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Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24 -- "One Man Humbles a Nation"

Today’s Reading:  2 Chronicles 28 

"One Man Humbles a Nation"

In this passage, we see the consequences of King Ahaz's unfaithfulness and sinful behavior. The Lord humbled the nation of Judah due to Ahaz's actions, which included idolatry and disobedience. Ahaz's leadership led the people astray, causing them to turn away from the Lord's commands. This verse teaches us that the actions of one man, especially a leader, can have a significant negative impact on an entire nation.

This verse underscores the importance of having leaders who are faithful to God. Godly leaders can inspire their people to live righteously, make wise decisions, and experience God's favor. Their positive influence can uplift the nation. Conversely, a leader far from God can have far-reaching negative effects. This is why we must take heed and be very careful about the leaders we choose over our nation.

Ahaz's story also serves as a cautionary tale for our personal lives today. It highlights the destructive power of unfaithfulness and disobedience to God's Word. Just as Ahaz's choices had far-reaching consequences, our decisions also affect those around us. We must take heed and examine our own lives, ensuring that our actions align with God's will.

Are there areas in your life where you've been unfaithful or disobedient to God's commands? It could be in your relationships, your thoughts, or your priorities. Take this moment to reflect and confess any wrongdoing before God. Remember that He is gracious and forgiving to those who turn to Him in repentance.

Let us strive for faithfulness and obedience in all aspects of our lives. As followers of Christ, we are called to be a light in the world, reflecting His love and truth. Just as Ahaz's unfaithfulness led to the downfall of Judah, our faithfulness can lead to blessings not only in our lives but also in the lives of those around us.

May our lives be characterized by faithfulness, obedience, and a deep love for our God. As we do so, we can trust that He will guide us, bless us, and use us for His divine purposes.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

May 23 -- "What Does God Require?"

 Today’s Reading:  Micah 6 & 7

"What Does God Require?"

Have you ever wondered what the Lord requires of you? The good news is that He has shown you. Micah 6:8 beautifully encapsulates the essence of God's will for our walk with Him. Here, the prophet Micah speaks forth God's desire for His people,

God's call to "do justice" reminds us of His heart for righteousness and compassion in our interactions with others. "Love kindness" urges us to show mercy and gentleness, mirroring God's love for us. But it's in the phrase "walk humbly with your God" that the crux of our devotion lies.

Walking humbly means acknowledging God as our guide, surrendering our desires and plans to His will. It's an invitation to strip away pride, self-importance, and self-sufficiency, embracing a posture of dependence. Just as Christ humbled Himself, becoming a servant for our sake, we're called to approach life with humility.

Keep in mind that salvation and eternal life are not achieved through our own efforts or doing these things. While living out the principles of Micah 6:8—doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God—are important aspects of a faithful Christian life, they are not the means by which we earn salvation.

The foundation of our salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God, given to those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In Ephesians 2:8-9, it is written: "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." The Lord only requires one thing for you salvation... faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ upon the cross. This is known as Justificatio sola fide, meaning justification by faith alone.

Our good deeds, including living justly, showing kindness, and walking humbly, are expressions of our faith and love for God. They are the fruit of a transformed heart and a life surrendered to Christ. While they don't earn us salvation, they are evidence of our relationship with God.

Our Lord has made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and walk humbly with your God setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

May 22 -- "Prophetic Mountain Majesty"

 Today’s Reading:  Micah 3, 4, & 5

"Prophetic Mountain Majesty"

God's ultimate plan is to establish His kingdom, where justice and righteousness will prevail. In today’s verse, the prophet paints a beautiful picture of that future reality—a time when the Lord's presence and authority will be established on a mountain. This mountain symbolizes a place of prominence, strength, and unity. Micah's words point towards a future where God's reign will be evident, drawing people from all nations to seek His guidance and wisdom.

The term "mountain of the house of the Lord" refers to Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Mount Zion was the hill on which the city of Jerusalem was built, and it was the site of the Temple, the central place of worship for the Israelites. This verse doesn't refer to a literal mountain rising in height. By calling it the "highest mountain," the verse emphasizes the elevated importance and prominence of God's Temple. It signifies the Temple as the highest and premier place for worship and connection with God.

One notable reference to Mount Zion in relation to the Second Coming is found in Revelation 14:1 – "Then I looked, and behold, on Mount Zion stood the Lamb, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads." Here, Mount Zion is associated with the Lamb, which refers to Jesus Christ. This imagery symbolizes the victorious and glorious presence of Christ on Mount Zion during His triumphant return.

The exact timing of the fulfillment of Micah 4:1, which speaks of the mountain of the Lord being established, is not explicitly mentioned in the Scripture. It is considered a prophetic vision of a future reality rather than a specific date or time frame.

As believers, we find assurance in the truth that God's ultimate plan is to establish His kingdom, where justice and righteousness will prevail.  Let us remain steadfast in our faith, even when the world around us seems tumultuous. Just as Micah looked forward to a future where God's glory would shine on the mountain, we too can have hope in the promises of God. Remember, it's not about the size of our faith, but the object of our faith—our Almighty God. Let us continue seeking His ways, trusting His plan, and reflecting His character to a world in need.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 21 -- "Look, Here He Comes!"

Today’s Reading:  Micah 1 & 2 

"Look, Here He Comes!"

The image of God "coming out of His place" is used to emphasize the gravity of the situation. It suggests that God is no longer distant or passive; He is about to directly intervene in the affairs of our world, typically due to mankind’s sin and corruption. Today’s verse speaks of His presence, not just as a distant idea but as a real, tangible event that will shake the earth.

In Micah 1, the Lord's word comes forth from His holy temple, spanning the expanse of the earth and the mountains melting beneath Him. When Micah says, “behold, the LORD is coming,” he is reminding us that He will come to judge the world and to establish justice, righteousness, and accountability for all deeds (Matthew 25:31-46; Acts 17:31).

As believers, we are instructed to be watchful and ready for the return of our Lord. Just as Micah's prophecy was a call to attention for Israel, so too does it resonate with us today, reminding us to live with anticipation and readiness.

"And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light." (Romans 13:11-12) This passage emphasizes the urgency of being spiritually awake and prepared for Christ's return, highlighting that the time of our salvation is drawing nearer with each passing moment.

Take heart, for the return of Christ is a promise of hope and fulfillment to those who believe. Let us not be caught unaware or distracted by the cares of this world but stand firm in faith, eagerly awaiting the glorious moment when He will come in power and glory. As Micah proclaimed, "Look, here He comes!" Let this be our constant refrain, a declaration of faith and anticipation until that day arrives.

Monday, May 20, 2024

May 20 -- "The Spirit Shall Rest Upon Him"

 Today’s Reading:  Isaiah 11 & 12

"The Spirit Shall Rest Upon Him"

The prophecy in Isaiah 11:2 was fulfilled by Jesus in remarkable ways, demonstrating His unique identity as the Messiah and the Son of God. Let's explore how each attribute mentioned in the prophecy was manifested in Jesus' life. The prophecy begins by stating that the Spirit of the Lord would rest upon Jesus. This signifies His close, intimate relationship with God the Father and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit as Jesus carried out His divine mission.

Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding: Jesus consistently demonstrated wisdom and understanding beyond human comprehension. His teachings, parables, and responses to various situations showcased profound insight into the heart of God and the nature of the kingdom. People marveled at His wisdom, recognizing that it surpassed earthly wisdom.

Spirit of Counsel and Might: Jesus' ministry was characterized by His divine counsel and spiritual authority. He provided guidance and direction not only to His disciples but also to the crowds that sought His teaching. His authority over nature, demons, sickness, and even death displayed His unmatched might and power.

Spirit of Knowledge: Jesus possessed an unparalleled knowledge of God and His plans. He knew the Scriptures inside and out, often quoting them to reveal the fulfillment of prophecies by Himself (including Isaiah 11:2). His knowledge extended to people's hearts and thoughts, allowing him to speak directly to their spiritual needs.

Fear of the Lord: While Jesus was fully God, He also exemplified a deep reverence and submission to the Father. His obedience, humility, and submission to God's plan, even unto death on the cross, demonstrated His profound fear of the Lord.

Jesus perfectly embodied this prophecy of Isaiah. Jesus' entire ministry stands as a fulfillment of the prophecies regarding the coming Messiah, and His Spirit-filled life is a living testament to the truth of Isaiah's words.  As followers of Jesus, He dwells within us and we can experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives, just as He did. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19 -- "Still Stretched Out"

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 10 

"Still Reaching Out"

Notwithstanding the darkness of our sin, God's hand is still reaching out to us, inviting us to turn back to Him. When we ponder the idea that nothing is beyond God's divine reach, it should evoke both awe and comfort within us. It reminds us that no situation is too complex, no challenge too insurmountable, no sin too unforgiveable, and no problem beyond His ability to address.

In this verse from the book of Isaiah, we witness the prophet's sobering depiction of God's righteous anger and, simultaneously, the mercy of His outstretched hand. Isaiah vividly portrays a scene of divine judgment upon a rebellious nation. Despite the display of God's anger, His hand remains outstretched, a symbol of His relentless pursuit of His people. This imagery reveals the tension between God's justice and His enduring love.

This verse calls us to examine our own lives and recognize the balance of God's attributes. Just as Israel faced consequences for their disobedience, we too can experience the repercussions of our choices. However, the unwavering truth is that God is committed to delivering the people He loves. This reminds us that God's outstretched hand is a sign of His compassion, protection, and salvation, even in times of judgment or discipline.

As followers of Christ, we should never take God's grace for granted. Let us not underestimate the seriousness of our actions, for God's anger is real. Yet, let us also remember that His hand remains outstretched, beckoning us to seek forgiveness and restoration. May we respond to His call with humility and contrition, acknowledging our need for His mercy.

Today, reflect on the balance between God's justice and mercy. Seek His forgiveness where needed, and embrace His open hand of grace. Embody the profound truth that even in the midst of righteous anger, God's hand is stretched out still, inviting us to experience His transformative love. His hand is stretched out to you, even now.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

May 18 -- "A Child is Born"

 Today’s Reading:  2 Chronicles 27 & Isaiah 9

"A Child is Born"

Most often quoted during Christmas season, today’s verse contains profound spiritual truths that should be invoked year-round. Isaiah 9:6, a timeless treasure from God's Word, unveils a prophecy about the coming Messiah, a Child to be born. It's like God teasingly whispered a glimpse of His grand plan into Isaiah's ear. Imagine the excitement Isaiah must have felt, like discovering the punchline to a divine riddle.

This verse bursts with rich titles for the Messiah: "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." These aren't just fancy job titles; they reveal the multifaceted nature of Jesus. Like a Swiss Army Knife, He's got every tool we need for life's challenges.

Ever faced a problem and thought, "What do I do now?" Hello, WONDERFUL COUNSELOR! When life throws a curveball, turn to Jesus for heavenly advice. He's got the ultimate strategy guide for this game called life.

Feeling weak? MIGHTY GOD to the rescue! He's got divine muscles and can bench-press your burdens. Next time you're struggling, remember you're not alone; you've got a spiritual bodybuilder on your side.

Lonely? Meet your EVERLASTING FATHER. The relationship status with God is "always there." He'll never ghost you, and His love isn't conditional on your latest Instagram post nor your latest failure.

And PRINCE OF PEACE? He’s not just about keeping the peace during family board games. He's the real deal, bringing an unexplainable serene calmness to our souls that defies the chaos around us. Next time you're stuck in traffic, channel His inner peace instead of honking like a mad goose.

So, folks, let's embrace Isaiah 9:6 like a survival guide for the human experience. When life gets confusing, remember you've got a Wonderful Counselor to untangle the mess. When you're ready to pull your hair out, trust in the Mighty God to carry the load. When loneliness creeps in, lean on your Everlasting Father's eternal love. And, finally, when the world feels like it's spinning out of control, take a deep breath and let the Prince of Peace calm your storm.