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Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6 -- "Lavish Love Betrayed"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 16:1-29 

Have you ever felt the heartbreak of betrayal? If so, then you may have felt the heartache our loving God felt when He was betrayed. In today’s passage, God uses a powerful allegory to illustrate Israel's betrayal of His lavish love. Despite His tender care and abundant blessings, Israel turned away from Him, embracing idolatry and unfaithfulness. This passage reminds us of God's incredible love and the heartbreak He endures when we turn away from Him.

Ezekiel 16 paints a vivid picture of God's relationship with Israel. He found her abandoned and helpless. Then, with deep and lavish love, He began to nurture her, and shower her with beauty and splendor. Despite His tender care and abundant blessings, Israel chose to turn away from Him, embracing idolatry and unfaithfulness. This story serves as a powerful reminder that we can also betray God's love when we let the allure of the world capture our hearts.

Remembering God's unconditional love and the heartbreak of betrayal, we're called to examine our own hearts, return to our first love, and recommit to walking faithfully with Him. Reflect on the ways God has lavished His love upon you. Think about the times He has rescued, provided, and showered your life with blessings. Are there areas in your life where you have turned away from His love, pursuing things that do not honor Him? This passage calls us to examine our hearts and return to our first love, remembering that God's love is unwavering and His arms are always open.

Let today be the day you recommit to walking faithfully with God. Cast aside anything that has taken His rightful place in your heart.

May the Lord grant you a deep awareness of His lavish love, filling your heart with gratitude and drawing you closer to Him. As you turn to Him, may His grace renew your spirit, may you shine forth His splendor from your life.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5 -- "None Saved But Themselves"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 14 and 15

Your faith cannot save others. Nor can their faith save you. Today’s verse teaches us the importance of individual responsibility and personal faith in obtaining salvation. Even righteous individuals like Noah, Daniel, and Job could not save others from judgment.

Noah's story serves as an example of how his righteousness allowed him to build the ark, saving himself, his family, and the animals from the flood. Noah was commanded by God to build the ark, which required a personal decision to obey and trust in God's plan. However, each person had to make their own faith-choice about whether to enter the ark and be saved. Noah’s faith could not save others. His righteousness did not offer a universal protection but provided an opportunity for those who, by faith, chose to follow God's plan.

Similarly, Daniel's righteous living in Babylon and influence on the king could not save others from the consequences of their own choices. Daniel remained committed to his faith despite being surrounded by idolatry and persecution in Babylon. This required him to make daily choices to prioritize his relationship with God over worldly influences. His integrity and devotion to God were personal commitments that impacted those around him but did not grant blanket salvation to those who chose not to believe.

Job's story, though one of restoration and faith, also highlights the individual nature of salvation. Job endured immense suffering but remained strong in his faith, demonstrating the importance of personal commitment and perseverance in difficult times. Despite his admirable faith, Job could not secure the salvation of his friends or family solely through his own faith or righteousness.

This emphasis on personal faith highlights that each person must take responsibility for their own relationship with God. We cannot rely on the faith or righteousness of another to secure our salvation, nor can we assume that our own faith will automatically save those around us.

May you, like Noah, Daniel, and Job, be strengthened in your personal faith, trusting in God's will and guidance as you walk the path to salvation. And may your life be a shining example of the transforming power of faith, inspiring others to seek and embrace God’s free gift of salvation for themselves.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September 4 -- "Foolish Prophets"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 13 

When used by a prophet like Ezekiel, "woe" is often a powerful and solemn declaration from God, signaling that a grave consequence or judgment is coming.

In this particular verse, Ezekiel is delivering a message from the Lord, expressing divine displeasure with the “foolish prophets” who are following their own spirit and claiming to have received revelations from God when, in fact, they have seen nothing. The use of "woe" emphasizes the severity of the situation and the impending judgment that will befall these false prophets due to their misleading actions.

Why were these “foolish prophets” facing the impending judgment of God? Because they “follow their own spirit.” This refers to actions of misguided leaders who are not being led or guided by the Holy Spirit but are instead acting out of their own human inclinations, desires, or ideas. In the context of this verse, it describes false prophets who claim to speak on behalf of God but are not genuinely inspired by the Spirit of God.

Genuine prophets are characterized by their submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit and adherence to God's revealed Word. Those who "follow their own spirit" act independently of divine guidance, potentially leading themselves and others astray with teachings that lack the authority and truth of God's Word.

The concept of "foolish prophets" described in Ezekiel 13:3 can be applied to individuals or movements within the church that claim to represent God but are, in fact, promoting teachings or practices inconsistent with the foundational truths of the Christian faith. The influence of misguided leaders can hinder the spiritual growth and discipleship of believers. Instead of being nurtured in sound doctrine, believers may be led astray, hindering their ability to mature in their faith and fulfill their God-given purpose. Woe to those responsible for such influences.

It is crucial for the modern-day Christians to be discerning, rooted in the Word of God, and equipped to identify and address false teachings. Leaders and believers alike should prioritize Biblical literacy, prayer, and reliance on the Holy Spirit to guard against the influence of "foolish prophets" and ensure the health and vibrancy of the church.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3 -- "The Certainty of God's Words"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 12

God's spoken word carries unparalleled authority, power, and certainty, ensuring its fulfillment.

In the inspiring words of Ezekiel 12:25, we witness the unshakeable surety of God. This proclamation embodies the divine assurance that when God speaks, it's not just a casual utterance; it's a decree with the power to bring about its intended result. The concept of "divine fiat" refers to the idea that God's will, as expressed through His spoken word or command, is absolute and has the power in itself to bring about that which was spoken.

Genesis 1:3 provides a powerful example of this truth: "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Here, God's spoken word brings illuminating energy into existence, dispelling the darkness and transforming chaos into order. The power of His words creates life, shaping the world as we know it.

This idea resonates throughout Scripture, from Genesis' creation narrative to the promises made to Abraham and the prophecies of the Messiah's coming. It reminds us that God's words carry divine certainty, effectiveness, and inevitability, as seen in His judgment or restoration pronouncements. This timeless truth underscores God's unwavering faithfulness and the weight of His spoken word.

As believers, we find immense comfort and security in this profound assurance. It encourages us to trust in the reliability of God's promises and to anchor our faith in the unchanging nature of our God. We can rest assured that every word He speaks is accompanied by divine power necessary for its fulfillment, shaping the course of history and fulfilling His purposes with absolute certainty.

When we feel anxious or frustrated about what seem to be delayed promises, we must remember that God's timetable is perfect, and He fulfills His words in His appointed season. His timing is always right, even when it doesn't align with our expectations. Today, may you find solace in the assurance that God's plans are unfolding perfectly, and may you trust in the reliability of His spoken word.

Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2 -- "Heart Transplant"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 11 

Today we learn of God's promise to transform His people, exchanging their hardened hearts for tender ones that are responsive to Him.

The “heart of stone” mentioned in Ezekiel 11:19, represents the Israelites' stubbornness, disobedience, and resistance to God's will. This hard-heartedness stems from their persistence in idolatry and rebellion against God's commands. As a result, they became distant from Him and unable to respond to His guidance.

In contrast, the “heart of flesh” symbolizes a tender and receptive nature that is open to God's leading. It represents the peoples’ willingness to obey and follow His statutes, as well as their desire for spiritual transformation. This imagery of exchanging hearts of stone for hearts of flesh is not a physical change but an internal and spiritual one, signifying a radical shift in our relationship with God.

This promise of a heart transplant is echoed throughout the Old Testament, particularly in the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. It speaks to the depth of God's love for His people and His desire to reconcile them to Himself. He longs to remove our stubbornness and replace it with a tender and responsive heart that is yielded to Him.

In the New Testament, this promise finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Through faith in Him, we receive a new heart and spirit, becoming new creations in Him. The Holy Spirit works within us to transform our hearts and minds, renewing us according to God's will.

The process of heart transformation is both instant and gradual. Instantly, at the moment of salvation, God puts this new heart within us. As we move forward in our faith it involves a lifelong journey of surrender, repentance, and faith in Christ, with each step making our hearts more tender and responsive. As we walk with Him, He gradually softens our hearts and molds us into the image of His Son. This transformation is available to all who seek Him.

God’s promise of a heart transplant, is an incredible display of God's love and power. It speaks to His desire to transform your heart, replacing your stubbornness with a responsive spirit that yields to His will.  May the Lord, who softens hearts of stone and gives new life to those who seek Him, bless you with a responsive spirit and a heart transformed by His love.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

September 1 -- "The Glory of the LORD"

Today's Reading: Ezekiel 10 

Imagine God's glory like a dazzling and immersive light show display. It is a multisensory experience that can evoke a range of emotions and sensations. As you stand amidst the spectacle, you are enveloped in a vibrant tapestry of colors, shapes, and patterns. The lights dance across your skin, creating a dynamic interplay between light and shadow. The air around you seems to vibrate with energy as the pulsating beats of the music synchronize with the flashing lights. It's not just about the colors and lights, but the overwhelming sense of wonder and awe it creates.

That's what God's glory is like - a breathtaking, powerful display of His amazing character. It's like seeing the brightest, most beautiful sunrise and feeling completely amazed by its splendor.

When God's glory first filled the Temple in Jerusalem during Solomon's dedication of the Temple, it was like bringing heaven to earth. 2 Chronicles 5 describes how "the house of the LORD was filled with a cloud, because the priests could not minister before the LORD because of the cloud; for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God." It was a tangible sign of God's presence and His commitment to His people. It was as if the whole place was vibrating with God's love and power.

But, just like a light show can fade away, so too can God's glory. When people disobey God and turn away from Him, it's like casting a shadow over His brilliance. Here in chapter 10, Ezekiel tells us a sad story about God's glory departing from the Temple in Jerusalem because of the people's disobedience.

That's why it's so important to live a life that invites God's glory to stay. We need to be like magnets, drawing His amazing presence into our hearts and lives. By choosing to obey God and follow His ways, we create a space where His glory can shine brightly. It's like being a living temple, a place where God's beauty and power are on full display.

So let's seek to live lives that are filled with God's glory. Let's be people who radiate His love and goodness and shining brightness to the world. May the Lord make your heart a welcoming place for His amazing presence. 

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31 -- "Visions of God"

 Today's Reading: Ezekiel 8 & 9

Have you ever gazed into the night sky and felt a profound sense of wonder? In a similar way, when God speaks to His children through visions, there is a deep and intense sense of awe and wonder. A vision is a supernatural encounter or experience where divine revelation is imparted through visual imagery. Unlike dreams, which occur during sleep, a vision is a profound experience that happens while fully awake. God often used visions in the Bible to serve as window into the spiritual realm, offering insights, guidance, or prophetic messages.

Visions come from God, not from human imagination or dreams. In the Bible, they always have a specific purpose, whether it's to reveal future events, provide spiritual instruction, or inspire action. Genuine visions often lead to significant changes in the recipient's life. Just as a painter uses a canvas to portray a masterpiece, God can use visions to paint a picture of His will for our lives.

Ezekiel 8:3-4 provides a powerful illustration of divine visions. It describes Ezekiel's supernatural experience where he is transported from Earth to Heaven, and given a glimpse into the spiritual realm. When he looked, he was astonished. What he saw was a vision of God carrying him to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the north gate of the Temple. It was there that the Lord revealed his displeasure with the abominable practices of the people of Israel. The vision served as a warning of the imminent judgment that God would bring upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants because of their persistent idolatry and sin.

The vision shows that God is fully aware of all that happens, even in secret. The people may have thought their idolatrous practices were hidden, but God reveals them to Ezekiel, demonstrating that nothing is hidden from His sight. Ezekiel’s vision implicitly calls the people to recognize their wrongdoing and repent. By exposing the hidden sins and idolatry, God gives the people an opportunity to turn back to Him and seek forgiveness.

Keep in mind that God still communicates through visions today, and He very well could give you one to reveal His will and guidance in your life or to communicate a divine message. May the Lord grant you eyes to see beyond the natural realm, a heart receptive to His divine overtures, and a spirit willing to be transported into the heights of His glorious presence.