topsy-turvy world.

In this world with values constantly flipping like a fish out of water, hold on to the eternal truths of God's Word. Only God's truth reflects reality. So, let's navigate this crazy world with God's wisdom as our compass and yardstick of truth.

In addressing cancel culture and other instances of moral relativism, let us approach these issues with discernment, grace, and a commitment to upholding God's truth. We can be a positive influence in a world that often struggles to find consistent moral footing, demonstrating the love and wisdom of Christ in our actions and attitudes.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9 -- "The Branch of Hope"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 3 & 4

"The Branch of Hope"

We have embarked on a journey through the marvelous words of Isaiah, the great prophet of Israel. In today’s verse, the prophet paints a captivating picture of hope, speaking of a branch - the Branch of the Lord. It may sound like a botanical reference, but it is a whole lot deeper than that.

This Branch points straight to our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ! Just as a branch sprouts from a tree, our Savior emerged from the lineage of King David. He embodies the very essence of hope and salvation, bringing forth abundant life to all who seek Him.

The term "the Branch" is referenced in other parts of the Bible, and it is fascinating to explore those passages to gain a deeper understanding of its significance. For example, Jeremiah 23:5 says, "Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land." (Also see: Jeremiah 33:15 and Zechariah 3:8, 6:12.)

These references from Jeremiah and Zechariah further reinforce the Messianic significance of "the Branch." It's a beautiful tapestry woven throughout the prophetic writings, pointing to Jesus Christ as the long-awaited Savior, the righteous King from the lineage of David. He comes to establish justice, righteousness, and bring salvation to all who believe in Him. Can you feel the hope in Isaiah’s words?

Despite being written thousands of years ago, today’s verse from Isaiah still holds profound relevance and application for modern-day Christians. Just as the people of ancient times looked forward to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ has already come as the fulfillment of this prophecy. Modern-day Christians find hope in the finished work of Christ on the cross. We have experienced the fulfillment of God's promises through His death and resurrection, giving us hope for eternal life and victory over sin and death.

This reminds us of our hope in Christ, our need to abide in Him, the promise of restoration and renewal, our representation of Christ's kingship, the call to bear spiritual fruit, and the eager anticipation of His return. Embracing these truths empowers us to live purposefully and faithfully in our walk with the Lord in our present age.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 8 -- "Hiking God's Mountain"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 2

"Hiking God's Mountain"

Today's verse invites us to take a hike up the majestic mountain of the Lord. Isaiah beckons us to ascend to His house and receive divine wisdom from the ultimate source Himself, our loving Creator. Referring literally, of course, to Mount Zion, the location of the Lord’s Temple, the mountain also symbolizes the place of God’s holy presence, where His teachings flow like streams of refreshing water. This is a place all of us can freely access anytime or any place.

But how can we hike up the mountain of the Lord? Finding our way to the mountain of wisdom described in Isaiah 2:3 requires a sort of “spiritual GPS” and fortunately, the Bible provides us with clear directions. Here's how to get there:

Prayer: Begin by praying and seeking God's guidance. Ask Him to lead you to His mountain of wisdom and to open your heart and mind to receive His teachings.

Study God's Word: The Bible is our map and compass. Delve into its pages, study the Scriptures, and meditate on its truths. God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105).

Seek Wise Counsel: Surround yourself with fellow hikers who are also on the journey to gain wisdom. Seek the guidance of mentors, pastors, and wise believers who can share their experiences and insights with you.

Humility: As we trek up the mountain, we must approach God with humility. Acknowledge that He is the ultimate source of wisdom, and we are in constant need of His guidance.

Obedience: It's not enough to know the way; we must walk in it. This is the whole purpose of gaining wisdom from above: so we will walk in His paths. Obey God's commands and follow His precepts, trusting that His ways are best for our lives.

Faith: Sometimes, the path may seem steep or unclear, but keep the faith! Trust that God is with you on the journey, and His promises are true.

Perseverance: Climbing a mountain takes effort and endurance. There may be challenges and obstacles along the way, but don't give up. Keep pressing on, knowing that the reward of wisdom is worth it. Oh, what joy and satisfaction awaits the hiker whose God teaches us His ways!

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

May 7 -- "Reasoning That Defies Reason"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 1

"Reasoning That Defies Reason"

In Isaiah 1:18, the Lord opens His door and beckons us to come and “reason” together with Him. The Hebrew word for “reason” carries the meaning of "to prove, to decide, to correct, to reprove, or to argue." It shows God's desire to engage in a conversation with His people, especially regarding their sinful behavior. And then He makes a staggering statement that totally defies all logic and reason – our “red. scarlet, crimson” sins shall be made “as white as snow, white like wool.”  What!?!

Ah, the paradoxical beauty of God's incredible statement! Indeed, the Lord's declaration that He will transform our scarlet sins into wool-like whiteness is one of those divine mysteries that leave us in awe of His boundless love and mercy.

From a human perspective, it seems utterly illogical that our deeply stained sins, as red as scarlet, could ever be made as pure and white as wool. It's like trying to turn a blazing bonfire into a snowflake! Yet, this is precisely what God promises to do through His forgiveness.

This idea of reasoning together with God conveys His compassion and patience. He is not a distant and uncaring deity, but rather a loving Father who desires a relationship with His children. Despite our rebellion and sinful ways, God reaches out, offering an opportunity for repentance and restoration.

The “unreasonableness” of Isaiah 1:18 is a reflection of the unfathomable grace of God. It shows that His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts beyond our comprehension (Isaiah 55:8-9). He offers forgiveness and cleansing, not because of anything we have done, but because of His nature – a nature of love and compassion that defies our human standards of justice.

As we grapple with the unreasonableness of this verse, let it remind us of our need to humbly accept God's gracious offer of forgiveness. It encourages us to approach Him with childlike faith, trusting in His love and embracing the incredible gift of redemption through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. In doing so, we can find comfort in God's divine logic, knowing that His ways, though beyond our understanding, are perfect and just.

Monday, May 6, 2024

May 6 -- "Uzziah's Secret to Prosperity"

 Today's Reading: 2 Chronicles 26

"Uzziah's Secret to Prosperity"

Have you noticed the myriad of “prosperity systems” being pushed on people today? Social media platforms are abounding with offers to share “secret” side hustles with you that will make you unbelievable wealthy. These systems often push ideas like "passive income" or investing secrets that are sure to result in massive returns. In fact, many "get rich quick" schemes focus on material gain and present it as a sign of God's favor. They promise a life of fulfillment, leisure, happiness, and success to those who implement their system.

The world around us teaches that the path to happiness lies in material wealth. But the Bible’s definition of “prosperity” is profoundly contrary to this definition. The Bible teaches that true fulfillment and happiness comes from a relationship with God without regard to your degree of material wealth. God may bless us with financial success, or He may not. But none of that matters because we can only truly “prosper” when we are vibrantly connected to Him.

In today’s verse we read, "As long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper." This is a powerful statement that underscores the essential connection between seeking God and experiencing true “prosperity.” In the context of King Uzziah's life, this phrase emphasizes the direct correlation between his devotion to God and the success and blessings he enjoyed during his reign.

The verse highlights that Uzziah's first and foremost pursuit was seeking God. He wasn't seeking power, wealth, success, or fame. He recognized the importance of aligning his life with God's will and sought to know God intimately. This serves as a crucial lesson for us, too, as we should prioritize seeking God in our lives above all else. This is not to be construed as a guarantee of material or financial prosperity. We should never seek those things. We, like Uzziah, should prioritize seeking “the Lord.”

Moreover, we are invited to trust in God's goodness and providence. We can find comfort in knowing that when we seek God wholeheartedly, He is faithful to bless us according to His perfect plan for our lives through spiritual growth, personal development, spiritual fulfillment, and, on occasion, material prosperity.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

May 5 -- "Struck Down By Pride"

Today's Reading: 2 Kings 15

"Struck Down By Pride"

Pride is like a sneaky vine that creeps into our hearts unnoticed. It puffs us up, making us believe we can handle life on our terms, disregarding God's guidance. We may look at our achievements and think it's all because of our own abilities, forgetting that every good thing comes from God

In today's passage, we encounter Zechariah, the son of Jeroboam II, who reigned over Israel. Though he inherited the throne, he failed to learn from his father's mistakes and allowed pride to entangle him. The Scriptures tell us that he did evil in the sight of the Lord, following the footsteps of Jeroboam, who led the nation into idolatry and rebellion against God's commands.

By the way, this Zechariah mentioned in 2 Kings 15 is not the same person as the prophet Zechariah. This Zechariah is referred to as the son of Jeroboam II and the king of Israel. He reigned for six months before being assassinated by Shallum, who then took the throne.

Imagine Zechariah, strutting around with a "King of the Hill" attitude until, BAM! Down he goes like a bowling pin. And let me tell you, that's not the kind of strike you wanna celebrate. Just like Zechariah's reign was cut short because of his pride which led to disobedience, unchecked pride will eventually bring us down as well, leading to brokenness and spiritual downfall. 

Let us guard our hearts against the insidious grip of pride. Humility is the key that unlocks God's favor and blessings. When we acknowledge our dependence on Him, we open ourselves to His wisdom and guidance. Seek the Lord in prayer and His Word, continually surrendering your will to His. Remember, a humble heart is a teachable heart. 

Remember the cautionary tale of Zechariah, and let's keep our hearts free from the weeds of pride. Seek the Lord, submit to His will, and you'll find yourself on a path of blessing and joy, without the painful potholes of pride to trip you up along the way.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

May 4 -- "Nineveh Repented. God Relented."

 Today's Reading: Jonah 3 & 4

"Nineveh Repented. God Relented."

Thinking of God "relenting" might make some of us scratch our heads and wonder, "Does God change His mind?" It's a question that has puzzled theologians and believers alike for centuries. So, let's dive into this intriguing aspect of God's character.

When we talk about God relenting, it's essential to understand that God's nature is unchanging (Malachi 3:6). He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). God is omniscient, meaning He knows everything - past, present, and future. So, in that sense, He doesn't experience surprises or changes of plans as we do. The word “relented” comes from a Hebrew root word meaning to sigh; to draw one’s breath forcibly; to pant; to groan. Thus, we see our Creator sighing with a loud breath as He responds to the Ninevites choice to repent.

When the Bible speaks of God relenting, it's describing God's response to the actions and attitudes of people. His dealings with humanity are often conditioned on their behavior and choices. In Jonah 3:10, we see God responding to the repentance of the Ninevites. He had warned them of impending judgment through Jonah's message, but when they turned from their evil ways and sought His forgiveness, God chose not to bring the disaster upon them.

This doesn't mean that God's intentions were arbitrary or that He wavered in His justice. Instead, it highlights God's gracious and merciful nature. He desires for people to turn from sin and find reconciliation with Him. When genuine repentance takes place, God responds with compassion and forgiveness.

In a sense, God's relenting demonstrates His desire to work with humanity's free will. He allows room for people to make choices and experience the consequences of their actions. If those actions lead to repentance and a turning toward God, He responds with love and pardon.

The record of God relenting in Jonah serves as a powerful reminder of God's desire for humanity to come to Him in repentance and experience His grace. It should also inspire us to seek God wholeheartedly, knowing that He is ready to forgive and embrace us when we turn from our own wicked ways.