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Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18 -- "A Child is Born"

 Today’s Reading:  2 Chronicles 27 & Isaiah 9

"A Child is Born"

Most often quoted during Christmas season, today’s verse contains profound spiritual truths that should be invoked year-round. Isaiah 9:6, a timeless treasure from God's Word, unveils a prophecy about the coming Messiah, a Child to be born. It's like God teasingly whispered a glimpse of His grand plan into Isaiah's ear. Imagine the excitement Isaiah must have felt, like discovering the punchline to a divine riddle.

This verse bursts with rich titles for the Messiah: "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." These aren't just fancy job titles; they reveal the multifaceted nature of Jesus. Like a Swiss Army Knife, He's got every tool we need for life's challenges.

Ever faced a problem and thought, "What do I do now?" Hello, WONDERFUL COUNSELOR! When life throws a curveball, turn to Jesus for heavenly advice. He's got the ultimate strategy guide for this game called life.

Feeling weak? MIGHTY GOD to the rescue! He's got divine muscles and can bench-press your burdens. Next time you're struggling, remember you're not alone; you've got a spiritual bodybuilder on your side.

Lonely? Meet your EVERLASTING FATHER. The relationship status with God is "always there." He'll never ghost you, and His love isn't conditional on your latest Instagram post nor your latest failure.

And PRINCE OF PEACE? He’s not just about keeping the peace during family board games. He's the real deal, bringing an unexplainable serene calmness to our souls that defies the chaos around us. Next time you're stuck in traffic, channel His inner peace instead of honking like a mad goose.

So, folks, let's embrace Isaiah 9:6 like a survival guide for the human experience. When life gets confusing, remember you've got a Wonderful Counselor to untangle the mess. When you're ready to pull your hair out, trust in the Mighty God to carry the load. When loneliness creeps in, lean on your Everlasting Father's eternal love. And, finally, when the world feels like it's spinning out of control, take a deep breath and let the Prince of Peace calm your storm.

Friday, May 17, 2024

May 17 -- "A Famine of God's Words"

 Today’s Reading: Amos 8 & 9

"A Famine of God's Words"

Imagine a bustling marketplace, booths laden with bread and water, yet hunger gnaws at the people. But it's not for physical sustenance; it's a hunger for the words of the Lord that goes unanswered. Amos, the farmer-turned-prophet, saw this spiritual famine looming, where the well of divine revelation runs dry, leaving hearts parched. “Water water everywhere, nor any drop to drink.”

During the time of Amos, the people of Israel had strayed far from God's ways. They had become complacent, engaging in social injustice, idol worship, and various forms of disobedience. Amos delivered this prophecy as a warning of God's impending judgment. The historical fulfillment of this prophecy can be seen in the exile of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians in 722 BC. This event resulted in a literal famine of God's words as the people were taken away from their land and temple worship was disrupted.

The fulfillment of this prophecy also has a spiritual dimension. Throughout history, there have been periods when God's revelation and spiritual understanding were scarce among His people. One notable example is the intertestamental period (the time between the Old and New Testaments), often referred to as the "silent years." During this time, there were no prophets, and God's direct communication with His people seemed to be on hold.

Another spiritual fulfillment can be seen in the rise of spiritual dryness and apathy among God's people in our modern day. These are times when individuals, communities, or entire churches have turned away from diligent study and application of the Scriptures, leading to a famine of God's Word. Despite the abundance of Bibles, books, commentaries, online resources, and sermons, many individuals and even entire cultures are experiencing a spiritual famine.

This famine isn't a mere scarcity; it's a dire warning to you and me to cherish and consume God's Word. It's a wake-up call to unplug from the noise of the world and tune in to heaven's frequency. J. Vernon McGee's voice echoes, "Get the Word into ya!" If you take the time now to absorb and internalize God’s word on a regular basis, you’ll always have His words with you.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

May 16 -- "Unexpected Calling"

 Today’s Reading:  Amos 6 & 7

"Unexpected Calling"

Have you ever felt like you were the least likely candidate for an important job? Amos gets it. God doesn't always pick the most polished or theologically trained folks for His tasks. Where we see Amos’s calloused hands from fig dressing, the Lord sees tremendous potential. So, don't be surprised if one day you're called to deliver His message or to serve Him in some unexpected ways. 

Amos, grew up as a farm-boy. Yet, he found himself plucked from his humble herdsman life and thrust into the spotlight as a prophet. This unlikely prophet delivered powerful, God-anointed messages that ruffled more feathers than a henhouse in a windstorm. He spoke of judgment, repentance, and God's heart for justice. But hey, when God calls, even a fig-dresser can't ignore it!

You might be thinking, "But I'm not a prophet!" That may be true, but we are all called to share God's truth and love. Your story, no matter how ordinary, is part of God's grand narrative. When opportunities arise to share your faith, don't hide behind fig trees! Embrace the call like Amos did, knowing that God equips the unlikely for extraordinary tasks.

Remember, God doesn't necessarily call the most qualified; He qualifies the called. This highlights God's transformative work in our lives. It's not about how much we know or how skilled we are; it's about our willingness to respond to His call and our openness to be molded, trained, and equipped by Him.

Think of it this way: God is the ultimate life coach and trainer. He doesn't look for those who have it all together; rather, He looks for those who are willing to step out in faith and obedience, trusting Him to provide what is needed. Just like Amos, who started as a shepherd and fig-dresser, God can take our unique backgrounds, experiences, and even our shortcomings, and turn them into tools for His purpose.

So, when you feel that nudge, that inner calling to step into something that seems beyond your abilities, remember that God's call comes with His empowerment. He doesn't expect us to be perfect from the start. Instead, He equips us along the way, providing us with the skills, wisdom, and strength we need to fulfill His plans. God's approach is a refreshing reminder that it's not about what we bring to the table, but about our willingness to let Him work through us.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 15 -- "Seek Me and Live"

 Today's Reading: Amos 5

"Seek Me and Live"

God, the Creator of the universe, extends a personal invitation to His people to seek Him. It's an invitation filled with grace and love, showing that the Almighty desires a relationship with His created ones.

In this short but powerful verse, the prophet Amos delivers God's timeless message to the wayward nation of Israel as well as to us. The Lord, in His infinite mercy, implores His people to turn away from their sinful ways and earnestly seek Him. "Seek me and live," He declares, revealing that true life and fulfillment can only be found in a genuine relationship with the Almighty. In just four words, it encapsulates the essence of God's heart and His desire for humanity. Let's delve deeper into what this message means:

By inviting us to seek Him, God reveals His longing for a deep, intimate connection with us. He is not a distant deity, but a Father who longs to be known by His children. Just as a loving parent yearns for a close relationship with their child, God wants us to draw near to Him with an open heart.

The phrase "and live" is pivotal in the message. It points to the fact that real and abundant life can only be found in God. The world may offer fleeting pleasures, but true and everlasting life, vitality, and spiritual vibrancy comes only from a genuine relationship with the Lord.

Though it's an invitation, "seek me and live" also contains an implicit warning. Failure to seek God results in spiritual emptiness and separation from the source of life. When people choose to live apart from God, they are disconnected from the very essence of existence, leading to emptiness and spiritual decay.

In summary, "Seek me and live" encompasses God's yearning for a personal, intimate relationship with you. It highlights the transformative power of seeking Him and the eternal life that results from this pursuit. It's an invitation filled with hope and promise, urging us to turn towards God, find our true purpose in Him, and experience a life that transcends time and circumstance.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

May 14 -- "The Revealer of Secrets"

Today's Reading: Amos 3 & 4 

"The Revealer of Secrets"

In today’s insightful verse from the book of Amos, we discover a profound truth about our gracious God. The Lord doesn't act clandestinely or in secret, leaving us guessing. Instead, He graciously chooses to reveal His plans and intentions to His faithful servants. Through the prophets’ messages and the pages of Scripture, God offers guidance, warnings, and hope for His people.

Isn't it wonderful to know that we serve a God who doesn't leave us in the dark like an unmarked hiking trail? He's not hiding behind some celestial curtain, playing hide-and-seek with His children. Our loving Father longs to communicate with us. He provides us with His Word, which is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path” (Psalm 119:105). When we read and meditate on Scripture, we can discover God's heart and purpose for our lives.

The Bible is like a treasure hunt with God saying, “I hid some clues in there; can you find them?” It is not just a simple collection of stories and teachings; it is a complex tapestry woven together with layers of wisdom, foreshadowing, and deeper meanings. Many passages in the Bible have multiple layers of significance and foreshadow future events or point to profound spiritual truths. These "clues" are not always immediately obvious upon first reading, but they become apparent when we take the time to prayerfully study and explore the Scriptures with a discerning heart and open mind.

Remember, God's revelations aren't just for prophets of old or pastors in mega-churches. Every believer has the privilege of a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe – "The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them." (Psalm 25:14). So, let's get into the habit of spending time with Him daily and discovering the clues He has left for us.

God wants to share His secrets with you. Don't be shy to ask Him questions or seek His guidance in prayer. Embrace the adventure of studying His Word, and be amazed at how He'll reveal Himself to you in unexpected ways. So, let's make it our daily goal to spend time with the ultimate Revealer of secrets, and watch our faith and relationship with Him grow!

Monday, May 13, 2024

May 13 -- "Ordinary People. Extraordinary Roles."

 Today's Reading: Amos 1 & 2

"Ordinary People. Extraordinary Roles."

God's calling is not limited to a select few. Amos, who prophesied around the same time as Isaiah, was not a professional prophet or part of a prophetic school but rather a shepherd and a gatherer of sycamore fruit. Despite his humble background, God called Amos to the critically important ministry of delivering messages of judgment and warning to the northern kingdom of Israel during a time of significant moral decline.

In today’s verse, the Lord reminds the people of Israel of His faithfulness and mercy towards them. He recalls how He set apart some of their young men as Nazirites and appointed prophets from among them. The Nazirites were consecrated individuals who voluntarily dedicated themselves to God, abstaining from wine and refraining from cutting their hair. The prophets were chosen to deliver God's messages to the people, calling them to repentance and obedience.

God's actions in raising up prophets and Nazirites reflect His desire for a relationship with His people. He chooses ordinary men and women and sets them apart for extraordinary purposes. Likewise, God has called each of us, in our uniqueness, to serve Him and be His messengers in this world. Whether or not we are gifted speakers, skilled artisans, or compassionate caregivers, we can be used by God to bring about His purposes.

Let us not forget that God's calling is not limited to a select few. Each one of us has been specially crafted and uniquely equipped to make a difference in the lives of others. Embrace your calling with joy and passion, knowing that God can use you in ways you could never imagine. Let's not be fickle like the Israelites, wavering in our commitment to God's plans. Instead, let us be steadfast and faithful, knowing that God's plans are always better than our own.

Remember that God's calling is not bound by convention or our expectations. Embrace your uniqueness, serve with passion, and hold on to God's plans with unwavering faith. Trust that He has a purpose for you, and even when life seems puzzling, God's got it all figured out!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

May 12 -- "Faith Over Fear"

 Today's Reading: Isaiah 8

"Faith Over Fear"

In our modern world, the internet and social media can quickly spread and amplify various conspiracy theories, creating confusion, fearfulness, and division among people. We may find ourselves tempted to believe in grand plots or secretive schemes to explain complex events or to gain a sense of control over uncertain situations.

In today’s passage, the prophet Isaiah delivers a vital message to the people of Judah. He encourages them not to follow the ways of the world or be swayed by the conspiracy theories which only breed fear and anxiety. Instead, they are urged to trust in God alone.

The term "conspiracy" in this passage refers to the fear and plots of the people of Judah. During this time, the nation was facing external threats, and there was a sense of panic and unease among the people. They were tempted to form alliances with other nations and seek worldly solutions to their problems rather than trusting in God's guidance and protection. Instead of placing their faith in the Almighty, they were entertaining conspiracy theories and looking for secret schemes to secure their safety.

The allure of conspiracy theories is not a new phenomenon; it has persisted throughout history and continues to impact people today. Just as Isaiah warned the people of Judah against being consumed by fear and seeking security in human alliances, we too must be cautious not to fall into the trap of conspiracy thinking.

As followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard. Remember, the Apostle Paul warned against getting entangled in endless myths and genealogies (1 Timothy 1:4), and we should apply the same principle to conspiracy theories.

Rather than being swept away by the tide of conspiracy thinking, let's anchor ourselves in the truth of God's Word. Let's explore the depths of Scripture, finding genuine revelations that bring us closer to God's heart. Let's not be conspiracy theorists but rather believers who firmly stand on the solid foundation of God's truth. As we do, we will find peace in the midst of uncertainty and courage in the face of fear.