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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 35


Key Verse - Numbers 35:11

Jesus, Our City of Refuge

Among the settlements of Israel, there were to be six cities appointed as cities of refuge, or sanctuary cities.  Three on either side of the Jordan River placed strategically through the land so that...

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 34


Key Verse - Numbers 34:1-2

Boundaries of the Land

In today’s passage, the LORD speaks to Moses and gives him specific instructions for marking off the boundaries of Israel when they move into the Promised Land.  God promised that He...

Monday, June 28, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 33

Key Verse - Numbers 33:55

Barbs in Your Eyes

The travels of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in Canaan often symbolize the journey of the follower of Christ.  We too were once trapped in bondage.  Bondage to sin and a life of spiritual scarcity and emptiness.    When we received Christ into our lives, we were miraculously delivered from that life and set on...

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 32


Key Verse - Numbers 32:23

Your Sin Will Find You Out

If you received an anonymous letter in the mail that simply read, “I know what you did,” what is the first thing that would come to your mind?  Is there some unconfessed sin from your past that you haven’t dealt with?  Or, worse, is there some “secret” sin in your present life that you think no one knows about?

Jesus said, "That which is done in secret shall be shouted from the housetop” (Luke 8:17).  

In Hebrews 4:13 we read "Everything is open and naked before Him with whom we have to do."  There really is no such thing as “secret sin.”  You may think...

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 31:25-54


Key Verse - Numbers 31:54

Remembering God's Victories

Following their great victory over the Midianites (in which no Israelite lives were lost) the people come together for a memorial of thanksgiving to God.  So thankful for God’s protection, the people freely and generously offered up a portion of the goods seized in...

Friday, June 25, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 31:1-24


Key Verse - Numbers 31:23

Purified by Water and Fire

One of Moses’ final acts as the leader of Israel was to avenge the Midianites, who had caused the children of Israel to sin against the Lord. God is taking out judgement against the Midianites...

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Today's Reading: Numbers 30


Key Verse - Numbers 30:2

Don't Break Your Vow

A vow was a pledge that a person made, whether to God or to a fellow human being, to carry out some specifically stated action. The vow usually involved swearing an oath in the name of God. When a man made a vow, he could not...